doc.: CRpNL-17/004r0


Venue for the February 1, 2018, meeting - twenty-second meeting of the Community of Practice on Cognitive Radio
Date of document: 2017-12-18
Date of meeting: 2018-02-01
Name / Affiliation / Address / Phone / email
Dr. Ir. W. Lemstra / TU Delft / Jaffalaan 5
NL-2628 BX Delft
The Netherlands / +31152782695 /
Ing. V. Hayes / TU Delft / Jaffalaan 5
NL-2628 BX Delft
The Netherlands / +31302316233 /
Category: / Venue sixteenth workshop
Keywords: / Venue, Cognitive radio, software defined radio, radio spectrum management, government policy, firm strategy, coordination, governance
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for the twenty-second meeting of the Community of Practice on Cognitive Radio


Building 32, Wim Crouwel zaal

TUDelft, Department Industrial Design Engineering

Landbergstraat 15, Delft

Date: Thursday , February 1, 2018

Time: 14:00 hrs

Directions by car:

  • From the direction the Hague and Rotterdam via the A13,
  • take the exit "Delft-Zuid", and follow the signs "TU Delft" or “TU wijk”.
  • Take the first street to the right: "Schoemakerstraat".
  • Follow the signpost to “P-Sports” (further away but les bussy) or “P-Aula”
  • Park your car on the parking lot within the marking! Watch for blue zones (blue markings, as the parking time is limited and requires a Parking Disc.
  • Walk to Building 32.

For more details see the mapofthe campus, and go to building 32. See the map of the building.

To find Zaal Wim Crouwel, once in the building, the room is right above you. To get there, take the elevator or the stairs at the right-hand side at the far end of the ground floor. Go to the first floor, and follow the side-wall to the front of the building, make a right turn and find the room on your left-hand side.

Registration to the meeting is required.

Please register or apologize through the links on page 1 of this document.


doc.: CRpNL-17/0005rx Agenda of the Feb2018 meeting

Venue twenty-second workshoppage 1Wolter Lemstra TUDelft