Your Passionate Calling Options : Respected Resources for Choosing a Career and Finding a Particular Job in Your Area of the USA
Occupational Outlook Handbook
For hundreds of different types of jobs the Occupational Outlook Handbook
provides information on:
- the training and education needed
- earnings
- expected job prospects
- what workers do on the job
- working conditions
- job search tips
- links to information about the job market in each State
Occupational Information Network (O*Net) is a government-sponsored and grant-funded center for career exploration and testing and career and job forecasting either by state or by the entire USA.
Dictionary of Occupational Titles has a bewildering number of every job imaginable along with a job description. Go here when you feel you have looked at all possible jobs and careers!
America’s Career InfoNet is another government sponsored site with information on choosing a career and finding a particular job. Some very interesting information such as the :
- Fastest-Growing Occupations
- Occupations with the Most Openings
- Occupations with the Largest Employment
- Occupations with Declining Employment
The Career Resource Center has a search engine that finds particular job/career postings in particular parts of the USA.
Mental health, Coaching, Industrial-Organizational Jobs and Careers: The Online Career Center of the American Psychological Association
The Meaningful Life Project™ , a public service site for Waco and beyond with free exercises, free tests like the Occupational Survey, and interviews with the experts on how to build a meaningful life at work, in retirement, and in your relationships.
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Vault has the Pink Slip blog on job opportunites for those laid off as well as excellent free articles on dealing with being laid off, writing a resume, job interview tips, and negotiating salaries, etc. . The free, “A Day In The Life” of “Profession X” like Corporate Lawyer, Oncology Nurse etc. tells you the daily routine of folks in various careers. This site has detailed information on specific industries and companies.
Wet Feet has free advice and an “” for job hunting, career exploration, and industry related books.
Quintessential Careers: College, Careers, and Jobs Guide has a quick job or career search feature with great information on specific jobs and the general job or career search.
The Wall Street Journal’s career site has up to the minute information on the market for various jobs and careers. Many useful articles on resume writing, how to explain getting laid off, how to get a job in this recession economy etc.
The CareerLeader® site has a popular career test for costs $95. The online CareerLeader® test tries to measure your work interests, abilities, and business values in order to generate a list of careers for you to investigate further on the site for sixty days. Excellent information on particular, recommended careers and career paths, with an emphasis on business careers. The information shared after taking the test is very extensive and useful.
Computer based programs and tests
Strong Vocational Inventory
Career Assessment Inventory [use Enhanced version for college grads]]
The Top Academic Career Journals:
Career Development Quarterly (ACA)
Journal of Career Development
Journal of Career Assessment
Journal of Vocational Behavior (APA)
The Most Respected Books :
Career Guidance And Counseling Through The Lifespan: Systematic Approaches by Edwin Herr, Stanley Cramer, & S. Niles.
Career Counseling: Process, Issues, and Techniques by Norman C. Gysbers, Mary J. Heppner, and Joseph A. Johnston
Career Counseling: Contemporary Topics in Vocational Psychology by Samuel H. Osipow and W. Bruce Walsh.
Career Counseling: A Holistic Approach by Vernon G. Zunker.
Creating Your Best Life: The Ultimate Life List Guide by Caroline Adams Miller and Dr. Michael B. Frisch. Sterling, $19.95 (288p) ISBN 978-1-4027-6259-8
The Happiness Hypothesis: Putting Ancient Wisdom to the Test of Modern Science by Jonathan Haidt, Random House, 2006, 297 pp, ISBN 9780434013364
Quality of Life Therapy by Dr. Michael B. Frisch. John Wiley & Sons., (368p) ISBN-10: 0471213519.