For intermediaries only
Don’t miss out on tax-friendly savings, take out an ISA – 2019/20 tax year – sample text
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Here’s an example of the kind of communication you could send to clients who have a self-invested personal pension on the Aegon Retirement Choices (ARC) platform and would like to take out a stocks and shares ISA on ARC.
Dear <insert name>
Make the most of this year’s tax-friendly opportunities to boost your savings by taking out a stocks and shares ISA (investing in stock markets) on the Aegon Retirement Choices (ARC) platform1. The 2019/20 ISA allowance is £20,000.
As someone who already has a self-invested personal pension (SIPP) on the ARC platform, taking out a stocks and shares ISA could help complement your retirement planning while still providing easy access to your capital. Any income you take out is tax-free and any investment growth you make is also tax-free.
The value of investing in an ISA
It's a flexible savings option that could help you to benefit from the growth potential of a stockmarket investment. Historically, investing in the stock market has provided greater returns over the long term than keeping your money in the bank,although returns aren’t guaranteed and there’s a greater chance your investment could fall in value, especially over shorter investment periods.
As an example, if you’d invested the ISA maximum allowance of £20,000 into a ‘balanced’ mix of investments over 10 years it could have grown to £47,900 compared to a cash return of £21,000. That’s an extra £26,900.2
The above figures are simulated using market indices, so are intended simply as an indication. Simulated past performance is no guide to future performance and the value of stocks and shares ISA investments can go down as well as up. There’s a risk you could get back less than you invested.
An investment in a stocks and shares ISA will not provide the same security of capital associated with investing in a bank account.
1The flexible ISA subscription rules introduced on 6 April 2016 don't apply to the Aegon stocks and shares ISA. This means withdrawals from the Aegon stocks and shares ISA can’t be replaced without them counting against the yearly subscription allowance.
2Source: Morningstar Direct, produced by Aegon. Figures based on a one-off investment and show simulated returns for a ‘balanced’ portfolio made up of 50% shares and 50% bonds (as represented by 50% FTSE All World Index, 25% FTSE Actuaries UK Conventional Gilts All Stocks Index, and 25% Markit iBoxx Non-Gilts Index). Cash returns are from the ICE LIBOR 1 Week Index. Figures are rounded to the nearest £100 and incorporate charges of 1% a year, in £s with gross income reinvested to end February 2019.
Please contact me on xxxxxx to use your outstanding allowance today.
Tax treatment depends on your individual circumstances and may change in the future.
Aegon is a brand name of Scottish Equitable plc (No. SC144517) and Aegon Investment Solutions Ltd (No. SC394519) registered in Scotland, registered office: Edinburgh Park, Edinburgh, EH12 9SE. Both are Aegon companies. Scottish Equitable plc is authorised by the Prudential Regulation Authority and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority and the Prudential Regulation Authority. Aegon Investment Solutions Ltd is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. Their Financial Services Register numbers are 165548 and 543123 respectively. © 2019 Aegon UK plc