-- For Immediate Release Contact: Jim Fitzgerald
Equipping Pastors International
Answers Now Available from Preacher Who Departed in the Pulpit
Answers for the many questions related to Christianity are newly available this week from a credible source, one who may even have gotten a divine plug.
The life works of Dr. Jack L. Arnold are now readily available atClearTheology.com, providing a searchable list of the pastor andtheologian's sermons on every imaginable topic, from classical theologysuch as Ecclesiology and Soteriology to practical issues such as marriage and family, genetic engineering, and church politics as well as verse byverse commentary for a multitude of books in the Bible.
Arnold made international news in 2005 after dying instantly in the pulpitafter uttering his last words, “ . . . and when I go to heaven . . .” Hisextraordinary death was covered by the AP, CNN, and even Paul Harvey, buthis life work—penning over 1200 sermons word for word, several a week for40 years—has remained unknown to the larger public until now.
“ 'By faith he still speaks,' ” said Jim Fitzgerald, spokesmanfor Equipping Pastors International, the growing mission organization founded by Dr. Arnold. “The author of the book of Hebrews was referring toAbel, but the same is true for Jack.”
“We use his sermons extensively in training pastors in developing nationsacross the world. Now, the larger public has access to Jack's sermons, andthe indigenous leaders we serve can get immediate answers from Jack bydoing a simple search at ClearTheology.com.”
EPI was founded in 1997 and includes on its board of reference Campus Crusade founder Vonette Bright, intellectual and thinker R.C. Sproul, noted speakerSteve Brown, and theologians Richard Pratt and John Frame.
Jack Arnold the pastor was well known for his expository preaching. He made his way through a large portion of the Bible, verse by verse. Among thosesermon series archivedat ClearTheology.com include the gospels, Acts,Romans, Hebrews, Genesis, Exodus, and many others.
Arnold earned his doctorate in theology from Dallas Theological Seminary and received the Loraine Chafer Award for best student in systematic theology. ClearTheology.com includes Arnold's sermon series such asEcclesiology, Eschatology, Pneumatology, Soteriology and many others.
Arnold has a host of other sermon series on more practical approaches to the Christian life. Sermon series include Acceptable Worship, ChurchPolity, Experiencing the Holy Spirit, Biblical Evangelism, Healing,Christian Marriage, Family and many others.
“Jack's passion was putting feet on ideas,” said EPI board member Bob Saville, one of Arnold's longtime parishioners. “He wouldn’t just sharegreat concepts and preach at you. He lived the Christian life personally,spent time with you, and took you with him as he interacted with othersfor Christ.”