For Immediate Release
Media Contact:
Kimberly Brooks
202-347-9044 ext. 230
Pew Initiative on Food and Biotechnology Finds Public Opinion About
Genetically Modified Foods ‘Up For Grabs’
Pew Initiative on Food and Biotechnology Finds Americans Skeptical
of Genetically Modified Foods, But Views Are Not Strongly Held
Survey SignalsPew Charitable Trusts Launch Of Effort To Build A New Platform For Discussion
And Bring NeededCredible Information To National Debate
Washington, DC (March 26,XX, 2001)--–A new survey reveals that Americans know little about genetically modified (GM) foods, are uncertain about their safety, and change their views about safety when more information about widespread use of GM foods is revealed.The Pew Initiative on Food and Biotechnology today announced the findings of its first public opinion survey, indicating that consumers are wary of genetically modified (GM) foods, but [?] know little about the technology and change their views about its the safety the products when more information is revealedprovided. The announcement of survey findings marks the launch of the Pew Initiative on Food and Biotechnology, a new non-profit, independent organization effort committed to bringing reliable credible sound information and consensus to the national debate about agricultural biotechnology. The Initiative is a project of the University of Richmond funded by the Pew Charitable Trusts.
The survey determined that a plurality of consumers (46 percent) do not know what to think about the safety of GM foods. Those who do have a definitive opinion, however, are evenly split on the safety of GM foods, with 29 percent of respondents stating they believe GM foods are safe and 25 percent of respondents stating they believe GM foods are unsafe.The survey determined that the majority of people polled (58 percent) are opposed to Despite this uncertainty (or perhaps due to), views about safety do not seem to be strongly held. oppose the introduction of GM foods to the U.S. food supply, with 54 percent saying they were are unlikely to eat them. But when asked, nearly half of those polled (46 percent) admit not knowing whether did not know if they think such foods are safe or unsafe. After
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hearing that more than half of the foods on sSupermarket shelves are genetically modified, one in five of those who initially said GM foods are unsafe changedd their minds. [Add something re: hardly anyone had heard about golden rice – or was that in the section we’re not using?]
The survey also indicates that consumers do not know much about GM foods and want more information made available to them. Only 44% of consumers have heard either a “great deal” or “some” about either genetically modified foods or biotechnology in the production of foods. Only 9% have heard a great deal. Over half (54%) have heard “not much” or “nothing.” Three-quarters of those polled (75 percent) indicated it is important for them to know whether
a product contains genetically modified ingredients. Most respondents (75 percent) favor further scientific research into genetically modified foods.
According to the survey only a third of those polled had recently heard a news story about GM foods. Most Americans (54 percent) do not believe they have ever eaten such foods and an even larger majority (60 percent) believe that less than half the food in grocery stores contains genetically modified ingredients. Three-quarters of those polled (75 percent) indicated it is was important for them to know whether a product contains genetically modified ingredients. Most Americans (65 percent) favored further scientific research into genetically modified foods.
“Despite the heated national debate about agricultural biotechnology, most Americans do not have strong or well-informed opinions about this new technology,” said Mike Rodemeyer, executive director of the Pew Initiative on Food and Biotechnology, “Essentially, public opinion is ‘up for grabs’ because this new technology has moved faster than the public’s ability to fully understand it and its implications.”
The survey also confirmed the previously known fact that, when asked if they favor or oppose the introduction of GM foods to the U.S. food supply, the majority of respondents (58 percent) report they oppose it. “Despite the very heated national debate about agricultural biotechnology, the majority of most Americans do not have strong or well-informed opinions about this new technology,” said Mike Rodemeyer, executive director of the Pew Initiative on Food and Biotechnology, “This new technology appears to have moved faster than the public’s ability to fully understand it or its implications.” Efforts to improve the accessibility and quality of information about genetically modified products will go a long way toward securing sustained public confidence.”
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The bipartisan survey, a telephone poll of 1,001 Americans conducted in January by the Mellman Group and Public Opinion Strategies, is the first information provided to the public by the Pew Initiative on Food and Biotechnology. [Do we want to add anything about the mechanics of the poll here – a telephone poll of 1001 people, for example?] Recently created by a grant from The Pew Charitable Trusts to the University of Richmond, the Initiative intends to provide credible reliable information and build consensus towithin the national debate about agricultural biotechnology.
In coming months, the Initiative will conduct conferences and workshops, generate papers, and disseminate information on topics related to current concernsissues and concerns about agricultural biotechnology. Possible topics include the adequacy of the regulatory system to address food safety and environmental concerns about the next generation of agricultural biotechnology products, the potential benefits of such products, economic impacts of the new technology and marketing issues faced by farmers and processors. including [MR1]the regulatory framework, economic feasibility, and intellectual property rights. The Initiative will simultaneously convene a group representing industry, the public sector[MR2], the public sector, academia, farmers, and environment and consumer groups to identify the actions that could help move the debate beyond the current polarized condition and towards consensus.
The Honorable Dan Glickman, former Secretary of Agriculture, and the Honorable Vin Weber, former member of Congress, have agreed to co-chair a bi-partisan Executive Advisory Committee that will oversee the Initiative’s programs.
available to move the polarized conditions of current discussions.
“This initiative is an important contribution to the public debate on agricultural biotechnology,” said former Secretary Glickman. Mr. Weber added, “Dan and I look forward to working together with the Pew Initiative on this critical topic for our nation. ”
The conclusions of this group will eventually be presented to policymakers.
“Agricultural biotechnology has the potential to be one of the most significant transforming technologies of our era,” “We intend to create a platform where the issues and concerns many unanswered questions about agricultural biotechnology can be thoughtfully aired vetted and addressed,” concluded Rodemeyernoted Rebecca W. Rimel, president of The Pew Charitable Trusts, ““But the risks, benefits and social values ignited by its creation must be thoroughly aired if the public is to have a lasting trust in the technology and the products it produces. The Trusts have a long history of supporting projects that fill gaps in understanding. The Pew Initiative on Food and Biotechnology was created to give the public the information they need to evaluate a subject as complex and important to our public and environmental health as agricultural biotechnology.”
Ultimately, whether genetically modified goods and other agricultural biotechnology products succeed or fail will depend largely on consumer attitudes and the public’s confidence in the regulatory system to ensure food safety and protect the environment. We hope to be a source of credible, independent information so that people and policymakers can make their own informed decisions. The only way the public can develop concrete thoughts about this new technology is if they are given the tools needed to conduct careful evaluation and decide for themselves.”
Further information about the Pew Initiative on Food and Biotechnology and its initial survey, titled “PublicConsumer Sentiment on Agricultural BiotechnologyAbout Genetically Modified Food” is available at
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The Pew Initiative on Food and Biotechnology is a non-profit project based in Washington, D.C. established through a grant by The Pew Charitable Trusts to the University of Richmond. The Initiative provides public policy recommendations, research and education about agricultural biotechnology to the public, media and policymakers. The Initiative advocates neither for, nor against, agricultural biotechnology. Instead, the Initiative is committed to providing reliable information and encouraging debate and dialogue. [MR3]
The Pew Initiative on Food and Biotechnology is based in Washington, D.C. and was recently established, through a grant by The Pew Charitable Trusts to the University of Richmond, to be an independent and objective source of credible information on agricultural biotechnology for the public, media and policymakers. Guided by a bi-partisan advisory board, Tthe Initiative advocates neither for, nor against, agricultural biotechnology. Instead, the Initiative is committed to providing information and encouraging debate and dialogue. so that consumers and policymakers can make their own informed decisions[MR4],.
[MR1]1This is probably too long, but I didn’t like the specific examples you included.
[MR2]1 What does this mean?
[MR3]1Now too redundant with quote above.
[MR4]1Now too redundant with quote above.