AP US History Name______Period______


32 / Study Guide / The Politics of Boom and Bust
Terms and Names: Define each term with complete sentences, using your own words
A.  A. “Ohio Gang”
B.  B. Charles Evans Hughes
C.  C. Albert Fall
D.  D. Adkins v. Children’s Hospital
E.  E. Esch-Cummins Transportation Act of 1920
F.  F. The American Legion
G.  G. Adjusted Compensation Act of 1924
H.  H. Washington Naval Conference of 1921-1922
I.  I. Teapot Dome Scandal
J.  J. McNary-Haugen Bill / K.  K. Dawes Plan of 1924
L.  L. Alfred E. Smith
M.  M. “Hoovercrats”
N.  N. Hawley-Smoot Tariff
O.  O. “Black Tuesday”
P.  P. Hoover (Boulder) Dam
Q.  Q. Reconstruction Finance Corporation
R.  R. Norris-LaGuardia Anti-Injunction Act
S.  S. Bonus Army (Bonus Expeditionary Force)
T.  T. Stimson Doctrine

Short Answer: Carefully answer each question in paragraph form, using information from the text. It is best if you can put it in your own words.

1.  1. Describe the personal and political style of Warren Harding, and list and describe the important members of Harding’s cabinet.

2.  2. Understand how the Harding administration was used as a “front” by wealthy industrialists, and describe how corporations came to be so powerful during the decade.

3.  3. How did the Harding administration deal with labor? Use specific examples, and describe how union membership was affected.

4.  4. Describe Harding’s actions and motivations in dealing with the Middle East.

5.  5. Understand both the isolationist and internationalist actions of the Harding administration.

6.  6. Identify the Kellog-Briand Pact, and identify its strengths and weaknesses.

7.  7. Understand the reasons for tariff hikes in the 1920’s, and describe the “chain reaction” that these tariff rates caused.

8.  8. Describe the reaction of the American people to the scandals of the Harding administration.

9.  9. Describe the personal and political style of Calvin Coolidge.

10.  10. How did the end of World War I affect American farmers? Understand other reasons for the difficulties they faced.

11.  11. How did congress propose to help farmers, and what was Coolidge’s reaction to their actions?

12.  12. Describe the personalities and issues involved in the Presidential election of 1924, and understand why the reforming message of Robert LaFollette failed to connect with voters.

13.  13. Understand both the isolationist and interventionist (Latin America) actions of the Coolidge administration.

14.  14. Describe the reasoning behind the Allies reluctance to repay their debts to the United States after World War I. Understand the impact of America’s insistence on being repaid by the Allies.

15.  15. Describe the background of Herbert Hoover, and how it impacted his political actions and beliefs.

16.  16. Describe the international impact of the Hawley-Smoot Tariff.

17.  17. Understand the impact of impact of the stock market crash of 1929, and describe how bank failures and farm foreclosures impacted everyday Americans.

18.  18. List and describe the 4 causes of the Great Depression discussed in the textbook (pp.762-763)

19.  19. Understand why the Great Depression was a new type of struggle for Americans, and why it was such a difficult thing to deal with.

20.  20. How did Hoover adapt his political philosophy to deal with the problems brought on by the depression?

21.  21. Describe the steps taken by Hoover to combat the depression, and explain why they were largely unsuccessful.

22.  22. Understand the impact of the events surrounding the Bonus Army on Hoover’s presidency.

23.  23. Describe the foreign policy challenges faced by the Hoover administration, particularly in Asia and Latin America.