For Urban Mobility Mapping

A study to increase understanding of movement and mobility within and to/from urban informal settlements in Nairobi


March 2018

1. Summary

1.1.Purpose:To study and map the movement and mobility of people residing in 6 informal settlements in Nairobi to better understand the effect movement and mobility play in these localities.

1.2.Partners:Danish Red Cross

1.3.Duration: 30 days

1.4.Estimated Dates:1stMay -31st May 2018

1.5.Geographical Location: Nairobi County

1.6.Target Population:Communities living in 6 informal settlements in the Mukuru area (Kwa Njenga, Kwa Reuben, Kwa Kayaba, Lunga Lunga, Fuata Nyayo, Landi Mawe)

1.7.Deliverables: Inception report, study tools, draft report, presentation, final report

1.8.Methodology: Desk review, Key informant interviews, web based survey, FGD with CMDRR, village leaders, CHVs, youth etc.

1.9.Study Management Team: KRCS M&E and Program representatives,Danish Red Cross

2. Background Information

The Danish Red Cross’ (DRC) engagement in Kenya takes a point of departure in DRC international strategy 2015-2020. The overall purpose of the DRC international engagement is to increase and strengthen humanitarian impact, inspire and act for human dignity, resilience and social cohesion in contexts of poverty, conflict and disaster. The DRC Country Strategy for Kenya is an essential element in operationalizing DRC’s international strategy. It sets the frame and explains the rationale behind DRC’s engagement in the country with Kenya Red Cross Society, but further also including support to the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC), the International Committee of Red Cross (ICRC) and other partners. DRC’s main partner in the country is Kenya Red Cross Society and hence its strategic plan is central in informing the DRC country strategy. As part of the RCRC movement, the DRC international strategy aligns itself to the IFRC 2020 strategy.

The Kenya Red Cross Society (KRCS) is a leading humanitarian organization in Kenya created in 1965. Through an Act of Parliament, the KRCS is recognized as an auxiliary to the National and County Governments. With 64 branches in 8 regions, the KRCS works at grassroots level with the most vulnerable populations. The KRCS mission is to work with communities, volunteers and partners to ensure preparedness and response to humanitarian needs. Focus will be on collective capabilities and resources to alleviate human suffering and to save lives. The KRCS vision is to be a sustainable, effective and trusted humanitarian organization serving present and future generations.

The DRC and KRCS have an extensive working partnership that began in 2002. Together, the two organizations have been implementing a DRR programme in informal settlements in Nairobi since 2008. Initially focused on fire safety and road safety, the programme evolved into a multi hazard programme targeting seven informal settlements in Nairobi working through community structures to build capacities in disaster risk reduction. The DRC and KRCS are now implementing the urban resilience programme, looking to strengthen achievements made in the previous interventions.

The 21st century is becoming the urban century. The world is currently experiencing the largest wave of urban growth in history. By 2030, majority of the world’s population will be living in urban areas with most of the expansion set to take place in developing countries.

Cities have been drivers of economic growth, innovation and opportunity for centuries. Yet cities face challenges of their own, many of which could reverse progress. Human suffering and poverty are escalating and concentrating in cities as the number of people living in informal settlements is rising, widening the gap between rich and poor. City Governments frequently lack the resources to provide adequate water, sanitation, waste management and other infrastructure services that contribute both to well-being and to poverty reducing economic growth.

Whereas urban programming is not new to the Red Cross, understanding urban programming in the light of heightened movement and mobility is a gap for DRC and KRCS technical design of projects. It is often mentioned, assumed and referred to that the target communities are highly mobile but without evidence based data behind these statements and how this may or may not impact project designs.

3. Study Purpose & Scope


The purpose of the study will be to provide understanding on movement and mobility within and in and out of informal settlements in Nairobi. DRC and KRCS needs to better understand how this impacts on conventional programming methods and tools. Following eight years of successful urban programming in Nairobi with a focus on DRR, a move towards an urban resilience approach, has highlighted that whereas there is much talk on the influence of mobility, it is not documented to what extent and how the inhabitants of the target areas are mobile and to which extent. It is hoped that findings from this study will inform adjusting community based models of intervention as well as ensuring that the M&E structure (including the design of baseline and end line indicators) captures the impact of the project with mobility in mind.

Objectives of the studyare:

  1. Map movement and mobility within, into and from six informal settlements in terms of seasonality, frequency, geographical areas, and demographics.
  2. Create an understanding of the underlying reasons and interlinkages for movement and mobility in the informal settlements including mapping the reasons for moving in and out of the settlements.
  3. Generate knowledge on how and in which areas movement and mobility influence the informal settlementsin relations to key resilience characteristic (knowledgeable, economic opportunities, socialcohesive, connected, infrastructure and access, manage natural assets)
  4. Understand how movement and mobility could affect the sustainability of urban programming for the RC and develop recommendations for a further study on how to adjust RC community base models to urban programming with mobility in mind.


The study aims at analysing movement and mobility within, to and from urban informal settlements including but not limited to internal and seasonal movement within Nairobi. Thus, the study will focus on rural-urban movement, presence of recognized refugees and other potential migrantssuch IDPs, economic migrants etc. With this study the DRC and KRCS wish to enhance the understanding of best practices and approacheswithin RC to urban programming, its relevance and effectiveness and opportunities for development of such interventions in the future.

4. Guiding Questions

a)What are the main reasons for movement and mobility within and in and out of the informal settlements?

b)Are there trends (e.g. seasonality) or factors (e.g. geographical locations) that contribute to the movement of these communities in and out of the informal settlements?

c)How does movement and mobility affect the social cohesion and internal dynamics of the urban informal settlements?

d)Does movement and mobility impact the way RC delivers services and responds to identified community needs?

e)Are persons who move within and to/from the informal settlement reached by the RC project?

f)To what extent does the movement and mobility of the target population affect the sustainability of the intervention?

g)How does the social fabric in an urban context, impact recruitment and retention of volunteers. How are the nature and dynamics of voluntarism in urban situations different from nature and dynamics in rural areas?

5. Study Methodology

The study will adopt a cross sectional study design that will use both qualitative and quantitative approaches. Cluster sampling will be adopted for the quantitative data collection methods and purposive sampling will be used for the qualitative.

Methods of sampling, data collection will be proposed by the consultant and discussed further with the study management team, but may include literature review, a sample-based household survey using a pre-tested questionnaire, Focus Group Discussion using pre-tested discussion guide and structured Key Informant Interviews. Other methods such as observations may also be included to support evidence generated by these methods.

The Survey will use the following literature for reference and to inform the study process further

  • Project proposal, log frame and indicator reference sheet
  • Existing project reports by the time of data collection
  • Documents, policies and frameworks by partners, county and national government
  • Relevant study reports, publications and articles on urban mobility and resilience

Methodology - sampling methodology & sample frame, survey tools etc.

Presentation of findings: PowerPoint presentation highlighting the key findings of the study will be presented at feedback meeting to be held after completing the draft report.

6. Study Quality & Ethical Standards

The consultant shall take all reasonable steps to ensure that the study is designed and conducted to respect and protect the rights and welfare of the people and communities involved and to ensure that the studyis technically accurate and reliable, is conducted in a transparent and impartial manner, and contributes to organizational learning and accountability. Therefore, the surveyteam shall be required to adhere to the standards and applicable practices as recommended by International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC). Additionally, the consultant must sign and adhere to the IFRC Code of Conduct for the time of engagement with KRCS.

  • Utility: Surveysmust be useful and used.
  • Feasibility: Surveys must be realistic, diplomatic, and managed in a sensible, cost effective manner.
  • Ethics & Legality: Surveysmust be conducted in an ethical and legal manner, with particular regard for the welfare of those involved in and affected by the evaluation.
  • Impartiality & Independence; Surveys should be impartial, providing a comprehensive and unbiased assessment that takes into account the views of all stakeholders.
  • Transparency: Activities should reflect an attitude of openness and transparency.
  • Accuracy: Surveysshould be technical accurate, providing sufficient information about the data collection, analysis, and interpretation methods so that its worth or merit can be determined.
  • Participation: Stakeholders should be consulted and meaningfully involved in the studyprocess when feasible and appropriate.
  • Collaboration: Collaboration between key operating partners in the -studyprocess improves the legitimacy and utility of the study.

It is also expected that the consultantand the report will respect the seven Fundamental Principles of the Red Cross and Red Crescent: 1) humanity, 2) impartiality, 3) neutrality, 4) independence, 5) voluntary service, 6) unity, and 7) universality.

7. Qualifications and Experience for Consultants

The consultant must have:

  • A background in a related field (urban programming, mobility and movement demography, community development).
  • High level of professionalism and an ability to work independently and in high-pressure situations under tight deadlines.
  • Strong interpersonal and communication skills
  • Working experience in Kenya and be familiar with the cultural background of target communities.
  • Experience in using mobile phone technology for data collection, monitoring and reporting
  • Experience in qualitative and quantitative research methodologies
  • Strong analytical skills and ability to clearly synthesize and present findings, draw practical conclusions, make recommendations and to prepare well-written reports in a timely manner.
  • Capacity to produce high quality outputs within the proposed timeframe
  • Excellent English writing and presentation skills with relevant samples of similar survey reports.
  • Availability for the period indicated including presence in the field during data collection.

8. Management of the Study


The study will begin on 1st May 2018 and be completed within 30 days


  1. Inception Report detailing the study design, sampling methodology & sample frame, studytools, agreed budget and work plan.
  1. Draft study report that will culminate in the finalreport with the following elements:

a)Table of contents.

b)Clear executive summary with among others major findings of the study and summary of conclusions and recommendations.

c)The objectives of the study, hypotheses, methodology and any challenges encountered in the field.

d)A presentation of the findings and the discussion of analysis


f)Recommendations with clear guidelines of how they can be implemented.

g)Report annexes.

  1. Copies of original and cleaned data sets with codebook.The raw data, the database which has been cleaned (both qualitative and quantitative, including original field notes for in-depth interviews and focus group discussions, as well as recorded audio material), should be submitted together with the report.
  2. Presentation of findings – PowerPoint presentation highlighting the key findings of the study will be presented at feedback meeting to be held after completing the draft report.
  3. Final study reports - submit at least 3bound hard copy and one electronic copy of the report by the agreed timeline.

StudyManagement Team:

The study management team will be composed of the Kenya Red Cross Project manager, ICHA Research Manager, KRCS M&E officer and the Danish Red Cross representative.

Role of KRCS (project and M&E team)

  • Lead the recruitment and evaluation process
  • Coordinate the studyimplementation process
  • Review of study products including tools and reports
  • KRCS will organize logistics for the consultant
  • Avail data collectors within agreed criteria
  • Avail all necessary documents for desk review
  • KRCS will be the link between the community and the consultant
  • Will be the custodian of all data generated from the study
  • Organize dissemination forums as necessary

Role of Danish RC

  • Participate in the TOR development and recruitment process
  • Review and give feedback on all studyproducts
  • Fund the activity budget
  • Review and provide input for the first draft report
  • Final approval of the report

9. Application Requirements

Application materials shall include:

  • A written response to this TOR in terms of a proposal detailing the technical understanding of the task, proposed methodologies of the study, expected activities and deliverables, proposed work plans with schedule, and financial bids.
  • Detailed CVs of all professional (s) who will work on the study. If there is more than one contractor on the proposed study team, please attach a table describing the level of effort (in number of days) of each team member in each of the study activities.
  • Professional references: please provide at least three references from your previous clients and full contact details of the referees.
  • At least 2 study reports undertaken of similar programmes and context.

10. Submission of proposal

The Technical Proposal MUST be prepared in conformance to the outline provided in Annex 1 while the financial proposal shall conform to the template provided in Annex 2. Team composition should conform to Annex 3.

Bidders should provide a technical and financial proposal in two separate envelopes clearly marked“Technical Proposal” and “Financial Proposal”and sealed in one plain envelope clearly marked “Tender No. PRF02276 “Call for Consultancy for Movement and Mobility Study in Nairobi’s Informal Settlements”.

The Proposal should be addressed as below to reach the under signed (by mail or hand delivery) by 11thApril 2018 at 12.00 pm.


Tender Committee

Kenya Red Cross Society

P.O Box 40712 - 00100

Nairobi, Kenya


1)Introduction: description of the firm,the firm’s qualifications and statutory compliance.

2)Understanding of the requirements for services.

3)Proposed methodology -Indicate methods to be used for the study. The targeted respondents should be indicated for each question. Proposed detailed study questions for each objective should be indicated. Detailed sampling procedure needs to be indicated.

4)Firms experience in undertaking assignments of similar nature and experience from the geographical area for other major clients.

5)Proposed team composition.

6) Work plan (Gantt chart of activity and week of implementation).

7)Sample reports (annex at least 2).

8)Legal requirements (Certificate of incorporation, PIN certificate, KRA tax compliance).

9)References (Attach at least 2 reference letters from other clients other than KRCS).


The consultant shall only quote for the items below as KRCS will manage all other related costs (Logistics and payment of enumerators)

Item / Unit / # of Units / Unit Cost / Total Cost (Ksh.)
Consultancy Fee (for the whole study period) / Per day
Office expenses (Printing, photocopy, binding, communication costs etc.) / lump sum
Grand Total


Name of Team Member / Highest Level of Qualification / General Years of Experience related to the task at hand / Roles under this assignment


A three stage evaluation procedure will be used to evaluate all proposals from bidders. The total number of points which each bidder may obtain for its proposal is:

  • Technical Proposal60 marks
  • Oral presentation30 marks
  • Financial Proposal 10 marks
  1. Evaluation of the Technical Proposal

The technical proposal shall be evaluated on the basis of its responsiveness to the TOR. Specifically, the following criteria shall apply:

Evaluation Criteria / Maximum Points Possible / Bidders score
(1) Introduction:
  • Description of the Firm and the Firm’s Qualifications
  • Legal Compliance Mandatory Requirements:
-Certificate of Incorporation
-PIN Registration
-KRA Tax compliance / 10
(2)Understanding of the Requirements for Services: Demonstrate an understanding of the task at hand as well as propose the most suitable approach in responding to the TOR and all other requirements. / 20
(3)Proposed Methodology:The proposed methodology MUST provide an indication of its effectiveness and added value in the proposed assignment. / 20
(4) Firms Experience in undertaking assignments of similar nature and experience from the geographical area for other major clients
  • Provide a summary and supporting information on overall years of experience, and related technical and geographic coverage experience
  • Provide official copies of baseline survey LPOs from major organizations worked for in the past three years)
/ 20
(5) Proposed Team Composition:
  • Describe and tabulate the team composition to include the general qualifications, suitability for the specific task to be assigned and overall years of relevant experience to the proposed assignment.
  • The proposed team composition should balance effectively with the necessary skills and competencies required to undertake the proposed assignment.
  • Lead Consultant Qualifications - background in (urban programming, mobility and movement, demography, community development, social sciences or related field (at a minimum of Masters Level) and have particular expertise in urban programming, mobility, migration, monitoring and evaluation. (Attach CV)
  • Mandatory Team Member Qualifications – Statistician (Attach CV)
  • Others – Specify roles and Attach CVs for each team member proposed
/ 10
(6) References: Provide three official references (On company letter head and stamped) on previous works done related to the current assignment by major clients in the past three years. All references provided must include Name, Designation, Email and day time telephone contacts. (Un-satisfactory works conducted for KRCS in the past will attract -ve 10 score) / 10
(7) Work Plan: A Detailed weekly work plan for the assignment MUST be provided. / 5
(8) Overall Compliance to the TOR Requirements:
  • Technical and Financial Proposals Submitted in separate envelops, within the stipulated time and at the designated place
  • Technical Proposals and supporting documents prepared in the prescribed format and templates
/ 5

Total scores of the technical bid analysis shall be converted to a denominator of 60.Top three firms will go to the orals stage and top two after the orals will go to the financial evaluation stage