n his 1979 classic polemic Confessions of a Medical Heretic, the late Dr. Robert S. Mendelsohn described in detail the striking, astounding resemblance of the medical profession to the medieval Roman Catholic Church. He boldly went so far—correctly—to indicate that we are in the midst of a medical inquisition. Being a Jew, he probably didn’t have the detailed knowledge of church history to realize that this is because the medical profession was not founded by Hippocrates, as they have fraudulently claimed, but by the thirteenth-century Pope Innocent III, the same misogynist antichrist who was the architect of the Inquisition, the Witch Hunts (a.k.a. the Women’s Holocaust), and the public torture and slaughter of millions of cats, which brought about the Black Death, because of the resulting population explosion of rats and fleas, the vectors of bubonic plague. Today, the medical profession and its support institutions are the surviving branches of the Inquisition, Women’s Holocaust, and the humane holocaust I call the Felicide. Moreover, as the medieval Church hierarchy had subscribed to the antiscientific teachings of Augustine of Hippo, the profession still bases its practices not on science, but on family abuse, misogyny, colonial racism, elitism, capitalism, greed, power, eugenics, sexual predation, and ecocide, even after the Enlightenment of the 18th century had historically summarily rejected Augustine in favor of scientific inquiry. As the only solution to the medieval Roman Catholic disaster had been Martin Luther’s infamous posting on the door of his diocesan cathedral, which launched the Reformation, the necessary course of action now is to draft 95 theses of inconvenient truths in order to inaugurate a health reformation. This ‘Reformation’ nomenclature is metaphoric only, and in no way represents an attempt to convert anyone to the Lutheran Church or to any other Protestant denomination, nor does it imply any endorsement of this project by the Lutheran Church or by any other Protestant denomination. Be forewarned: as William Tyndale had been the victim of an extrajudicial execution just for translating the Bible directly into English from the Hebrew and the Greek, and Thomas Cranmer had been executed at the stake for drafting and issuing user-friendly, English-language liturgical manuals for lay use, recognition of “health protestants” will require significant bloodshed and social unrest. However, the alternative is certain premature death amid significant physical and emotional torment for both oneself and everyone one cares about, including defenseless children, not to even mention global bankruptcy.


  1. All diseases are environmental, except for outright hereditary diseases such as cystic fibrosis, hemophilia, Huntington’s chorea, Tay-Sachs disease, and sickle cell disease. If there is no clone in a vector with a sequencing gel, there is no gene.
  2. There are no racial predispositions for disease. The nearly 12 million (6 million Jews and 5.5 million non-Jews) who perished in the Holocaust of the Second World War were murdered because of such racist propaganda. The increased incidence of diseases in African-Americans is the result of racism alone.
  3. The medical profession was never driven by science, but by the profit motive and by ruling-class lust for power and sexual prey. Genuine science had always been the province of feminists, including classical, medieval, and nineteenth-century feminists.
  4. The primary purpose of Innocent III’s Scholasticism initiative was ruling-class enclosure of learning and obstruction of women and the poor from education (this was 300 years before the advent of colonial racism; however, the events of the thirteenth century did inevitably culminate in colonial racism). This sin was reiterated with the Flexner Report of the turn of the twentieth century, which closed down all medical schools for women, people of color, and the poor.
  5. The politicization of science being lamented by environmentalists today is nothing new; medical science has been politicized since the thirteenth century.
  6. Half of all papers published in medical journals are ghostwritten by public relations flacks working for drug, medical device, and hospital industries.
  7. Most of what is published in medical journals is fraudulent in some way. Methods of fraud range from omission of inconclusive or negative data, stopping inconvenient studies before they become statistically significant, nonpublication and suppression of studies not favorable to the pro-business agenda, inadequate controls, fraudulent experimental design, nonrepresentative study groups, and outright falsification of data.
  8. The public is denied access to biomedical studies, even though most of them were funded in whole or in part by taxpayer funds. If the public had access to the research database, they would find out the truth. This is public funds theft of the first order.
  9. The medical profession and its supporting industries decide who is admitted to degree programs, who graduates, who is hired, who and what is funded, who and what is published, who is tenured, and who is promoted.
  10. Nearly half of all advertisements, including underwriting of “public” television and radio, are for drugs, medical devices, hospitals, and medical practices. This fundamental conflict of interest makes obtaining reliable health information in the media hopelessly impossible. The only reliable source of information about anything is from radical activists on that issue.
  11. By far the biggest drug pushers in the world—volumewise and moneywise—are middle-aged whites in white coats, overdressed young white sycophants hanging around their necks with oversized briefcases filled with bribes, and overdressed middle-aged white men in oversized corner offices who pay the sycophants’ salaries and expense accounts. All of the above are the overdressed direct descendants of the Nordic gangsters, thugs, and hooligans who had deposed the Roman Empire and have reigned with an unchallenged iron fist as its successors ever since.
  12. Cholesterol does not cause heart disease. Most cholesterol does not come from the diet, but is manufactured by the liver because it is required for proper function of cellular membranes, especially in neurons, and is a precursor to all steroid hormones, including all sex hormones and glucocortocoids. When a person abstains from eggs because of veganism or because of keeping Oriental Orthodox Great Lent, the liver merely upregulates its cholesterol anabolic pathway to make up the difference.
  13. Increase of blood cholesterol is a normal part of aging. In elderly people over 60, increased cholesterol reduces the risk of heart disease and low cholesterol actually increases such risk.
  14. Statins cause Alzheimer because cholesterol is especially required for neuronal cell membrane and membrane-bound protein function. Lipitor is the worst offender.
  15. Statins cause liver damage and liver cancer because they “work” by impeding the liver’s normal cholesterol-anabolic pathway.
  16. The “Go Red for Women” campaign is nothing more than a marketing campaign to ram statins down the throats of millions of perfectly healthy women.
  17. Trans fats cause insulin-resistant diabetes by accumulating in cellular membranes, decreasing their fluidity by raising the melting point, and thus precluding membrane-bound insulin receptors from changing conformation in order to import glucose into the cell like they are supposed to. Animal fats, in contrast, are cis fats, which are constantly being turned over by lipid catabolic enzymes. However, while these enzymes have excellent affinity for cis fats, they have very poor affinity for the synthetic trans fats, and are seldom successful in breaking them down. Consequently, trans fats accumulate in cellular membranes almost like heavy metals, making the membranes as stiff as a board. Therefore, most non-insulin-dependent diabetes is really trans fat poisoning.
  18. Trans fats exacerbate emotional problems by raising the melting point of neuronal cellular membranes, thus interfering with the ability of neuroreceptors and other membrane-bound proteins to change conformation when they are supposed to. It is unconscionable to administer designer stimulants and depressants to persons who are really suffering from trans fat poisoning.
  19. Processed sugar in beverages and sweets also causes insulin-resistant diabetes by flooding the body with simple sugar, overwhelming cellular pathways with overwork. Just imagine 1000 packed buses pulling up to a highway restaurant all at once, night after night, year after year, to get the idea.
  20. Diabetes, insulin-dependent and insulin-resistant, does not cause blindness. Insulin injections are what cause blindness in diabetics. The only people who should ever resort to insulin injection are those who would die without it.
  21. The American Diabetes Association is a for-profit, tax-evading fraud sponsored by the artificial sweetener industry and by pushers of low-carb diets. Artificial sweeteners are carcinogenic, leach calcium out of bones, damage internal organs, and cause a whole host of other health problems.
  22. The new antidepressants cause school shootings, including Virginia Tech, Columbine, Jonesboro, and Paducah. This is why there has been an epidemic of school shootings ever since the introduction of Prozac, the first such drug.
  23. The new antidepressants cause suicide in all ages, including the elderly activist Abbie Hoffman, the elderly pop singer Del Shannon, an elderly tenor who sang groundbreaking roles at the Met, and my own 48-year-old cousin. Paxil is merely the worst offender. Del Shannon’s widow is now an outspoken antipsychiatry activist.
  24. All stimulants—including caffeine, tobacco, chocolate, all antidepressants, Ritalin and all other school drugs, bipolar drugs, diet drugs, amphetamines, cocaine, and all other street uppers—cause heart disease, stroke, breast cancer, prostate cancer, high blood pressure, PMS, hot flashes, and seasonal allergies. As a child, I had noticed that seasonal allergies were a moral weakness. Now I know the cause.
  25. Caffeine not only kills those who use it, because caffeine crops cannot grow in four-season climates. Billions of tropical peasants are starving to death because the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank have blocked tropical peasants from planting food that sustains life, and are instead making them plant caffeine crops to fuel the Western caffeine addiction. Moreover, both major brands of cola have been involved in right-wing regimes in tropical countries that have been slaughtering their peasants.
  26. All depressants—alcohol, sleeping drugs, anxiety drugs, obsessive drugs, narcotic analgesics, anti-seizure drugs, anesthetics, sedatives, heroin, Quaaludes, and all other street downers—cause Alzheimer, other dementia, Parkinson, violence, ALS, liver damage, liver cancer, and cognitive deficits.
  27. All antipsychotic drugs cause tardive dyskinesia, tardive akathisia, and tardive dystonia. These devastating, incurable tardive diseases do not exist in nature, and did not exist until the 1950s, when the first antipsychotics were invented.
  28. All emotional problems are software issues, except for those caused or exacerbated by trans fat poisoning or long term effects of other drugs. Just as no information technology professional can possibly design a machine with no software, with all programming somehow “embedded” in the hardware, such an impossible design is certainly not going to be found in nature. Descartes is safe.
  29. “AD/HD,” or whatever they are calling it this week, is an industrial-capitalist ideological artifact fabricated by white supremacists who refuse to adequately fund the schools or protect children from media. No diagnostic test, no disease.
  30. “Social anxiety disorder” is another industrial-capitalist artifact contrived by drug executives to sell more modern antidepressants.
  31. “Oppositional disorder” is a psychiatric label contrived by conservatives not wanting to lose their jobs, male privilege, white privilege, and class privilege. This label is applied to liberals, progressives, feminists, environmentalists, and Marxists.
  32. Schizophrenia is a software problem most commonly caused by infant molestation. Dissident therapists belonging to the International Center for the Study of Psychiatry and Psychology have had excellent results with psychotherapy for voice-hearers. The fraudulent and preposterous attempt to genetically engineer a rat that hears voices is an obscene waste of taxpayer funds that should be used to combat child hunger and child abuse. Why do the ruling and managerial classes obstinately refuse to combat child abuse? BECAUSE THEY ARE COMMITTING IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  33. Emotional problems are never caused by neurotransmitter imbalances. Such imbalances are artifacts of the psychiatric drugs themselves, as well as being caused by other prescription drugs and drugs of abuse.
  34. The brain has been designed by eons of natural selection to compensate for all mind-altering substances—psychiatric drugs, drugs of abuse, anesthetics, narcotic analgesics, sleeping drugs, and all other drugs with psychotropic side effects—by upregulation or downregulation of the neurotransmitters being targeted. Throughout evolution, this adaptation has protected animals which have gotten into things they shouldn’t have. For example, neurotransmitters upregulate in the presence of alcohol. This paradoxical reaction is why some people become aggressive or violent when drinking. Ritalin and its ‘me-too’ drugs “work” because all children’s brains compensate for these dangerous stimulants by downregulating their neurotransmitters in a classic paradoxical reaction.
  35. All psychiatric drugs taken long-term cause Alzheimer or similar neurodegeneration, as well as brain shrinkage. Usage of psychiatric drugs in the population is analogous to widespread contamination of the environment by polluting industries.
  36. The neurotransmitter imbalances induced by psychiatric drugs often launch a cascade—a domino effect—of additional psychiatric labels and prescribed drugs in a positive feedback loop: the more drugs prescribed, the more imbalances are manufactured and the more labels attached to the victim (choice of words intentional), and then even more drugs prescribed, culminating in psychiatric incarceration, suicide, or violence.
  37. All biopsychiatric drugs and procedures “work” by disabling the prefrontal lobe, thus covering up the ravages of family abuse, capitalism, abusive jobs, schools, governments, and economic systems; poverty, misogyny, colonial racism and older racism, elitism, geriphobia, pedophobia, homophobia, and eugenics.
  38. The National Alliance for the Mentally Ill (NAMI) is an Astroturf organization and a union for child abusers. Drugs and shock typically act as enablers of family abuse.
  39. Contrary to popular naïveté, electroshock is still being performed, and shock doctors are making every effort to cover it up and hide the true scale and scope of it. This baroque form of ritual rape is a sexual perversion of the first magnitude, and is analogous to nuclear warfare. Sorry, Tennessee Coalition to Abolish State Killing, the only way to deal with shock doctors is by public, televised, and webcast capital punishment. I volunteer to be an executioner.
  40. Surgery and general anesthesia also represent a baroque sexual fetish. It is impossible to see anesthetized victims (choice of words intentional) without liking them sexually (avoid watching television, even public television). Alleged extraterrestrial abductions are actually sexual abuse of anesthetized victims, because human beings cannot produce viable offspring with chimpanzees, our closest living relative, let alone with offworlders with completely different genetic makeup and biochemistry.
  41. Maintenance of general anesthesia is invariably and inescapably brain damaging. Experimental mice I have worked with that went directly from induction to recovery were completely unfazed, but mice subjected to maintenance were invariably and obviously never the same. A prominent musician I knew was involuntarily incarcerated in a psychoprison for six months because the doctors obstinately rejected his insistence that he suffered cognitive deficits as a result of major surgery. Gilbert Abbot, the first etherized patient, suffered no ill effects on 10-16-1846 because maintenance had not yet been invented; he went directly from induction to recovery.
  42. The two men who popularized general anesthesia, a con artist named William T. G. Morton and a scientist named Charles T. Jackson, both died of bizarre neurological symptoms because of self-experimentation. Morton died after about an hour of neurological symptoms, which may have been exacerbated by a heat wave, and Jackson was demented for seven years and had been institutionalized. Morton’s death certificate stated that he had died of “brain congestion” rather than of heatstroke.
  43. General anesthesia causes Alzheimer. Ralph Waldo Emerson, the brother-in-law of Charles T. Jackson, is among the first well-documented victims of Alzheimer, as he was likely experimented upon. Alcohol, also a central nervous system depressant, is a known cause of Alzheimer.