for representation in the Ordinary General Meeting of the Shareholders
of Oltchim S.A. Rm.Valcea, societate în insolvenţă, in insolvency, en procedure collective,
of April 29(30), 2015
The undersigned ...... (name, first name of the shareholder, natural person or of the legal representative of the shareholder, legal person), as legal representative of ...... (to be filled in only for the shareholders legal persons) identified as a shareholder in the Shareholders’ Register by CI/BI/passport/CUI ...... having the residence/head office at ...... , being the holder of ……………...... shares, representing ...... % from the total of 343.211.383 shares issued by S.C. OLTCHIM S.A Rm.Valcea, which grant me the right to …..…….... votes in the Ordinary General Meeting of the Shareholders representing ...... % from the total of 343.205.203 voting rights, hereby appoint .……………...... having the residence at ...... Street ………..………...., bl...…., staircase……., apart. .….… holder of the B.I./C.I./passport series...... , no…………. as my representative in the Ordinary General Meeting of the Shareholders of S.C.Oltchim S.A Rm.Valcea that will take place on the April 29, 2015, 12:00 a.m. , at the company head office or on the the April 30, 2015, at the same hour and in the same place, in case the first one could not take place at the first convocation, to exercise my voting right corresponding to my shareholding registered at the Shareholders Register, at the end of the day of April 20, 2015, as follows:
- Approval of the Special Administrator Report for the financial year 2014, prepared in accordance with annex no.32 of Regulation NSC no.1/2006 with subsequent amendments and additions.
For ...... Against ...... Abstain ......
- Approval of the Oltchim S.A. individual financial statements ended on December 31, 2014, prepared in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards(IFRS), as provided in MPFO no 1286/2012, based on the Special Administrator Report and the Financial Auditor’s Report, for the year 2014.
For ...... Against ...... Abstain ......
- Approval of the Oltchim S.A. consolidated financial statements ended on December 31, 2014, prepared in accordance with IFRS, based on the Special Administrator Report and the Financial Auditor’s Report, for the year 2014.
For ...... Against ...... Abstain ......
- Approval of May 19, 2015, as the registration date, under art. 238, paragraph 1 of Law 297/2004 regarding the capital market and of May 18, 2015 as “ex date” calculated in accordance with the definition given by the provisions of art. 2, letter f of Regulation NSC no.6/2009.
For ...... Against ...... Abstain ......
- Empowering Mr Victor Avram, Deputy General Manager of the company, to perform the formalities required for the registration of the „OGMS” resolution of 29/30.04.2015 to the Trade Registry Office. The empowering person will be able to delegate his mandate to any other person in order to perform the above formalities.
For ...... Against ...... Abstain ......
The date of granting the proxy ……………………
……………………………………….. ……......
(name, first name of the shareholder natural person or of the legal representative of the shareholder legal person, with capital letters )
…………………………… ......
(the signature of the shareholder natural person or of the legal representative of the shareholder legal person and the stamp)