For Immediate Release

Contact: Christine Valentine-Owsik (215) 230-8095

HUNTINGTON, Indiana, October 3, 2013 – Am I obligated to give money to panhandlers? Should I let my teenager shop at Victoria’s Secret? Am I obligated to recycle garbage? Can I invest in companies involved in immoral practices?

These are the types of ethical questions people are faced with every single day. In What’s a Person to Do? Everyday Decisions that Matter (Our Sunday Visitor, 2013), Dr. Mark Latkovic, a professor of moral and systematic theology, takes a look at 40 of these pesky everyday questions. The book provides readers with a type of “ethical toolkit” for resolving issues of principle in their own lives.

For Latkovic, the answers to many of the “big” ethical questions are fairly straightforward. It is the seemingly small, but often difficult, moral dilemmas that are the most difficult to pin down. The user-friendly book presents these 40 scenarios in an easy-to-absorb question/answer format.

“Many of us may not realize that certain everyday questions are ethical ones,” William E. May says in the Foreword, “but they are because they require us to make choices -- which can be either good or bad — and most of us want to make true (that is, good) moral choices and carry them out.”

"Answering questions such as those in this book is part of our effort to grow in the image that God intends,” stated Latkovic.

Latkovic has launched a Facebook page to open the conversation, where he poses and answers many modern-day ethical questions. It can be found at


For an interview with Mark Latkovic, please contact Christine Valentine-Owsik at: (215) 230-8095 or


The world’s largest English-language Catholic publisher, Our Sunday Visitor serves millions of Catholics globally through its publishing, offertory, and communication services. Established in 1912, Our Sunday Visitor publishes a wide range of books including Bibles, biographies of the saints, books by Pope Francis, Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI, children’s books, devotionals, bible studies, inspirational works, and curriculum. Our Sunday Visitor is a not-for-profit organization, returning a portion of net earnings back to the Catholic community through the Our Sunday Visitor Institute. For more information, visit


Dr. Mark S. Latkovic is professor of moral and systematic theology at Sacred Heart Major Seminary in Detroit, Michigan, and the author of numerous articles, essays and other writings on moral law. He is also a nationally known speaker, panelist, reviewer and consultant.