Intel Corporation

Accounts Payable, EY1-24

PO Box 1000

Hillsboro, OR97123-1000


Wire Transfer Enrollment

For payment of US Dollars to accounts outside the United States

Wire Transfer is a payment process for payment of US dollars to supplier bank accounts residing outside the United States. Important: Intel suppliers that wish to receive payments in US dollars to accounts within the United States, should instead use our Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) Form. For your company to be able to receive payments by wire transfer, please complete the accompanying form.

After Intel Accounts Payable receives your completed enrollment form, we will verify the banking information you have submitted. For verification purposes it is critical that you complete all available bank contact information on the enrollment form.

OnlineRemittance:Payment history and status of invoice payments can be obtained from Intel's supplier Web

site. To access Payment Tracker go to:

Additionally, Intel’s AP/PO Production Support Automated Customer Service is available 24 hours a day at (503) 264-7851, giving you quick access to payment status of individual invoices. To use the system, all you need is your 6-digit Supplier Number.

If you have questions or need assistance completing the Wire Transfer Enrollment Form, please contact our AP/PO Production Support Center at

Wire Transfer Enrollment Form

For payment of US dollars to accounts outside the United States

Type of Request (check one):___ START ___ CHANGE ___ STOP

Company Name: ______

Address: ______

City, State, Postal Code, Country: ______

Contact Person (REQUIRED): ______E-mail: ______

Telephone Number: ( )______Fax #: ( )______

Second Contact Person (REQUIRED): ______E-mail: ______

Telephone Number: ( )______Fax #: ( )______


Please complete all available bank contact information to ensure quick processing of the enrollment form. You may be contacted by Intel to confirm information provided on this form.

Please provide ONLY Beneficiary Bank information.

Bank Name: ______

Address: ______

City, State, Postal Code, Country: ______

Bank Telephone Number: ( )______Bank E-mail:______

Bank Fax #: ( )______Bank Contact: ______

Account Name: ______

Bank Routing # (SWIFT): ______

Bank Account #: ______

Account Type–Checking/Savings: ______

Remittance Advice (Select One):

Review Payment Data Online

Access payment data online at your convenience.

I certify that the information above is true and correct, and that I, as a representative for the above named company, hereby authorize Intel Accounts Payable to electronically deposit payments to the designated bank account. This authority remains in full force until Intel Accounts Payable receives written notification requesting a change or cancellation.

Authorized Signature:______Date:______

Title: ______E-mail______

Phone Number: (______) ______– ______

Please return the completed form using one of the following methods:

Fax: (503) 696-3329Attn: Vendormaster


Mail:Vendormaster;EY1-24;Intel Corporation
P.O. Box 1000; Hillsboro, OR97123-1000, USARev 1102M