Classroom Information

for the Teacher Intern

Teacher Intern ______School______

Supervising Teacher ______Date______

Subject Area(s) ______Grade Level(s) ______

This form has been prepared to assist you in gathering helpful information from your supervising teacher during the first few days of your teaching internship experience.

1.Obtain the following:

a. List(s) of students (note any medical or special problems) ______


b.Class schedule ______


c.Seating charts ______


2.Titles of textbooks and other published materials used in the classroom:


3.List curriculum guides used:

a.State ______


  1. Local ______


4.Procedures for obtaining resource material:

a.Library ______

b.Central Office ______

c.Outside of School ______

5.Indicate which of the following technological and audio-visual resources are available for use in

the classroom.

a.Instructional Technology/Audio-Visual Media

____Overhead Projector____Camcorder

____Video Cassette Recorder/DVD Player____Camera

____Television____Graphing Calculators

____Calculators____Tape Recorder

b.Information Technology

____Computer____Digital Camera

____Internet/Email____Digital Camcorder

____Promethean Boards____Digital Recorder

____LCD Projector____Web TV

____Computers to TV Connectors____Video Conferencing

____Presentation Software (e.g., Hyperstudio,____Scanner

Power Point)____Other ______

6.List information kept in the students' cumulative folders (report cards, test scores, medical records, etc.) ______



7.Collect samples of forms used in the classroom and describe procedures for using each form.

a.Assignment of textbooks ______


b.Absenteerecords ______


c.Lunch ______


d.Other ______


8.Briefly describe policies for homework and makeup work:

a.Homework ______



b.Makeup work ______



  1. List classroom rules:

















10.List possible rewards and consequences for classroom use: ______












  1. Describe how teacher communicates with parents about student learning, including methods

for sharing data and information: ______












12. List parent involvement activities carried out by teacher: ______











13.Note any additional important information provided by the supervising teacher: ______

















School Information

for the Teacher Intern

Teacher Intern ______

School ______Principal ______

This form has been prepared to assist you in recording information obtained from the principal or your supervising teacher about the school and school policies and procedures. Principals will usually hold a group or individual meeting at the beginning of the teacher intern experience to orient teacher interns to the school. You should also carefully review school handbooks.

1.Emergency Information

School Nurse ______


First Aid ______


Fire Drill Procedures ______


Tornado/Severe Weather Procedures ______


School Crisis Plan ______


2.Special Services

a.Guidance Counselor ______


b.School Psychometrist/Psychologist ______


c.Referral Forms (Social Worker, etc.) ______


d.Alternative Program/School ______


3. Administrative/Office Staff

a.Assistant Principal(s) ______


b.Secretary, etc. ______

4. Handbooks

a. District ______

b. Faculty ______

c. Student ______

5.School Duties (Outside of Classroom)

a.Bus Duty (Includes dates, time, position, and responsibility) ______


b.Hall Duty (dates, time, position, responsibility) ______


c.Cafeteria Duty ______


d.Other (athletics, etc.)______


6.Arrival and Departure Procedures

a.Buses ______

b.Cars ______

c.Bicycles ______

d.Walkers ______

7.Arrival and Departure Times

a.Teachers ______

b.Students ______

8.Policy and Procedures for the Following

a.Absenteeism - teachers (who to call, etc.) ______


b.Absenteeism - students (excused, unexcused, etc.) ______


c.Tardy – students ______


d.Late arrivals - students ______


e.Check-out early – students ______


9.School Meetings (how often, when, attendance required, etc.)

a.Faculty Meetings ______


b.PTA ______


c.Athletics ______



e.Inservice ______


f.Committees ______


10.Field Trip Policy





11.Policy and Procedures for Collecting Money

Lunch ______

Programs ______

Other ______

12.Policy and Procedures for Parent Conferences







13.Other Schoolwide Parent Involvement Activities (open house, workshops, etc.)









14.Procedures for working with Community Agencies to Provide Services Needed by Students or Families






15.The Community Being Served

Description (rural, city, etc.) ______


Industry/Businesses ______


Families ______


16.School Philosophy/Goals (continue on reverse side or attach statement)










