



May ______, 2017

The Honorable Andrew M. Cuomo
Governor of New York State
NYS State Capitol Building
Albany, NY 12224

Re: Geri Mariano aka Geralyn Pinciaro

Forced Change in Medicaid Status/Coverage

Dear Governor Cuomo:

The May 2017 issue of “Inside Armonk” highlighted the health care coverage issues with which long-time Westchester County resident, Geri Mariano, is struggling ( These issues include the negative impacts to the care she receives, the supplies required in the home, the providers she no longer can access, her progress to regain her mobility, and the lives of her personal care aides.

Geri needs to be put back on Straight Medicaid, so she can have caring aides (who will not be forced to leave her because they are not being paid a fair wage), be able to have her PCP of over 20 years continue to follow her health issues and provide care, and have the opportunity to get back upright and walking so she can become as independent as possible again – which would benefit NYS in the long run. I am dismayed that after all of the progress that was made last year, that her ability to walk and obtain modifications to her prosthetics was abruptly halted with Executive Order 42.

I know Geri from ______



Because of NYS Executive Order # 42, which forced a change in Geri’s care to a Managed Medicaid Company (MVP) as of August 1st, 2016, Geri is no longer able to see her PCP, Dr. Donald Cohen of her hometown of Armonk, NY, who has been her doctor since the mid 1990’s. Dr. Cohen has also continually offered to come to Geri’s home if ever the need arose.

The change to MVP also came with a fifty cent per hour pay cut for Geri’s wonderful aides, Maddie and Ana, and has adversely affected their financial wellbeing.

When Medicaid approved All CareProsthetics in the Winter of 2016, Mike Sgroi succeeded over several months’ time to get Geri up and walking when two other companies had failed following the second hip procedure in 2010. Many people never expected Geri to walk again after her spinal surgeries but she proved the skeptics wrong. Those of us who follow Geri on Facebook were taken with her journey as she shared posts, pictures and videos of her progress and steps.

Exemptions to Managed Care are very limited; because of Executive Order # 42, Geri would need to have been a drug addict or live in a group home to still be eligible for Straight Medicaid. I don’t think it is in anyone’s interest for Geri to become hooked on drugs. It had been Westchester County DSS intention for Geri to live out in society and that’s why they found her a home rather than an institution. Sadly, both of Geri’s parents passed away unexpectedly in 2015. But she has many friends near and far and a whole town and community who care for what is best for her.

Where is the discretionary thinking of dealing with individuals with unique challenges and needs?

The struggle Geri has had to find anyone in your office to talk with is unacceptable. All Geri is asking now is for an opportunity to share her story and needs someone who will listen. We all firmly believe the Executive Order put in place that stripped Geri of Straight Medicaid needs special exemptions for residents that do not fit in the stated categories. Geri has many friends and fans across the country and will do everything possible to have her story shared.

I urge you, if possible, to meet with Geri yourself or alternatively have a trusted staff member meet with her. Geri has a country-wide network of friends who have known her from school days to college and after. We all know her to be someone very special and deserving of having her needs met, as they were before 2016.

Thank you,