Stepping Stones
For students who are looking for a part time job now or in the near future
Jennings/Rodda: Complete tasks to the value of 15-18 points.
Meyers/Tolkein: Complete tasks to the value of 18 points or more
Task/Level / Remember3 points / Understand
3 points / Apply
5 points / Analyse
5 points / Synthesise & Evaluate
10 points
Description / Known Networks
Make a list/table of the people you know who work. Include the following information:
- Person
- Occupation
- Company name (if known)
Include people of all ages.
Jennings/Rodda: 5-10 people
Meyers/Tolkein: 15 people / Job Search Engines
Locate at least 5 job search websites using the Internet.
Record the name of the site, a link and a rating out of 5 for the site.
Include 3-6 sentences explaining why you gave the site this rating / Finding a job
Find 5 jobs suitable for you and record:
- Company
- Position Details
- Contact details
- Where advertised
- How to apply
You may use jobs from other company websites (Coles, etc) but at least 2 must be from Job Search Engines you researched.
. / Comparing Jobs
Pick 2 part-time jobs to compare.
Create a table to compare
· Working hours
· Location
· Skills or education needed. / Preparing for Work
Read information and complete activities to help you prepare to get that job!
Building Pathways
For students interested in finding out more about their future career pathways
Jennings/Rodda: Complete tasks to the value of 15-18 points.
Meyers/Tolkein: Complete tasks to the value of 18 points or more
Remember3 points / Understand
3 points / Apply
5 points / Analyse
5 points / Synthesise & Evaluate
10 points
Description / What do you value in a workplace?
Rank the ‘work values’ statements in order from most (1) to least (10) important.
Explain your responses.
Complete worksheet / TAFE? Uni? What’s the difference?
Read the article HERE and explain in 1 paragraph the difference between TAFE and University.
Your answer should include
- Workload/hours
- Type of courses
- Hands on or theory? / How do other’s plan their futures?
Read the scenarios and help complete an action plan for the scenario of your choice. / Is my industry growing or shrinking?
Will there be jobs in your industry in the future?
Complete the worksheet to understand:
· The jobs available in the Casey South area
· The job opportunities in the future in your chosen occupation / Create a job profile of an industry you are interested in working in.
- Description
- Analysis of education required
- A list of tasks that would be performed each day
- Trends
Current Path
For those who are already working part-time, or who have worked in the past
Jennings/Rodda: Complete tasks to the value of 15-18 points.
Meyers/Tolkein: Complete tasks to the value of 18 points or more
Task/Level / Remember & Understand6 points / Apply
5 points / Analyse
5 points / Synthesise & Evaluate
10 points
Description / Workplace safety: Introduction to OH+S- Powerpoint
Did you learn about OH+S hazards before you started your job? Or are you clueless about the dangers in your workplace?
What’s the difference between a long-term injury and short-term injury? / Health and Safety at work
Do you know how to read the signs of an injury waiting to happen?
Explain the signs and hazards pictured and explain why OH+S is important at work. / Is the customer always right?
Practice your customer service skills and ability to deal with tricky customers by responding to these scenarios and memes. / Workplace Journal
It is important to think about the tasks you do in your day’s work, how you dealt with situations you have faced. If you never stop and think, you don’t learn from your experiences.
Record you experiences at work in this workplace journal.