President of the Medical University of Bahrain, Deputy CEO of RCSI, Professor Ciaran O Boyle, Head of the Institute of Leadership & Healthcare Management, RCSI, academic colleagues, excellencies, distinguished guests, ladies & gentlemen and especially those that are receiving their Masters certificates today, it is a pleasure to welcome you all here this evening.
Firstly, may I convey my warmest congratulations to all those who will be receiving their Masters Degrees in Healthcare Management and in Quality & Safety in Healthcare Management this evening. The qualification that each of you will be receiving is in recognition of your 2 year commitment and hard-work and we are also delighted to see those of your family and friends here to join with you in celebrating your achievement.
The Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland is a not-for-profit global organisation which was founded back in 1784 but originally to train surgeons. Today its core strategy is probably best encapsulated in its noble purpose: “Building on our heritage in surgery we will enhance human health through endeavour, innovation and collaboration in education, research and service”. This provides a very broad canvas into which many activities can be fitted but the bottom line is that we must continue to endeavour to “enhance human health”. Currently we do this in surgical affairs both within Ireland and abroad by organising surgical training and practice. At an undergraduate and graduate level we have Faculties of Medicine & Health Sciences, Dentistry, Radiology, Nursing & Mid-wifery and Sports & Exercise Medicine. In Medical Education we have Schools of Pharmacy and Physiotherapy and of particular importance today is our Institute of Leadership and Healthcare Management. This commenced operations here in Dubai in 2005 and as you are all aware the campus is now located at its wonderful site in Dubai Healthcare City.
It is generally viewed that the College has to continue to grow to fulfil its mission in education, research and service because growth is implicit in the word “Building”. We have been delighted that RCSI-Dubai has become licensed and its programmes accredited by the UAE Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research as well as the National University of Ireland. This has created great opportunities for RCSI to establish strategic alliances and developments within the UAE Health Sector and in the Gulf region as a whole.
We are all of course aware of the economic downturn the effects of which are being felt worldwide. Nevertheless it is likely that healthcare requirements are going to continue to grow substantially in this region driven by continuing population growth, medical tourism, an expanding healthcare market, changing patterns of disease and privatisation. While, at the same time, there will be the continuing challenge of rising healthcare costs
Those of you who are graduating in Healthcare Management today, I note, are coming from a rich vein of disciplines within the healthcare sector. I note that there are a number of trainee hospital doctors as well as specialists and family practitioners. I also note with interest that there are a greater percentage of doctors undertaking this course here in Dubai than there are back in Ireland which I believe is a lesson for us back at home. There are a number of you who are nurses and others from such disciplines as ophthalmology, pharmacy, management, administration and education. You are all to be congratulated because in the changing context of healthcare delivery you will surely be in the vanguard of the emerging management and leadership roles.
For those who will be conferred with a Masters in Quality and Safety in Healthcare Management again, I see that you come from a range of disciplines including medicine, pharmacy, radiography, research and administration. Patient safety concern is a truly international issue with the mortality from preventable medical error rivalling some of the most challenging diseases. The development of professionals with specific training in health & safety will not only lead to improved patient outcomes but will also reduce the likelihood of increased litigation through the development of preventative measures of patient injury. In a report from our Commission on Patient Safety and Quality Assurance, it stated that the vision for a health system should be “knowledgeable patients receiving safe and effective care from skilled professionals in appropriate environments with assessed outcomes”. Your success today will significantly contribute to the achievement of these goals.
Dubai, the UAE and the Middle East as whole are clearly on a journey of establishing high quality service, research and management in healthcare and are aiming to be equal to the very best in the world. We, in the RCSI, are happy to be partners in this process and regard your achievements today as very much part of that overall vision.
I would like to take the opportunity to express my, and the College’s, deep appreciation to Professor Ciaran O’Boyle, the Head of the Institute of Leadership and Healthcare Management and all his team both here in Dubai and back in Dublin. I would like to make a specific mention of Tina Joyce who has made an enormous contribution to RCSI Dubai. I would also like to acknowledge the leadership coming from the RCSI mothership in the form of Michael Horgan, CEO and Dr. Terry McWade, Deputy CEO. And finally I would like to thank Gilbert Little (member of our International Development Board) for his invaluable mentorship. I think you have all done a remarkable job.
Can I remind all the recipients of degrees today that you are now RCSI Alumni and to that extent we hope that you will continue to keep contact and participate with us in RCSI. Please check on our website from time to time and we in the College will always be interested in your personal and professional achievements and welfare.
May I once more congratulate you all and wish you every success for your bright and exciting futures.
Thank you
Professor Frank BV Keane