For schemes under the Discovery Program for the years 2014 and 2015

Version 4Releasedate: 28 February 2014

  • All Participants should read the Funding Rules for schemes under the Discovery Program for the years 2014 and 2015 in conjunction with the relevant scheme-specific section (referred to as the Funding Rules). The scheme specific ‘Instructions to Applicants’ documents also contain important information for Research Office staff and individual Participants preparing proposals.
  • The Australian Research Council (ARC) does not respond to queries from individual Participants. Individual Participants should direct all queries regarding ARC funding schemes to their Administering Organisation’s Research Office (or equivalent). If further information regarding the scheme is required, the Research Office should contact the relevant scheme:

Australian Laureate Fellowships:

Discovery Projects:

Discovery Early Career Researcher Award:

Discovery Indigenous:

  • Information regarding the Research Management System (RMS) is available at or by contacting for assistance.

As soon as information regarding important scheme dates becomes available, the ARC website will be updated at The ARC will also notify the Research Administrators’ Network of any updates via an email message.

This Frequently Asked Questions document will be updated as required. Details of any amendments will be appended to this document.


Part A – Frequently Asked Questions applicable to all schemes under the Discovery Program





Part B – Scheme specific Frequently Asked Questions for Australian Laureate Fellowships for funding commencing in 2014




Part C – Scheme specific Frequently Asked Questions for Discovery Projects for funding commencing in 2015







Part D – Scheme specific Frequently Asked Questions for Discovery Early Career Researcher Award for funding commencing in 2015





Part E – Scheme specific Frequently Asked Questions for Discovery Indigenous for funding commencing in 2015







Table 1 - Scheme Date Reference Table

Table 2 - Example scenarios to assist in understanding the cross-scheme eligibility rules

Changes to Document

Part A –Frequently Asked Questions applicable to all schemes under the Discovery Program

  1. Section A6.2.4 of the Funding Rules states that ‘a proposal may only be submitted for funding that the researcher would be eligible to hold under these rules as at the Commencement Date of the Project/Fellowship/Award being applied for.’ What is the ‘Commencement Date’?

The ‘Commencement Date’ in this section refers to the date on which the funding of the scheme you are applying for will commence, as defined under ‘Interpretation’ in the relevant scheme-specific section of the Funding Rules. Please refer to Table 1 in this document for the Commencement Date of schemes within the Discovery Program.

1.2How do I calculate the duration of my existing Project?

For eligibility purposes, a Project/Fellowship/Award is considered to be funded for the years set out in the original Funding Agreement as noted in section A6.2.5 of the Funding Rules. Refer to Table 1 for a reference guide.

1.3How many Projects, Fellowships or Awards can a researcher hold or apply for concurrently under the Discovery Program?

Under the Discovery Program, a researcher can be funded concurrently for a maximum of:

  • two Projects as a CI (including both as sole CI);or
  • one Project as a CI and one ARC Fellowship; or
  • one Project as a CI and one ARC Award.

A researcher cannot concurrently hold more than one ARC Fellowship or Award. Please also note that a researcher may not hold an ARC Fellowship/Award at the same time as they hold a Fellowship from another Commonwealth funding agency (see A6.2.3 of the Funding Rules).

A researchermay not submit a proposal for funding that they would not be eligible to hold under these rules. See Table 2 for examples.

Relinquishments of Projects/Fellowships/Awards that occur after the closing date for submission of Proposals are not taken into account when calculating cross-scheme eligibility for the scheme round (see A6.2.6 of the Funding Rules).

Please note that funding held and Proposals submitted under the ARC’s Linkage Program (such as Linkage Projects, LIEF, Centres of Excellence and ITRP) need not be taken into account when considering the limits described above. However, grant holders under the Linkage Program should consider their time and capacity to undertake additional projects. Similarly, while researchers holding a sole CI grant may now apply for a second as sole CI, the selection criteria relating to time and capacity to undertake the research must be considered.

1.4How do I know if I meet the eligibility criteria set out under section A6.2 of the Funding Rules on Limits on Projects and Proposals?

In the first instance you should consider whether any funding you are currently receiving from the ARC will be ongoing as at the Commencement Date for the scheme you wish to apply for (see also FAQ 1.1). For eligibility purposes, a Project/Fellowship/Award is considered to be funded for the years set out in the original Funding Agreement (see also FAQ 1.2).

Secondly, consider any current Discovery Program Proposals that you have submitted to the ARC as a Chief Investigator/Fellow/Award candidate. As noted in section A6.2.2 of the Funding Rules, you do not need to include Projects on which you are a Partner Investigator or other participant (such as a PDRA, higher degree research student or a research assistant). Proposals submitted under the ARC’s Linkage Program (such as Linkage Projects, LIEF, Centres of Excellence and ITRP) also do not need to be taken into account for the purposes of cross-scheme eligibility. However, grant holders under the Linkage Program should consider their time and capacity to undertake additional projects.

You should then add the number of ARC Projects/Fellowships/Awards which will have ongoing funding (as described above) to the number of currently submitted Discovery Program proposals. Consider this total against the limits for concurrently held Projects/Fellowships/Awards set out in sections A6.2.1 and A6.2.3 of the Funding Rules (see also FAQ 1.3).

You should also take into account any funding you may be receiving from another Commonwealth agency which will be ongoing as at the Commencement Date. Keep in mind that the ARC will not duplicate funding for research or research infrastructure funded by the Commonwealth (section A5.1.4 of the Funding Rules) and that a researcher cannot hold an ARC Fellowship/Award at the same time as they hold a Fellowship from another Commonwealth agency (section A6.2.3 of the Funding Rules).

Calculations to determine cross-scheme eligibility will be performed at the closing time of submission of Proposals. The relinquishment of any Discovery Program CI role/Fellowship/Award after this date will not be taken into account for the purposes of determining eligibility for that scheme round (see section A6.2.6 of the Funding Rules).

Examples are available at Table 2 for further clarification.

1.5Can the same research Proposal be submitted for different schemes under the Discovery Program?

Yes. A Proposal for the same project can be submitted to more than one scheme (keeping in mind the limits outlined in FAQ 1.3 above). If a Proposal is submitted to more than one ARC funding scheme, the relevant part of the proposal form should be completed accordingly. This information should be recorded in the Proposal form.If both Proposals are successful you willbe required to manage any potential financial duplication through an ARC-approved variation to the relevant Funding Agreement or by relinquishing one of the successful Projects.

Please note in accordance with section A5.1.4 of the Funding Rules, the ARC will not duplicate funding for research, including infrastructure, funded by the Commonwealth. Assessors also take into account criteria such as value for money and originality.

1.6Are Future Fellows and Australian Laureate Fellows eligible to apply for funding as CIs under the Discovery Program?

Yes. In order to be eligible as a CI, Future Fellows and Australian Laureate Fellows must, at the time of submission of Discovery Program Proposals, evaluate if they will meet the eligibility criteria for CIs at the Commencement Date as per Table 1 of these FAQs. For example, Future Fellows who are based at organisations other than those listed in section A12 of the Funding Rules and do not meet the eligibility criteria of a CI are not eligible to apply as a CI. Applicants must also comply with the specific limits on the number of projects/proposals permitted.

1.7I am currently a CI on a NHMRC Project Grant, how many Discovery Program Proposals can I apply for?

The Discovery Program does not limit researchers who are receivingor applying for NHMRC funding, as long as other ARC eligibility criteria are satisfied. Please refer to section A6.2 of the Funding Rules. However, the restrictions on duplication of Commonwealth funding still apply, and researchers should consider their time and capacity to undertake additional projects.

1.8I am a CI on a Centre of Excellence for funding commencing in 2014, how many Discovery Program Proposals can I apply for?

You may apply for and be awarded the maximum of two Discovery Program Proposals. Please refer to section A6.2 of the Funding Rules. However, the restrictions on duplication of Commonwealth funding still apply, and researchers should consider their time and capacity to undertake additional projects.

1.9A researcher currently holds another Commonwealth-funded fellowship which is due for completion after the Commencement Date of the ARC Fellowship/Award scheme they wish to apply for. For eligibility purposes, can the researcher defer the start date of the ARC Fellowship or Award to avoid holding concurrent Commonwealth-funded Fellowships/Awards?

No. If a researcher will be receiving funding for another Commonwealth-funded fellowship on the Commencement Date, they are not eligible to apply in that scheme round. The Commencement Date for each scheme round is a fixed date defined in the relevant scheme-specific Part of the Funding Rules.

For eligibility purposes, it is not possible to defer commencement of the ARC Fellowship/Award in order to avoid the eligibility rules set out in A6.2.3 and A6.2.4 of the Funding Rules.

Under the current Funding Rules, a Candidate for an ARC Fellowship/Award may submit an application for another Commonwealth-funded fellowship but could not accept both the ARC Fellowship/Award and the other Commonwealth-funded fellowship. However, a researcher who currently holds another Commonwealth-funded fellowship which is due to end after 1 January 2015, would not be eligible to apply for a scheme round with a Commencement Date of 1 January 2015, as a Candidate may not submit a proposal for funding that they are not eligible to hold under the Funding Rules.

For eligibility purposes, existing Commonwealth-funded fellowships are considered to be funded for the years set out in the original Funding Agreement or equivalent.

1.10Isthe recipient of a Discovery Outstanding Researcher Award (DORA) on a DP13 or DP14 project considered to hold one Award andone Project? Are they eligible to submit a DP15 proposal?

A DORA recipient on a funded DP13 or DP14project is considered to hold one award/project combined. Provided the researcher has not applied for and does not hold any other grants under the Discovery Program, they are eligible to submit one DP15 proposal.

  1. Publication and dissemination of Project outputs and outreach activity costs are listed as budget items supported (subsection A5.2.1.h of the Funding Rules). Does this mean I should/could enter a line in the budget requesting a sum for publication costs?

Yes, there is no capon the amount you can request. Applicants mayrequest an appropriate amount for publications and dissemination under the Project Costs table of the Proposal Form. All funds requested from the ARC mustbe fully justified under the Budget Justification in the Proposal form.

Please note that applicants should include information in the Project Description section of the Proposal Form regarding their strategies for dissemination.

2.2My Proposal has requested salary support for a Research Assistant. What kind of increments should I includeunder Project Cost?

For personnel being funded within the project, such as Research Associates and Research Assistants, do not include CAF (Cost Adjustment Factor) indexation, as all project payments are automatically indexed by the ARC at the time of payment for each year of the project. Nor should you include annual pay rises associated with enterprise bargaining agreements and other similar agreements. However, you may include salary/performance increments, such as those within a salary band, that are routinely applied within your organisation. Please refer to the relevant Instructions to Applicants.

2.3On the budget page, how do I add/enter cash/in-kind contributions?

In the Project Costs of the Proposal Form, there will automatically be a column to detail funding sought from the ARC. To enter contributions from Administering/Other Eligible/Other Organisations, these Organisations must first be added as an Organisational Participant on the Draft Proposal Summary screen. The Organisation/s will then be available to add to the budget page by clicking on the ‘Set Other Organisation Contributors’ link on the budget page. Please refer to the Instructions to Applicants.

2.4Can you please clarify subsection A5.3.1.a ‘bench fees or similar laboratory access fees’ under ‘Budget Items Not Supported’ in the Funding Rules?

Bench fees are an institutionally applied fee or levy for the provision of general laboratory access. Access to specialised equipment (such as electron microscopes) does not fall into this category and therefore, if this type of access is required for the project, a usage fee may be requested from the ARC under the Funding Rules. All budget requests must be fully justified.

2.5Can you please advise whether indirect costs can be included?I cannot find anywhere on the budget page to enter them.

The ARC does not fund indirect costs or overheads. The budget is to be presented as direct costs only - this is the level of funding which is being requested. Please refer to section A5.3 of the Funding Rules.

2.6Can you please clarify whether the Project Cost table must be included under the Budget Justification in the proposal form?

While the Project Cost table may be included, this is not mandatory.

The justification should indicate how the project funding will be used each year. This statement should include the need and cost for each item requested from the ARC using the same headings as in the budget in the Proposal form. Although the budget justification should be broken down into separate headings for each year,applicants may refer back to the description in the first year of funding to avoid duplication.

2.7Can you define Field Research as per section A5.2.1 of the Funding Rules?

‘Field Research’ means the collection of information integral to the Project outside a laboratory, library or workplace setting and often in a location external to the researcher’s normal place of employment. If the applicant(s) can justify the necessity for the work in relation to the proposed Project, and the Administering Organisation can certify the work undertaken by the applicant, then it can be considered as ‘Field Research’.It is the Administering Organisation’s discretion to consider what is determined as ‘Field Research’. The main purpose of any travel designated as Field Research must be to carry out the research, not to attend a conference or other related meetings.

The applicant should fully justify the costs of field research in theProposal Form. Please refer to the Instructions to Applicants for further information.

2.8My research requires me to conduct Field Research in remote areas of Australia and overseas. Will the Field Research costs come out of the $50,000 limit on travel over the life of the project as per the Funding Rules?

Costs related to carrying out Field Research, including flights, are not included in the $50,000 limit on travel. Field Research costs,including international and domestic travel costs to a Field Research site,accommodation, living costs and research, technical and logistical support staff required to assist with Field Research should be requested in the Proposal Form under the ‘Fieldwork Expenses’ category. (Note that the $50,000travel limit does not apply to Australian Laureate Fellowships.)

  1. Can you please advise what the ARC considers satisfactory evidence to meet the certification requirements? Who must sign, what conditions must they sign to, and do they need to contain original signatures or can the agreement be attested by email?

The Administering Organisation is no longer required to obtain handwritten signatures on an ARC Certification Form to attest to the agreement of all parties necessary to allow the proposed project to proceed. Instead, the Administering Organisation will certify that they have obtained the written agreement of all parties necessary to allow the proposed project to proceed through the Research Management System (RMS). The ARC reserves the right to seek the evidence from the Administering Organisation to support the certification of Proposals.