Productive investments in aquaculture
Call 1 (b) Article 48(1) e, i, j
Productive investments in aquaculture – resource efficiency, reducing usage of water and chemicals, recirculation systems minimising water use
EMFF Measure Code / Call 1 (a): II.2
Call 1 (b): II.3
Call Year / 2017
Call Round / 1
Deadline for Submission
dd-mm-yyyy hh:mm:ss / 12/01/2018
[For office use only – Ref No. OC/UP2II.2-3/2017/1]
/ Maritime and Fisheries Operational Programme 2014-2020Part-financed by the European Union
European Maritime and Fisheries Fund (EMFF)
37.5% European Union funds; 12.5% national funds;
50% private funds[1]
Investing in sustainable fisheries and aquaculture /
Guidance notes to the application form
General information
In line with Article 10 of Regulation (EU) No.508/2014, operators that committed serious infringements determined by a decision taken as from 01 January 2013, shall not benefit from financial assistance from the European Maritime and Fisheries Fund 2014-2020. The duration of the inadmissibility period shall be proportionate to the nature, gravity, duration and repetition of the serious infringement, offence or fraud. Determination of the inadmissibility period of applications by operators who have committed infringements and/or environmental offences shall be in line with the applicable rules, more specifically with the provisions set out in Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) No. 2015/288 as amended by Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) No. 2015/2252.
As per Article 95 and Annex I of Regulation (EU) No. 508/2014 of the European Parliament and of the Council on the European Maritime and Fisheries Fund (Fund-specific Regulation), a maximum intensity of public aid of 50% of the total eligible expenditure of the operation can be applied. The applicant is therefore required to finance the remaining 50% of the operation.
The public intensity rate for enterprises above the thresholds of small and medium size (SMEs) shall be reduced by 20% as per Annex 1 of Regulation (EU) No. 508/2014.
In line with Article 46 (3) of Regulation (EU) No. 508/2014, where operations consist of investments in equipment or infrastructure ensuring compliance with future requirements relating to the environment, human or animal health, hygiene or animal welfare under Union law, support may be granted until the date on which such requirements become mandatory for the enterprises.
In line with Article 48 (2) of Regulation (EU) No. 508/2014,support for operations underpoint (h) of paragraph 1 shall only be granted to aquaculture enterprises if the complementary activities relate to the core aquaculture business of the enterprise, including angling tourism, environmental services related to aquaculture or educational activities concerning aquaculture.
In line with Article 71 of Regulation (EU) No. 1303/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council (Common Provisions Regulation), a beneficiary shall repay the contribution from the European Structural and Investment Funds if within five years of the final payment to the beneficiary, any of the following has occurred:
A cessation or relocation of a productive activity outside the Maltese Islands;
A change in ownership;
A substantial change affecting its nature, objectives or implementation conditions which would result in undermining its original objectives.
The account to be used for the operation, for which a grant is being requested, must allow payments made by the Treasury Department to be clearly identified. If this is not the case, a separate bank account should be created. Such separate bank account must be made available following approval of the operation.
Ineligible expenditure
The following activates shall not be eligible for support:
Contributions in kind;
Operations which are already physically completed;
Preventive or scheduled maintenance costs;
Farming of genetically modified organisms;
Operations in marine protected areas.
Application process
All applications must be made on thisspecific Application Form. The latter must be submitted both in electronic and paper format.
All applications must be completed in full, signed and dated by the Applicant (i.e. Project Leader). Supporting documentation should be invariably attached to the completed Application Form.
A checklist of attachments is included in the Application Form. For the application to be considered complete, all attachments marked obligatory are to be submitted with the Application Form by the closing date of the application stage. The Managing Authority will undertake a validity check following receipt of the Application Form. Any required documentation not submitted with the Application Form shall have to be submitted by the Applicant within five working days from the Managing Authority’s disclosure/request. Only complete applications will be considered by the Project Selection Committee.
The deadline for all submissions is Friday 12January 2018 at 12:00hrs.Applications received after this deadline will not be considered.Applicants are encouraged not to leave to the last day to submit their Application Form.
All applications are to be delivered by hand to the Managing Authority at the following address:
Funds and Programmes Division
Triq il-Kukkanja
Sta. Venera
Tel. no.: 22001108
A detailed information session for interested parties will be held on 04 December 2017 10:00hrs at the Funds and Programmes Division offices (address above). Registration for this session is to be requested on 22001228 or via e-mail to .
Selection process
An independent Project Selection Committee has been purposely set up, to assess all proposals received, determine their eligibility and assess those eligible proposals against the relevant selection and award criteria. The Project Selection Committee has full power and authority to consider and/or select applications for funding during the project appraisal process.
The Project Selection Committee shall award marks, to each individual proposal, according to the selection criteria. Proposals shall then be ranked according to the marks obtained.
In order to qualify for selection, proposals need to obtain at least 50% of the total marks available. Proposals will be ranked according to marks and funds allocated to those proposals which obtain the highest marks. Other proposals which obtain the pass mark but which are not funded will be placed on a reserve list according to marks obtained and funding offered, if and when, funds become available.
A copy of the latest Admissibility and Selection Criteria in English is available online, in pdf format, at the link
A copy of the latest Admissibility and Selection Criteria in Maltese is available online, in pdf format, at the link
The Managing Authority shall inform all Applicants about the outcome of the selection process. Aggrieved Applicants shall have the right of appeal within five (5) working days from the date of the letter of rejection by the Project Selection Committee, which shall be sent to the Applicant (i.e. Project Leader) both in paper and electronic copy.
As a result of this call, the Project Selection Committee, intends to select and co-finance operations in line with Article 48 (excluding Measure II.4 (k) concerning investments increasing energy efficiency and promoting the conversion of aquaculture enterprises to renewable sources of energy), for a maximum total public eligible amount of €3.5mn (three and a half million EURO). Should other operations be deemed eligible but not selected due to the results obtained, these operations will be placed on reserve with the corresponding results being valid until exhaustion of funds.
Format of Application Form
Sections 3 and 4 of this Application Form appear twice as Sections 3A/B and 4A/B respectively. Applicants who are interested in funding for Call 1 (a) Article 48(i) Measures a-d, f-h should fill-in Sections 3A/4A only, whilst those interested in funding for Call 1 (b) Article 48(i) Measures e, i, j should fill-in Sections 3B/4B only. The remaining sections (i.e. those preceding and those following Sections 3 and 4) are general in character and should be filled-in by all Applicants.
Application Summary
Operation Title
Operation Summary
Type of investment – Article 48(1) a-d, f-h
Animal health
Quality of Products
Complementary Activities
Type of Investment – Article 48(1) e,i,j
Environmental and Resources
Water Usage and Quality
Closed Systems
Start Date[3] / End Date[4]Total Financial Plan
Eligible[5] / €Non-Eligible / €
VAT Non-Eligible / €
Total Non-Eligible / €
Total Eligible and Non-Eligible / €
Section 1 – The Applicant
1.1Applicant Organisation’s Details
Full Name of OrganisationRegistration Number (if applicable)
Post Address and Post Code
VAT Number (if any)
Project Leader[6]
Position within Organisation
Phone Number
E-mail Address
Website Address
Contact Person[7]
Position within Organisation
Phone Number
E-mail Address
Legal Status of Applicant: / Natural Person (Individual) / Legal Person
Private (Business Entity or Non-Governmental Organisation)
Type of Business Entity(if applicable): / Private Limited Liability Company
Public Limited Liability Company
In case of already established aquaculture operators, please provide the aquaculture Operation Permit Numberissued by the Department of Fisheries and Aquaculture (to operate in the aquaculture sector)[8]
1.2Type of Beneficiary
1.2.1Choose from the list below:
Mixed (private and public partnership)
1.3Partner Organisation (local or transnational)
1.3.1Specify whether the operation entails the involvement of any other organisation/s.
If ‘Yes’, provide the details of the organisation/s.
Name of OrganisationTransnational Partner
Legal Status / Public AuthorityLegal Person
Natural Person
Organisation of Fishers
Producers’ Organisations
Research Centre/University
Contact Person
Position within Organisation
Phone Number
E-mail Address
1.3.2Explain the role of the partner organisation/s within the operation and its added value in reaching the expected results.
1.3.3Explain how the envisaged activities are in the partner organisation/s’ remit.
1.3.4Specify whether the partner organisation/s will be receiving EMFF funding:
If ‘Yes’, please indicate the specific activity and the amount for which funds will be claimed:
Activity / Amount Claimed (€)1.3.5Please specify if the partner organisation/s will provide co-financing:
If ‘Yes’, please indicate the specific activity and the amount as well as the source of funding:
Activity / Amount (€) / Source of funding claimed (€)1.4Institutional Framework
Clearly describe the institutional framework within which the operation will have to operate. Also indicate the size of the organisation and which unit will be responsible to carry out the different roles (procurement, payments, financial control, etc.).
1.4.1Size and main activities of the Organisation[10].
1.4.2Describe the Units involved in the implementation[11]:
Unit supporting in the daily monitoring of the activities: (details)
Unit supporting in the Procurement Process: (details)
Unit supporting in the Payment Process: (details)
Unit supporting in the Financial control: (details)
Any other Unit involved in the operation’s implementation
1.4.3Describe management of data including data storage procedures, where applicable.
1.4.4Describe quality control procedures employed in view of the above-mentioned aquaculture operations.
1.4.5Describe any technical measures in place to protect data and aquaculture-related products and resources against any accidental or illicit destruction, accidental loss, deterioration, distribution, theft or unauthorised consultation.
The Applicant is to annexan Organisational Framework (Organigram) to the Application Form under Section 16. The Applicant’s Organisation Chart (Organigram) is to clearly highlight the units/sectors that will be involved in the implementation of the operation and the interaction between each unit/sector and the Project Leader.
1.5Capacity and Resources
Provide the information requested below in connection with the enterprise’s actual scope within or above the thresholds defining an SME[12].
1.5.1Overall number of employees on full-time and part-time basis.
1.5.2Annual turnover and annual balance sheet total for years 2015 and 2016 (applicable only for natural persons).
1.6Financial Viability of the Applicant (applicable only in case of private entities)
As per Article 95 and Annex I of Regulation (EU) No. 508/2014, a maximum intensity of public aid of 50% of the total eligible expenditure of the operation can be applied, unless the applicant does not fall under the scope of an SME whereby only 30% public aid can be applied . The Applicant is therefore required to finance the remaining 50%/80% of the operation. The Applicant should hence demonstrate that the necessary finances are in place to cash flow the operation in arrears and to repay the grant in the event of an irregularity.
In case the Applicant is a private individual/self-employed, the Applicant is to attach:
A copy of last year’s tax return and annexed income statement submitted (attachment required);
A copy of VAT registration certificate (attachment required);
VAT declaration from VAT Department confirming no pending dues in respect of VAT (attachments required);
Certifcate from IRD confirming no pending dues in respect of Income Tax and Social Security Contributions and SSC declarations (attachments required);
Declaration by the individual and his/her accountant/lawyer attesting that liquid funds are available to match the private financing (attachment requiredonly if applicable);
If private part is to be financed by a loan, a bank letter of intent or a bank sanction letteris required (attachment required only if applicable).
In case the Applicant is a private company, the Applicant is to attach:
A copy of the audited financial statements for the years 2016 and 2015 (attachments required) - management accounts can be submitted, should the 2016 audited accounts not yet be available;
VAT declaration from VAT Department confirming no pending dues in respect of VAT (attachment required);
FSS/SSC Clearance Certificates and Tax clearance certificates from Inland Revenue Department (attachments required);
Copies of VAT, IRD and SSC declarations (attachments required);
Declaration by legal representative and accountant/lawyer attesting that funds are available to match the private financing (attachment requiredonly if applicable);
If private part is to be financed by a loan, a bank letter of intent or a bank sanction letteris required (attachment required only if applicable).
In case the Applicant is a start-up business in its first year of operation, the Applicant is to attach:
A copy of the existing management accounts at application date (attachment required);
A copy of cash flow and revenue projections for next year certified by a certified public accountant (attachment required);
VAT declaration from VAT Department confirming no pending dues in respect of VAT (attachment required);
FSS/SSC Clearance Certificates and Tax clearance certificates from Inland Revenue Department (attachments required);
Declaration by legal representative and accountant/lawyer attesting that funds are available to match the private financing (attachment required only if applicable);
If private part is to be financed by a loan, a bank letter of intent or a bank sanction letteris required (attachment required only if applicable).
In case the Applicant is a start-up business in its second year of operation, the Applicant is to attach:
A copy of the audited financial statement for the year 2016 (attachment required) - management accounts can be submitted, should the 2016 audited accounts not yet be available;
VAT declaration from VAT Department confirming no pending dues in respect of VAT (attachment required);
FSS/SSC Clearance Certificates and Tax clearance certificates from Inland Revenue Department (attachments required);
Declaration by legal representative and accountant/lawyer attesting that funds are available to match the private financing (attachment required only if applicable);
If private part is to be financed by a loan, a bank letter of intent or a bank sanction letteris required (attachment required only if applicable).
1.7Serious Infringements committed[13]
In case serious infringements or offences were committed by the Applicant as those stipulated in Article 10 (1) of regulation (EU) No 508/2014 since 01 January 2013, the Applicant is to attach a copy of all notification letters issued by the Department of Fisheries and Aquaculture, the Environment and Resources Authority and/or other competent authorities [Attachment Required if applicable).
The beneficiary, after submitting the Application Form, shall continue to comply with all the pertinent conditions throughout the period of implementation of the operation and for a period of five years after the final payment to that beneficiary.
Section 2 – State Aid
The Applicant should ideally include the State Aid Monitoring Board (SAMB) position with the Application Form. Operations involving State aid are not eligible under this call[14].
2.1Does the operation involve State Aid? (Only operations which do not involve state aid are eligible).
2.2Have discussions with the State Aid Monitoring Board (SAMB) been held?
If you have answered ‘Yes’ to question 2.2, please outline the outcome of the discussions held with SAMB and any reference to correspondence with SAMB.
If you have answered ‘No’ to both questions 2.1 and 2.2, please explain how it has been concluded that the operation does not involve State aid.
The Applicant is to annex to the Application Form, under Section 16, any official correspondence with the SAMB.
Section 3A – Details of Operation
3.1Description of the Operation[15]
Describe the proposed operation for which assistance is being proposed specifying its main characteristics and components.
3.2Objectives of the Operation
In the box below, state clearly the objectives of the operation.
3.3Type of Operation
In the table below, please tick which operation type is applicable for the proposed operation (Article 48(i) of Regulation (EU) No. 508/2014)
a / Productive investments in aquaculture.b / The diversification of aquaculture production and species cultured.
c / The modernisation of aquaculture units, including the improvement in working and safety conditions of aquaculture workers.
d / Improvements and modernisation related to animal health and welfare, including thepurchase of equipment aiming at protecting the farms from wild predators.
f / Investments in enhancing the quality of, or in adding value to, aquaculture products.
g / The restoration of existing aquaculture ponds or lagoons through the removal of silt, or investments aimed at the prevention of silt deposits.
h / The diversification of the income of aquaculture enterprises through the developmentof
complementary activities.
3.4Target Groups Supported by the Operation
3.4.1Employees in the aquaculture sector
Target GroupsNumerical Value
Number of employees benefiting from the operation[16]
3.4.2Job Creation in the aquaculture sector (i.e. full-time equivalent) or complementary sectors
Target Groups(Maximum marks: 5)[17]Numerical Value
Number of potentialemployees benefiting from the operation describe why an increase in employees may be necessary taking into consideration the proposed operation and the envisaged roles and responsibilities. Describe how the envisaged target (job creation in FTE equivalent) will be met.