Officer Installation Ceremony

For Nat Reps to 2017 State Conventions


Thank you to outgoing board members

Let’s show our appreciation for the outgoing board members with one more round of applause. They have worked tirelessly this week to bring you this wonderful convention.

Tribute to outgoing president

[First] ([Last]),please join me at the podium. On behalf of National PTA President,Jim Accomando, it is my sincere pleasure to thank you for your service to the [State] PTA these past[#]years.

  • Present Certificate
  • Present Gift

I want to personally thank you for being such a gracious host while I have served as your National PTA Representative to this convention.

Officers Installation(Officers come forward and stand to the right of the installing officer.)

Installing Officer: When you first became a PTA member, you showed you cared about children by choosing to join. Then, as a local PTA board member, you showed your dedication to children, by choosing to lead. Now, as a state PTA officer, you are showing your commitment to working for the future of our children and PTA by choosing to serve. I know that each of you will do your best to work for every child with one voice.

As I read the Purposes of the PTA, rededicate yourselves to serving all children and youth.

  • To promote the welfare of children and youth in home, school, places of worship, and throughout the community;
  • To raise the standards of home life
  • To advocate for laws that further the education, physical and mental health, welfare, and safety of children and youth;
  • To promote the collaboration and engagement of families and educators in the education of children and youth;
  • To engage the public in united efforts to secure the physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, and social well-being of all children and youth; and
  • To advocate for fiscal responsibility regarding public tax dollars in public education funding.

To the Officers: There can be no greater charge, no higher challenge, than that which you are now being offered by the [State]PTA. May you enter upon your office with the steadfast purpose of serving as only you can serve. Do you accept that challenge and charge? Please signify by saying, “We do.”

New Officers: We do.

Installing Officer: It is with pleasure I declare you duly installed officer(s) of the [State]PTA for the [Start Year]-[End Year] term.

Presentation of Gifts: Congratulations. I’d like to share a small gift with each of you for a successful year.

(Nat Reps will be given Keyring to present to officers.)

Gift Distribution:

Outgoing President- Award, Certificate, Keyring

Incoming President- Padfolio, Keyring

All other officers- Keyring

Officer Installation Speech