Lesson Plan : F ormal O bservation
An administrator will observe you several times during the school year. Two of those observations will be announced. Before the observation or on the day of the observation, you need to provide your evaluator with a lesson plan. You may utilize a lesson plan format of your choice, but the following information needs to be included:
Teacher: _________________ Subject/Grade Level: __ ______________ Date: _____
CSTP: (The CSTP ( s ) that you would like the administrator to monitor during this observation).
□ Standard 1: Engaging and supporting all students in learning
□ Standard 2: Creating and maintaining effective environments for student learning
□ Standard 3: Understanding and organizing subject matter for student learning
□ Standard 4: Planning instruction and designing learning experiences for all students
□ Standard 5/6: Assessing student learning
Objective: Student s will
Standard(s) addressed:
Benchmark(s) add ressed:
Classroom Management/Organization (Beginning routines, etc.) :
Anticipatory Set:
Checking for Understanding:
Guided Practice:
Post Observation Conference: Date _________ Time: _______