
Standard Statutes

fora School Sports Association/Skolidrottsförbundet

Statutes of______

Approved on the __ of ____,_____

The purpose of Skolidrottsförbundet

Skolidrottsförbundet wants to create a positive athletic environment, where both social and cultural aspects are natural ingredients of the activities, in which both children and youth are developed into independent people by:

-active adult support creating the prerequisites for a well-functioning school sports association for everyone,

-having the skol-IF offer an enriching after-school (outside the normal curriculum) activity,

-giving young people the possibility for a versatile conduct of sports and counteract early specialization,

-giving young people and adults a versatile training as leaders and coaches in sports,

-various activities of the Federation providing democratic education, knowledge and self-esteem,

-working for equal opportunity within sports in alignment with the equal opportunities program of RF (Riksidrottsförbundet),

-in cooperation with other organizations, offering a rich supply of different activities which, among other things, counteracts violence, racism and drug use,

-ensuring that morale, ethics and fair play are natural ingredients of the activities,

-providing service to all schools that havea Skol-IF.


01 § The purpose of the Association

OurAssociation wants to create a positive athletic environment, where both social and cultural ingredients are at the core of the activities, and in which our members are developing to become independent persons by:

-offering an enriching leisure activity,

-giving the opportunity to a versatile and freely varied conduct of sports,

-giving interested members opportunities to train as (sports) leaders,

-having the Association provide and promote democratic training, knowledge and self-esteem,

-working for equal opportunities for girls and boys,

-counteracting violence, bullying and drug use by having morale, ethics and fair play as part of the activity.

§ 02 Constitution

The Association consists of physical persons who have been accepted as members of the Association.

§ 03 Affiliation

The Association is a member of the following Sports Federations (SF):

• Svenska Skolidrottsförbundet

And is thereby affiliated to the Swedish Sports Confederation (RF).

§ 04 Governing Bodies

The governing bodies of the Association are the Annual Meetingand the Extraordinary Annual Meeting and the Board.

§ 05 Signatories

The signatories of the Association are appointed by the Board.

§ 06 Fiscal and Accounting Year

The Fiscal and Accounting Year is the calendar year (1/1–31/12) in accordance with the Charter of the Federation with an Annual Meeting to occur no later thanApril.The Working Year of the Board is from the Annual Meeting through to the Annual Meeting of the following year.

§ 07 Question on the Statutes, Dissolution of the Association

If there are doubts how to interpret these statutes, such a question is to be referred to the next Annual Meeting. In urgent cases, the decision shall be taken by the Board. Any Member is obliged, as concerns the application of these Statutes, not to appeal to a common court. Disputes on the application of these Statutes are to be resolved as stipulated in § 26. Only the Annual Meeting can change the Statutes of the Association or dissolve the Association. In these matters, at least 2/3 of the cast votes must support such a decision.When deciding about the dissolution of the Association it should also be stipulated that the assets of the Association should be used to support the sports activities of the school or returned to Skolidrottsförbundet.

The decision and certified transcripts of the protocols of the Board and Annual Meeting on this matter, as well as Audit Report and Balance and Profit-and-loss Statements, shall immediately be shared with the Skolidrottsförbundet. In additions to these Statutes, the charters and instruction of the Riksidrottsförbundet(RF) and Skolidrottsförbundet are to be applied.


§ 08 Membership

An individualis accepted as Member of the Association after an application, which is approved by the Board. An application for membership can only be rejected if it can be assumed that the applicant would counteract the purpose or the interests of the Association. A Member can only be expelled if that Member has neglected to pay stipulated fees to the Association, counteracted its activities or purpose, or intentionally harmed the interests of the Association. A decision on rejected membership or exclusion shall be taken by the Board of the Association, and can be appealed by the individual concerned as per the rules in the charter of the Riksidrottsförbundet (RF).

§ 09 Exit/Exclusion

A Member who wants to exit the Association shall report that to the Board in writing. A Member who during the last year has not paid the annual fee shall be considered to have exited the Association.

A Member can be excluded from the Association if they has counteracted the activities or purpose of the Association/Federation, or harmed the interests of the Association. A decision on exclusion is taken by the Board after the Member has been given the opportunity to state his/her case. The decision can be appealed according to the Charter of the Riksidrottsförbundet (RF:sStadgar).

§ 10 TheRights and Obligations of a Member

A Member is obliged to follow the Statutes of the Association and of its parent bodies.

A Member shall pay the Membership Fee that the Annual Meeting of Association has determined.

A Member has the right to receive information about the affairs of the Association.

A Memberdoes not havethe right to a share in the assets of the Association if the Association is dissolved.

A Member has the right to participate in the athletic activities of the Association according to the rules that are established within sports and under the same conditions as other members.

A Membermay not represent the Association in a competition or exhibition without prior consent of the Board of the Association, or if the Board has so decided, by the Board of a Section of the Association. For participation or exhibition outside Sweden, the rules of the Federation are to be applied.


§ 11 Time, Calling

TheAnnual Meeting of the Association should be held no later than April each year. The Board shall determine the time and location of the meeting. The Calling and Agenda of the Annual Meeting shall be posted at least three weeks in advance.

The Annual and Fiscal Reports, Audit Reports, Business Plan as well as the proposals of the Board and motions, if any, shall be available for the Members to examine at least a week before the Meeting at a location stated in the Callingor by electronic means if appropriate.

§ 12 Proposal of matters to be raised at the Annual Meeting

Both a Memberand the Board can submit proposals which are to be dealt with at the Annual Meeting. A proposal from a Member should have reached the Board no later than four weeks before the Annual Meeting. The Board shall issue a written statement about the proposal, and it should be made available as per§ 11 above.

§ 13 Voting right at the Annual Meeting

A Member who has paid his/her fees to the Association has the right to vote at the Meeting.

§ 14 Quorum

The Meeting has the competency to act with the number of Members - with the right to vote - present at the Meeting.

§ 15 Decision, voting

Decisions are taken by crying out yes or no, or after voting if so is requested.Issues are decided by a simple majority, with the exceptions stated in § 07. Voting is done in public. A closed voting with ballot papers shall be used if anyone so requests. At a vote, not concerning an election, where two alternatives have the same number of votes, the alternative supported by the Chairman of the Meetingshall prevail, if he/she has the right to vote. Otherwise, a draw is done. As concerns elections with even number of votes, a draw shall always be used. Decisions are confirmed by stroke with the club.

§ 16 Eligibility

Eligible to the Board or the Nomination Board is any Member of the Association with the right to vote.

§ 17 Matters at the Annual Meeting

At the Annual Meeting the following matters shall be covered:

1. (Call up and) establishing the electoral register for the Meeting.

2. Election of Chairman and Secretary for the Meeting.

3. Election of Attestants, which together with Chairman shall approve the protocol of the Meeting,

as well as election of Tellers.

4. Issue whether the Annual Meeting has been called as stipulated in the Statutes.

5. Approval of the Agenda of the Meeting.

6. The Annual Report of the Board, as well as the Profit-and-loss and the Balance Statements for the last Working year.

7. The Audit report on the work of the Board for the last Fiscal Year.

8. The matter of discharge of the Board for the period covered by the audit.

9. Approval of the membership fee.

10. Adoption of the Business Plan and Budget for the coming working year.

11. Discussion of the proposals of the Board, and any proposals submitted in due time.

12. Election of:

1. the Chairman of the Association and of the Board,

2. other members of the Board,

3. substitute members, if any, of the Board,

4. two auditors and one substitute auditor

5. Nomination Board with one convener.

13. Decisions on:

1. Sections, if any, and their Board members, if any

2. delegates, if any, to the annual meetings of the Federation(s).

14. Discussion of other issues.

Decisions with a major impact to the Association cannot be taken if the issue has not been included in the Call for the Meeting.

§ 18 ExtraordinaryAnnual Meeting

The Board must call for an Extraordinary Meeting within 14 days, if requested to do so by the Auditors or by at least one tenth of the Members of the Association with the right to vote. The Meeting shall be held within one month after the request has been received. The Call and Agenda shall be posted latest seven days before the Meeting. At an Extraordinary Meeting, only matters included in the Agenda can be covered. The right to vote is determined as per § 13, above.


§ 19 Composition, tasks

The Nomination Board shall consist of a chairman/convenor and ______other members, elected by the Annual Meeting.

The members should evenly distributed between the sexes to the extent possible. The Nomination Board shall at least four weeks before the Annual Meeting ask the Board members if they wish to stay. Latest a week before the Annual Meeting, the Nomination Board shall announce its proposal (see § 11, above).


§ 20 The audit

The auditors shall review the work of the Board and the accounts for the last Working and Fiscal Year, and submit the Audit Report to the Board latest14 days before the Annual Meeting.The auditors have the right to see the accounts of the Association, protocols of the Annual Meetings and Board meetings, the membership list and other documents, when they so require. For the audit, the auditors should have access to the documents at least a month before the Annual Meeting


§ 21 Composition

The Board consists of a Chairman and _____ other members. The Board defines internally who is Vice Chairman, Secretary and Treasurer. The Board must have at least one adult member, and the distribution between the sexes shall be as equal as possible. The Board can co-opt persons to its meetings.

§ 22 The duties of the Board

When the Annual Meetingis not in session, the Board is the executive body of the Association, and is responsible for the activities of the Association. It shall work for the good of the Association abiding to the stipulations of Skolidrottsförbundet, the Statutes of the Association and safeguard the interests of the Members.

The Board shall in particular:

• ensure that rules applicable to the Association are abided unto,

• execute decisions taken by the Annual Meeting,

• plan, lead and allocate the work within the Association,

• be responsible for and manage the assets of the Association,

• give the Auditors access to the books and other materials required as per § 20 above,

• prepare the Annual Meeting.

The Chairman is the external representative of the Association and has the main responsibility for the activities.

§ 23 Call, quorum and voting

The Board meets when the Chairman of at least half the members so decide. The Board has quorum if all members have been summoned to the meeting and at least half of them are present. For all decisions, at least half the members have to be in agreement. The Chairman has the casting vote if the vote is evenly split. At a meeting, Protocols must be taken down. Dissenting opinions shall be noted in the Protocol.


§ 24 The creation and closure of a section

A decision to create or close a Section shall be taken by the Annual Meeting or an Extraordinary Meeting which has been called to decide on such a matter.

§ 25 Board of Section with instructions

Management is executed by the Board of the Section, which is elected at the Annual Meeting of the Association.The Board of the Association shall define the authority and duties of the Section.The Board of the Section draws up the Business Plan and Budget, which is submitted to the Board of the Association for approval latest four weeks before the Annual Meeting. The Board of the Association has the right to do the changes it deems necessary.


§ 26 Arbitration Clause

In case of a dispute between a Member and the Association, no appeal should be done to a common court. Such a dispute shall be resolved as per the legislation on arbitration.The parties are to cover their own costs as the costs for the arbitrator that has been appointed. The costs for the chairman, inclusive of cost for a secretary, if any, shall be split evenly between the parties.


Agenda: A list of matters that are to be discussed at the meeting.

Attestant: Person assigned to read through and approve e g a protocol.

Authenticated: The correctness has been certified by two persons.

Balance Statement: An overview of assets and debt.

Budget: Estimated income and expenditures.

Continuity: That at least on member remains from the previous year.

Electoral register: A list over those who are allowed to vote.

Fiscal year: The finances of the Association during one year.

Majority, simple: The proposal that gets most votes wins.

Manage: Have responsibility for.

Profit-and-loss Statement: An overview of income and expenditures.

Protocol: Notes taken down at a meeting.

Section: A department that manages a certain sport.

Signatory: Person having the right to sign contracts and handle the accounts of the Association.

Teller: Person assigned to count the votes when a formal voting has been asked for.

Voting: Count the number of votes.

Working year: The activities of the Association during one year.