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For each section, consider and reflect upon the following:

1. Subject specific advanced training.

  • Masters level training
  • Instrument training (also applicable to generic training)

2. Subject specific craft skills (as applicable to your area or type of research).
  • Ability to compile a literature database and compose a list of references quickly and easily in any standard format (e.g. Endnote).
  • Ability to conduct rigorous analysis and evaluation of your results including, data analysis, descriptive statistics, error analysis.
  • Demonstration of appropriate use of computer programming, design software or modelling tools.
  • Ability to use appropriate equipment to conduct your research, and be able to troubleshoot any operational problems.
  • Gain exposure to relevant Industry recognised equipment and/or software.
  • Understand the PhD examination process, including progression requirements, submission of thesis, e-thesis and the viva.

3. Broad scholarship and wider engagement.
  • Be able to network with individuals from other Institutions and Industry.
  • Presentation of research e.g. at national, or international conference.
  • Publication of research in international journals.
  • Ability to draft research proposals for funding.
  • Demonstrate involvement in outreach activities to help communicate the value of research, be it your own or that of others, to a wider audience including Industry and/or the general public.
  • Ability to explain and demonstrate techniques, and support the learning of others when involved in teaching, mentoring or demonstrating.

4. Generic skills to become a high-level professional in any field.
  • General computer literacy skills.
  • Ability to convert your topic into a testable research hypothesis.
  • Ability to design your own research programme to test your hypothesis e.g. the design of suitable experiments, or mathematical testing.
  • Identify, gather, critically appraise and synthesise research literature, identifying gaps and prioritising research in those gaps. Critically appraise your own work given this knowledge.
  • Ability to keep good records of own research.
  • Demonstration of good scientific practice including understanding of plagiarism, why it is important and how to avoid it.
  • Understand the meaning and importance of scientific research ethics.
  • Ability to manage the research process – time and project management skills.
  • Ability to work to a defined standard of outputs for Industrial partners or regulatory quality assurance. Understanding confidentiality, intellectual property agreements.
  • Experience with health and safety in the workplace: understanding COSSH, risk assessment and the legal framework for safe working practices: employers and employees responsibilities: application and the implications for your research.
  • Development of interpersonal skills; working with and respecting colleagues (e.g. in laboratory, shared office) and understanding how a team works together
  • Ability to demonstrate the transferable nature of your research skills to any work environment, e.g. via an effective CV and cover letter.

1Subject specific advanced training
Training / Development / When / Your Engagement with the training / How has this impacted upon your development.

Using the specific boxes below detail what development you have undertaken as part of the doctoral development program. Details of what to put into each box can be found at the end of this document. (Nb. development within and outside of the university can be reported, such as external training courses).

Please attach any evidence you have to this file.

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2. Subject specific craft skills (as applicable to your area or type of research).
Training / Development / When / Your Engagement with the training / How has this impacted upon your development.

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3. Broad scholarship and wider engagement.
Training / Development / When / Results / Your Engagement with the training / How has this impacted upon your development.

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4. Generic professional skills for becoming a high level professional in any field.
Training / Development / When / Results / Your Engagement with the training / How has this impacted upon your development.

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