Cultural Influencers


For the word of God is living and powerful,

And sharper than any two-edged sword,

Piercing even to the division of soul and spirit,

And of joints and marrow,

And is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.

And there is no creature hidden from His sight,

But all things are naked and open to the eyes

of Him to Whomwe must give account.

Hebrews 4:12-13 NKJV

[Jesus said] “I tell you, on the day of judgment

people will give account for every careless word they speak,

for by your words you will be justified,

and by your words you will be condemned.”

Matthew 12:36-37 ESV

"If anyone causes one of these little ones—

those who believe in me— to stumble,

it would be better for them if a large millstone were hung

around their neck and they were thrown into the sea.”

Mark 9:42 NIV


For the sake of the children

and Your children throughout the world,

move us and mobilize us

to arise and cry out in the night ~and throughout the night,

pouring out our hearts like water before Your Face,

lifting our hands toward Youfor the lives of all who are lost,

for all who are infected by and continue to spread

the grave disease of this culture,

those fainting from hunger and thirst for You,

those flailing and fallingat the head of every street.

(Inspired by Lamentations 2:19)


O Father, like raging torrents of water,

send forth Your Spirit into the world.

Rain down upon all flesh – convicting, teaching,

and empowering…

Please pry open the eyes of every human heart

that all may behold Your excellent glory.

We plead for a clear revelation of Your Purpose and Love

to all who shape public opinion

and those establishing and leading cultural trends.

Expose all that violates Your holy Commands,

those things inviting Judgment upon individuals and nations.

Pierce their hearts with Your holiness;

turn them to Your Sacred Word ~ day and night,

giving them no rest until they embrace Your Truth.

We ask that the strategies of the enemy be thrust back

by the power of Your mighty outstretched Arm.

Crush all counsels and influences of darkness!

May Your message of Love and Justice

light every corner of Your creation.

May Your people burn with desire to lead others

into a knowledge of the Truth –

and grant these extraordinary creativity,

a fresh and powerful anointing so necessary

to address the spiritual and physical battles of this Great War

in these Great Times.

Grant these favor, Lord.

Father, at the end of each day –no, at the end of each moment,

we desperately desire that the prayerful efforts of our hearts

and the physical labors of our hands

result in thunderous praise that shakes the heavens

as the chains of sin and death fall quickly away

as sinners lift their hearts and hands to You,

fleeing from the darkness,

embracing Light, authentic Love, and true Freedom.


Make bold the hearts of those who seek You,

that all may take a public stand for what is right and good.

Keep complacency far from us.

May we be influencers of those who influence others.

Those who are dancing in the darkness,

may these be driven to the Light,

and may they lead vast multitudes to You.


Convict all as they retrieve information or seek entertainment

from television, radio, libraries, bookstores, the internet,

and other resources.

May they feel a sense of revulsion

over all that is vile.

Please cause them to recognize those things

that pollute their hearts,

separating themselves from those things

topassionately pursue holiness.

Mobilize us to pray for those who are leading multitudes astray –

praying fiercely that they will recognize this present darkness.

Oh Mountain Mover,

please move the mountains of human hearts

that they may see You clearly.

May You receive all honor and glory

due Your holy and excellent Name.



please encourage and exalt Christian writers, teachers,

and leaders.

May they be a powerful influence of Light upon

allwho walk in darkness.

Please anoint them with special abilities and unique creativity

and a generous portion of urgent enthusiasm.

May there be a powerful, positive distinction

between every false teacher and those who speak Truth.

May their methods bear results

that cannot be humanly measured.

Please raise up armies of heroes of faith,

so needed for these desperate days.

Mobilize them to sound the alarm, to cry out to the masses

about the coming Judgment.

May they walk with all humility,

seeking to make only Your Name famous throughout the world.


Hollywood and other centers of entertainment

are filled with dark stars.

Please draw theseinto Your holy Presence

and into a dynamic, life-changing encounter with the Living God.

We ask that from this experience

they might profoundly reverence You and pursue wisdom

so that they might shine, as in the words of Daniel,

like the brightness of the firmament

leading vast multitudes from the darkness

into Your glorious Light.

(Inspired by Daniel 12:3)


So manycelebrities are seeking authentic Love.

As these thirst for fame and the admiration of individuals,

may they encounter the wonder of Who You Are

and comprehend how deeply You desire them…

A passion so strong, Christ chose to embrace

the brutality of a Roman Cross to demonstrate

the magnitudeof His Devotion.

Let mocking cease.Let irreverence cease.

Let love and respect be ignited

and bear a fierce, unquenchable flame

that consumes the self-focused agendas

of those whocraft our culture.

In their lives, in all our lives,

may You be honored and glorified.


Please, Father,

move on the hearts of those who educate and indoctrinate

the children – Your children.

Expose dark agendas – confuse and confound them.

Let there be a distinction among

authentic Christianeducators and influencers.

Turn our children’s hearts away from every influence

that seeks to diminish their reverence for You.

Especially encourage Christian teachers

who labor in the fields of public education.

Raise up and recognize great heroes of faith,

granting them words of wisdom that cast down arguments

and all that seeks to exalt itself abovethe Knowledge of God.

Bring parents to a level of involvement

that will bring about sweeping positive change

and revival within our educational systems.

Please protect those who homeschool or have their children

in Christian schools. Protect them from any encroachment

upon their religious freedoms currently enjoyed.

Above all, may parents saturate their children – Your children

with Your holy Word ~ their power to stand against

every strategy of the enemy of their souls.

Revive the nations through the children, Lord.

The church has slept through the alarms.

Awaken them, now, Father.

The children need You.Your children need You.


May we be sober and vigilant,

always aware that our adversary the devil

stalks about as a hungry, roaring lion,

seeking to devour all that he can

within the short time he has left.

Help us to resist him, standing firmly in faith,

fighting for the hearts and minds

of those who don’t even know there’s a battle,

suffering for their freedom,

so that vast multitudes who are lost will open their hearts

and find their way to You.

(Inspired by I Peter 5:8-9)


“Let me tell you why you are here.

You’re here to be salt-seasoning that brings out

the God-flavors of this earth.

If you lose your saltiness,how will people taste godliness?

You’ve lost your usefulness and will end up in the garbage.

Here’s another way to put it:You’re here to be light,

bringing out the God-colors in the world.

God is not a secret to be kept.

We’re going public with this, as public as a city on a hill.

If I make you light-bearers, you don’t think

I’m going to hide you under a bucket, do you?

I’m putting you on a light stand.

Now that I’ve put you there on a hilltop, on a light stand—shine! Keep open house; be generous with your lives.

By opening up to others,

you’ll prompt people to open up with God

this generous Father in heaven.”

Matthew 5:13-16 MSG


Yes, Father!

We’re called to share Your Light

with those who are walking in darkness.

We’re called to share Your Love

with all people,

including those who reject, despise, or oppress us.

Grant us boldness, wisdom, and opportunity.

Whether in prayer or in person,

may Your children who love and honor You

be granted great influence

to influence vast multitudes of those

who influence our culture for good or evil.

We need this in these dark and dangerous days.

Powerfully anoint and supernaturally enhance

the talents and resourcesYou’ve given Your children,

granting them favor that results in

one final phenomenal global Awakening

before You conclude this era of activity on Earth.

Every breath of our lives

and every beat of our hearts,

all for Your honor and glory and praise!


My Home, a House of Prayerfor All Nations