Name: ______

Diary option

This is best for the introspective student who wants to think about the material and apply it to themselves and their own personal experiences.

Write at least one page (double spaced) for any seventeen of the eighteen chapters in this template. Download this template, which has one page for each chapter; fill in the page with your own ideas, comments, thoughts, and personal experiences as if you were completing a personal diary on topics related to the class.

Grading is based on six points per chapter up to 100 points (17 chapters). If it appears you thought about each topic, applied it to yourself, and wrote a complete page (not 2/3 of a page) you receive full credit. Partial pages, or copying something from the text receives no credit. You may write more than one page if you wish. You may discuss personal experiences, questions based on the chapter or the class “Discussion Questions”, personal attitudes, values, beliefs, why you have those values, beliefs, fears, concerns, etc. You may also discuss the positives and negatives of a situation, advantages and disadvantages, or compare and contrast various positions or ideas. You do not need to reveal any personal information you do not wish to. Your grade is not based on your values or experiences, but how much serious thought you gave to these as related to the text material.

Additional ideas for discussion in your diary are:

  1. Terms in the margins of your text.
  2. Critical Thinking Questions in the margins of your text.
  3. Main headings in each chapter.
  4. “Let’s talk about it” boxes in your text.
  5. “Sexual Health” boxes in your text.
  6. Quotes from the author’s files.
  7. Chapter summaries
  8. Items from the class discussion postings
  9. Items from the anonymous postings

Please use the established margins and 12 point type (as in this example).

Finally, post it in the drop box on or before the closing time and date indicated in the course calendar at the end of the quarter. Do not post a partial diary, e.g. three chapters unless that is your complete diary.

To put your work into the drop box, go to: Your class > Exams > Drop Box . Title (Diary or Project) . Attachments > Browse > Highlight your file name > open > Upload File > Finished > Confirm that your file name is under attachments > click “Submit”. You are now done and your upload results should say “Submission Successful”. Congratulations!

Ch. 1 – Perspectives of Sexuality:

Ch. 2 – Sex Research: Methods and Problems:

Ch. 3 – Female Sexual Anatomy and Physiology:

Ch. 4 – Male Sexual Anatomy and Physiology:

Ch. 5 – Gender Issues:

Ch. 6 – Sexual Arousal and Response:

Ch. 7 – Love and Communication in intimate relationships:

Ch. 8 – Sexual Behaviors:

Ch. 9 – Sexual Orientations:

Ch. 10 – Contraception:

Ch. 11 – Conceiving Children: Process and Choice:

Ch. 12 – Sexuality during childhood and Adolescence:

Ch. 13 – Sexuality and the adult years:

Ch. 14 – Sexual difficulties and solutions:

Ch. 15 – Sexually transmitted infections:

Ch. 16 – Atypical Sexual Behavior:

Ch. 17 – Sexual coercion:

Ch. 18 – Sex for sale: