Note: Department of the Interior (Department or DOI) and U.S. Geological Survey (Bureau or USGS).

According to Department policy, Chapter 22, 485 DM, and USGS Safety Manual 445-2-H, Chapter 22, Motorboat Operator Certification must be renewed every 5 years. The following questionnaire is provided to assist supervisors in assessing operator experience and proficiency levels and to select appropriate refresher training. Supervisors are encouraged to maintain this record as part of the operator’s personnel and/or training files. Should a question arise as to the appropriate level of training and proficiency required, the USGS Bureau Watercraft Safety Program Manager (BWSPM) may be contacted for clarification and/or final determination.

1. Recertification candidate’s name______

2. E-mail address______

3. Office phone______

4. Supervisor’s name______

5. E-mail address______

6. Office phone______

7. Date of initial MOCC certification______

8. Date of first aid/CPR certification______(Required to maintain MOCC certification.)

9. Location of initial MOCC training______

10. MOCC course coordinator/lead instructor if known______

11. Approximate number of years of on-the-water operational experience (job related plus personal time)______

12. Boating related training including certificates or licenses held other than MOCC (e.g., USCG license, USCG Aux classes, USPS classes, state boating, etc.)______


13. Frequency of boat operation since receiving MOCC certification or last re-certification (check one):

On-the-job Weekly____ Monthly____ Semi-annually_____ Annually____ Biennially____

Once in 5 years____ None in 5 years____ Off-the-job recreation_____

14. Operational environment (check one or more):

Lakes____ Rivers____ Moderate flows____ Swift water____ Tidal influence____

15A. Boat size to less than 26 feet, hull configuration and type of propulsion (check one or more):

Size--Class A____ Class 1____

15B. Hull configuration--Round bottom____ Flat bottom____ V-bottom____ Cathedral____

Multi-hull____ Other______

15C. Type of propulsion--Outboard w/prop____w/jet pump____

Inboard/outboard w/prop____ w/jet pump____

Inboard direct drive____ Other______

Note: Based on your level of experience and frequency of operation over the past 5 years the supervisor will determine the level of training necessary for recertification. Should the supervisor need assistance they may contact the BWSPM for recommended course of action.

Education Recertification Method: (Check or complete appropriate blocks):

16. ______Computer Internet course with a passing score of 70%. Proof of examination required. Acceptable Internet courses such as those found at the following addresses:

·  ____ or

·  ____ or

·  ____ Other web course that student selects and is approved by the BWSPM with concurrence by the Bureau Safety Manager (BSM).

If other web course what type? ______

17. ____Completion of the USCGAux Course

Test score______(Minimum score of 70%/Proof of examination required and should to be maintained by the supervisor)

18. ______Completion of U.S. Power Squadron course

Test score______(Minimum score of 70%/Proof of examination required and should to be maintained by the supervisor)

§  ____ Go to Public information page/BS&S course

§  ____ Squadron Boating Course or Boat Smart Course

19. ____Completion of State Boating Safety Course

Test score______(Minimum score of 70%/Proof of examination required and should to be maintained by the supervisor)

20. ____Completion of an acceptable Video/CD course

Test score______(Minimum score of 70%/Proof of examination required and should to be maintained by the supervisor)

Prior approval by BWSPM? ____

21. ____Retaking and passing the USDOI MOCC with a 70% grade.

22. ____Successful completion of the USDOI MOICC.

Practical Proficiency Recertification Method: (Check/complete appropriate blocks):


23. ____Demonstration of competent and safe motorboat operational techniques since completing the MOCC.

24. ____Hands on demonstration of boating exercises in the presence of an instructor (DOI certified)

25. ____Retaking the Motorboat Operator Certification Course (MOCC).

26. ____Successful completion of the Motorboat Operator Instruction Certification Course (MOICC).


27. ____Instructing a course at least once every 3 years

Date/Location of Course______, or

28. ____Active in the recertification of their bureau’s boat operators,

Date/Location of Courses:______, or

29. ____Demonstrated to the BWSPM or BSM, that they have been safely boating on-the-job over the past three years and have kept abreast of the changes affecting the boating program.

Instructors wishing to serve as a lead for MOCC course(s) must maintain their skills by participating in an MOCC/MOICC every 3 years. If the instructor has been inactive during a 3-year period he/she can conduct a MOCC with an active MOCC instructor and become recertified to lead an MOCC. The electronic form on the USGS Safety Web site shall be used to document and submit to the BWSPM all motorboat operator refresher training.
