Final Project

This is my suggestion for a project designed for a four point 11th grade. We use the book “Targets”therefore I chose the subject of “colliding cultures” which appears in the book. I know the class is not very strong consequently I tried to help with the initial choices. As you can see the first two pages were written for me (to help me with the rubrics) and the other pages will be given to the students.

Dana Zollinger Lande

e-mail :

Principles Underlying Project Work

Language Learning

develop confidence in their ability to use the target language.
build on their prior language and world knowledge.
have opportunities to learn by doing.
use the language as a means for gaining information in other areas.
are aware of the learning objectives.
take responsibility for their own language learning.
analyze and reflect on their learning.
interact, share information, exchange ideas and opinions and work together.
have the opportunity to choose texts and tasks according to individual preferences.
can see the usefulness of what they are learning.
have opportunities to develop independent reading habits.

Language Teaching

allow pupils to find out what they know or do not know by themselves
provide feedback that is on-going and formative
provide opportunities for peer interaction
incorporate task-based activities
allow pupils to make choices

Choice of Material

provide opportunities for meaningful communication
enrich pupils' general knowledge
are compatible with pupils' level of proficiency
stimulate pupils to seek further information · are presented in a variety of text types and media and are used for different purposes
are presented in a variety of text types and media and are used for different purposes
provide opportunities for contextual language use and practice

Project Goals (Chosen from Focus on Projects)

Domain of Social Interaction

  • Pupils will be able to ask and answer questions, to gather information and express opinions about their topic.
  • Pupils will be able to converse fluently on their topic.

Domain of access to information

  • Pupil will be able to understand the main ideas and significant details of a text.
  • Pupils will be able to identify the points of view in a text, distinguishing fact from opinion and draw inferences.
  • Pupils will be able to compare and contrast attitudes and arguments from a variety of sources.
  • Pupils will be able to use a range of appropriate reference such as dictionaries, online dictionaries, search engines, spell checkers, thesauri, online encyclopedias and online data bases.

Domain of Presentation

  • Pupils will be able to spell frequently used words and use simple punctuation.
  • Pupils will be able to present their project in a clearly designed written form in which they state their research question, support their findings and reach conclusions.
  • Pupils will be able to use basic language structures and suitable vocabulary.

Prerequisite Skills and Knowledge

  • how to use a search engine
  • how to use an online dictionary and encyclopedia
  • how to summarize information in pupils’ own words
  • how to ask a research/essential question
  • how to distinguish between useful and non-useful resources
  • how to be a critical appraiser of websites
  • how to divide the work load efficiently among group members.

Project Topic – Colliding Cultures

Your project has to be connected to the subject of colliding cultures. You may explore two different cultures, or specific customs in different cultures. Another option is to come up with a travel plan. Here are two suggestions, however, you may come up with a plan of your own which must be approved by me!!!

  1. Holidays

Compare two holidays such as Halloween and Purim or Hanukka, Christmas and the Chinese Lantern Festival. Describe the two holidays and discuss the similarities and differences between them. In addition prepare a trivia game about the two holidays.

  1. Travel

Choose a place you would like to travel to. Collect information about the place such as ways to get there, places to stay, local dishes, interesting sites and more. In addition write four letters by different tourists after they have visited the place.

Project Work – Group Planning (20% of final grade)

Category / Exceptional / Admirable / Acceptable / Amateur
Research / Essential Questions
(4 points) / Students independently identify at least 4 reasonable, insightful, creative questions to pursue when doing the project / Students independently identify at least 4 reasonable questions to pursue when doing the project / Students, with some adult help, identify at least 4 reasonable questions to pursue when doing the project / Students, with considerable adult help, identify at least 4 reasonable questions to pursue when doing the project
Group Timeline
(4 points) / Group hands in different parts of the work (e.g. planning, questions, first draft, final draft) on time. All group members can describe the high points of the timeline. / Group hands in most parts of the work (e.g. planning, questions, first draft, final draft) on time. Most group members can describe the high points of the timeline. / Group hands in some parts of the work (e.g. planning, questions, first draft, final draft) on time. Some group members can describe the high points of the timeline. / Group hands in few parts of the work (e.g. planning, questions, first draft, final draft) on time. Few group members can describe the high points of the timeline.
Delegation of Responsibility
(4 points) / Each student in the group can clearly explain what information is needed by the group, what information is needed by the group, what information s/he is responsible for locating, and when the information is needed / Each student in the group can clearly explain what information s/he is responsible for locating. / Each student in the group can, with minimal help from peers, clearly explain what information s/he is responsible for locating. / One or more students in the group cannot clearly explain what information they are responsible for locating.
Plan for Organizing Information
(4 points) / Students have developed a clear plan for organizing the information as it is gathered and in the final product. All students can independently explain the planned organization of the findings. / Students have developed a fairly clear plan for organizing the information as it is gathered and in the final product. All students can independently explain the planned organization of the findings. / Students have developed a fairly clear plan for organizing the information as it is gathered and in the final product. Most students can independently explain the planned organization of the findings. / Students have no clear plan for organizing the information and / or students in the group cannot explain the plan
Quality of Sources
(4 points) / Students independently locate at least 2 reliable information sources for each of their ideas or questions / Students independently locate at least 1 reliable information sources for each of their ideas or questions / Students with some adult help locate at least 2 reliable information sources for each of their ideas or questions / Students, with extensive adult help, locate at least 2 reliable information sources for each of their ideas or questions

Assessment Rubric for Project

Area and percentages / Criteria / Scale:
Very much…..Not at all
Content /
  • Content is relevant and suitable to topic
  • Knowledge was gained about the topic.
  • Content was dealt with thoughtfully rather than superficially.
/ 10…………………..0
Product /
  • Product is clear and understandable.
  • Product is appealing / attractive.
  • Product shows thought and originality.
/ 10…………………..0
Planning /
  • Project was planned out well.
  • Goals originally decided on were achieved.
/ 5……………………..0
English Usage /
  • English was used in the course of working on this project.
  • The English used in the product was understandable and fairly accurate.
/ 10…………………..0
Group Planning /
  • Group members shared ideas and workload (based on group planning table)
/ 20…………………..0

Project Work - Instructions and Procedures


-Choose a topic that you would like to examine.

-Define essential questions.

-Decide what resources you will use to find information.

-Locate suitable resource material.

-Read / listen to / look at the material you have collected and take notes and / or summarize.

-Organize the information for the written paper.

-Write the draft.

-Present final paper.


  • You may work in groups of up to 4 people.
  • The group will hand in a joint written project.
  • You will each have your own working file which will include :

♦ All resource materials.

♦ Notes taken and rough drafts.

♦ Any individual work you had done.

  • The project must be based on at least three different resources.
  • At the end of the process you will be asked to reflect on the entire process.


  • Resources must be found by ______.
  • Draft of written paper must be handed in by ______.
  • Final written paper must be handed in by ______.

Assessment Structure

  • Your grade will be decided according to the group planning page and the assessment rubric for project

Good luck and enjoy - Dana