Release5.4 – September27,2012

The Resumé Preferences page has been reformatted. Checkboxes were reduced in number from three to two and rearranged horizontally across the page. In the Contact Information section, Job Seekers will have the option to display a full address (street, city, state, ZIP) or a partial address (city, state, ZIP). The Resumé Information and Additional Information checkboxes were combined into one section called Resumé Information. Occupational Experience and Occupational Skills were removed from the section and will no longer display on the Job Seeker’s resumé.
The Preview/Print page has new language and has been reformatted to mimic what a Job Seeker sees on the Resumé Preferences page. Each tab of the page has new language which gives the Job Seeker more information about previewing and printing their resumé or state application.
Resumé tab: a Contact Information section has been added and will default to whatever the Job Seeker has selected on the Resumé Preferences page. Resumé Section” still displays but Occupational Experience and Occupational Skills have been removed. Work History is the default for this section but a “Check All” link will allow the Job Seeker to quickly choose all options.
State of Texas Application tab: in addition to new language for previewing and printing their application, a new page level tip explains that the Employer Posting Number should be typed into the Job Posting Number field, and if the job posting does not have an Employer Posting Number, the Job Seeker should find this number by visiting the state agency’s website.
Added a new service to document when veteran job seekers notify staff of their acceptance into the VA’s “Veterans Retraining Assistance Program” (VRAP) and provide their training information. The service definition added to the System Service Matrix reads: When a 'planned gap in service of 90 days or more not to exceed 12 months' occurs due to a Veteran receiving approval by the Department of Veterans Affairs to participate in the Veterans Retraining Assistance Program (VRAP), thereby preventing the individual from participating in services at this time. Training dates should only represent the start and end dates of the training being funded by the VRAP program. This service should not beentered if the veteran has applied but not yet been approved for the program.
The Staff Productivity – Job Seeker Client Groups report was updated to include two new columns: DV (Disabled Veterans) and RSV (Recently Separated Veterans). The numbers in the new columns are a subset of the number in the Vet (Veterans) column.
Updated and streamlined the XML process to correct some job posting display issues. Documents and instructions for employers wishing to initiate XML uploads to WorkInTexas were updated and are available on the “Upload Job Postings” page (accessed from the employers “Job Postings – Current” page). A new feature has been added to the “Check HRXML Job Postings” page which allows an employer to instantly add an HRXML file if there are no errors. Once they click the Add Job button, the posting will be added to the account’s current job postings.
The process by which statistics for “Jobs Posted Today” and “Total Job Openings” displayed on the Home page was updated to more closely match the LEAR (Labor Exchange Activity Report) results.
The Occupation Selection page has new language to clarify how to use the page and why occupations must be selected. Tabs have been added to present one search option at a time. The Occupation Keyword search option has been renamed: Job Title.
Search options include:
  • For Job Seekers and non-state agency Employers: Job Title and Category
  • For state agency Employers: Job Title, Category, Classification Code, and Classification
Also, a new Additional Details icon () has been added to the end of the occupation description for the results page. When selected, a new browser window will open and will take the user to the O*NET Summary Report page for that occupation. The same icon has been added to the Occupation Details page.
RRES changes include newly revised letters and subsequent new/revised online data fields for Orientation Details, Highest Grade ranges for Group Search, a limit to when an Exemption service can be entered (not after an Orientation service), icons have been added to Group Search results, a loop back process like REA has been added and the number of days until a Failed to Respond is sent to UI has been reduced from 10 days to 5 days and excludes weekends and holidays.
REA changes include: 1) added additional Round tabs to the REA Summary page:2) added a Round # column to the REA History page so staff can easily identify which job seekers are coming back through; 3) a new business rule will prevent the Work Search Activity – Issue/Verified services from being entered if the job seeker is not UI, REA, RRES or TBTW; 4) the Staff Job Seeker Productivity report displays the following REA services: Job Search Assessment, REA Orientation, Work Search Activity – Issue, Work Search Activity–Verified, REA Exemption; 5) job seekers with an REA Exemption no longer display on the to be scheduled list; 6) and the number of days until a Failed To Respond is sent to UI now excludes weekends and holidays from the count.
When a Work Search Activity Service – Issue is entered, the Potential UI Eligibility Issue form (WF-42) is made available for staff to complete and send via email to the state WF UI Coordinator. For more information and instructions on this see the attached related document.
All Special Client Group Icons now display on Browse By Text Results.
A Keyword search option has been added to the Job Posting Search page.
Contact Us links for both employers and job seekers have been added back to the Home Page.
Added the following text back to the Employer Account Identification page: You must have a valid TWC Tax Account Number or FEIN related to a valid TWC Tax Account Number to self-register with If you do not have either of these, contact your nearest Workforce Solutions Office for registration assistance.
Employer type is based on a combination of the Tax IDs reimbursing code and the NAICS code. Some employer types were mis-categorized as ISDs when in fact they were private universities or junior colleges. We’ve added new employer types to fit these situations and corrected all employer accounts that were miscoded as ISDs. Example: Baylor University’s employer type was listed as ISD, but has been corrected to Colleges, Universities, and Professional Schools.
Job Posting Matching Options have been updated. If only one occupation has been selected the drop down list box will default to that occupation so that users do not have to reselect it.
Added the following information message to the Job Posting Preview page for Job Postings with an Incomplete status: “The status of your job posting is Incomplete. Review and complete each page and then make your posting available to job seekers by updating the status to Open.”
Education is now a required field on the Job Posting Occupation Details page but staff and employers have the option to select ‘No Education Requirement’.
Removed ‘Work Search’ as one of the reasons in the Work Search Activity – Issue and replaced it with: ‘Not Looking For Work’
Removed the confidential icon () next to the Job Seeker’s name from staff view of the Resumé Preview page. Staffalready see it in the page header on the previous page (Preview/Print Resumé or Application)
Added a new “Tiered View” link to the Staff Productivity – Job Seeker Services report that allows you to expand the view of report results so that all numbers are easily decipherable. The “Tiered View/Normal View” link appears where the Printer Friendly link usually appears on other pages.