August/September 2011 Newsletter

For Homeowners and Renters/Tenants

ATTENTION: Homeowners with renting neighbors or Homeowners with tenants in Mariners Village

PLEASE help us by sending a copy of this newsletter to your tenant, or photo copy one for your

renting neighbor. This information applies to everyone in Mariners Village! Thank you!!


As this heat spell continues, please continue

taking necessary precautions against heat-related

health complications. Keep cool and stay hydrated!

MONTHLY DUES INCREASE As noted in last month’s news letter, since the publishing of the 2011-12 budget that shows no dues increase as of yet, the Board of Directors will be having discussions regarding the consideration of an increase. It IS being considered. This item is on the agenda for this month’s meeting of the Board of Directors and while this isn’t an open discussion item with the membership, we encourage you to attend all meetings from start to finish and listen to the discussions on community matters as they relate to budget so that there are no surprises. See you there!

MAILBOXES If you do not lock your mailbox, disregard this notice. If you ARE a mail lock-er up-er, this message is for you. We have good news and bad news.  The bad news first! If you use the locking mechanism on your mailbox, it may soon fail if it hasn’t already. We have been unsuccessful with resolving the matter as of yet due to the vendor being out of business. Now, the good news! Other members of the community have advised that it cost them only about $6 at a local hardware store to purchase a replacement lock as they are a standard sized item that fits in the hole on our boxes. Accell continues to work on this issue. Thanks for your patience!

LANDSCAPE IMPROVEMENTS IN PROGRESSLast year, the landscape committee identified and divided up all landscaped areas within our community and identified problem areas, prioritizing them for removal and replacement as funding becomes available. We wanted to let you know that the Board has authorized proceeding with some of those improvements and that is what you see going on between greenbelts or street ends and also includes tree trimming. Please understand, every area of the community was identified and prioritized, even the area(s) around YOUR house that you feel has been neglected. Note that several species of trees cannot be trimmed during certain seasons so your tree wasn’t “missed”; it’s just not time for it to be trimmed yet. While we appreciate your attention to community matters, with regards to landscaping and tree trimming, there is no need to notify the management company of the obvious problems. The Board is aware of the problems associated with the aged plant materials and trees and is working with improving the big picture, as funding permits. Thank you for your patience.

POOL HOURS – The schedule for pool use is noted below. Vehicles in the pool/clubhouse parking lot after 11pm and prior to 7am are subject to immediate tow – yes, IMMEDIATE. Signs are posted and it is clarified in the CC&R’s. Please respect other members of the community and obey association rules. Use of the clubhouse after 11pm is obtained by a pre-approved clubhouse use application. Use of the pool is never permitted after the pool has closed for the day and prior to the next days’ opening. Thank you in advance for your cooperation.

Schedule: Sunday through Thursday7 am – 10pm

Friday and Saturday7 am – 11 pm

GARAGESDid you know that the CC&Rs and Rules and Regulations state garages must store/house a minimum of one vehicle? The Board has not enforced this matter however it is being considered due to the continued parking problems in Mariner Village. Please repurpose your garages to comply with the community Rules and Regulations. Enforcement will end up costing everyone and we would like to avoid that. Thank you.

VOLUNTEERSVolunteers are always wanted and needed. If you are interested in serving your community by being on the Architectural, landscape, social, or other committees, please let Accell know you’re interested. There is a form available on the internet at Accell, under our community forms, for you to complete and submit, or just email our property manager and a form can be emailed back to you. Please consider serving. The more that volunteer and serve, the lighter the load on the few that consistently do the jobs of many.

BASKETBALL HOOPSWhether portable or mounted on your unit, per the Rules and Regulations of Mariner Village, basketball hoops are not allowed on the private cul-de-sacs. As a courtesy to your neighbors and for respect of community rules, remove them from sight. Thank you.

POOL SAFETY and CRIMINAL ACTIVITYIt has been brought to the Board’s attention that there have been incidents of illegal activity at the pool, which required law enforcement assistance. As a reminder to homeowners, if you observe any unlawful behavior at the pool/clubhouse area, call the sheriff’s department for assistance. Do not confront or try and stop the activity. Let the professionals handle the matter and stay safe. Thank you.

ATTENTION RV STORAGE LOT RENTERSIt’s that time again in which annual rental agreements need to be updated with current registration and insurance documents. You should be receiving a communication regarding this matter from Accell. If you have any questions on completing the forms and what documentation to attach to the application, call our Property Manager or Customer Service Rep at Accell. Your prompt and thorough response to the request for documents is appreciated.

GENERAL COMMUNITY CLEANLINESSDid you know there is no clean-up service for our community? That’s right. We don’t pay anyone to pick up the trash thrown out car windows or your dog’s poops that you failed to pick up, again? It is our responsibility, as members of the community, to keep it clean. This includes greenbelts, planters, and pool area. If everyone did their part, and also gently reminded those around them to NOT litter, our community would be much cleaner and property values DO increase for cleaner well kept neighborhoods. Several of our regular “walkers” are constantly picking up trash. How about we not rely on them anymore but do our part? After all, this is OUR community. Let’s all do our part. Thank you.

DON’T BE A VIGILANTE!!! If you see suspicious activity (i.e. petty theft, strangers casing the neighborhood, etc) do not approach them to question them or the situation yourself. Also, if there is a civil/nuisance issue that requires law enforcement intervention (i.e. barking dogs, loud music, etc) PLEASE, CALL THE POLICE. Call 9-1-1 if an emergency and call (949) 770-6011 for non-emergent matters! Anyone engaged in illegal activities anywhere in the community needs the matter handled by the professionals. Orange County Sheriff’s Department-Non Emergency–24/hrs a day–at (949) 770-6011. Again, only call 9-1-1 if there is an actual emergency or theft in progress.


Accell Property Management maintains a website that includes all Mariners Village information. It is updated regularly with postings of the newsletter, maps, Rules and Regulations, Architectural Guidelines and Forms required for submitting requests for Board approval of architectural changes, garage sales, and much, much more.

To access the information customized for Mariners Village Owners Association, go to the following link and follow these steps:

On the left side of the screen click on ‘My Association’

Click again on ‘Mariners Village’

Navigate around the site and get familiar.

Archived newsletters are available.

Revisit the site often for updated and always-changing information.

This is a great tool for us to get information out to everyone.

MONTHLY BOARD MEETINGS – At the time of this writing, August’s meeting is set for Tuesday, August 23, 2011 however we are considering changing the day of week meetings are held. We want more community involvement! Please look for signs announcing meeting date/time. September’s meeting date is not being posted yet due to possible change.

General Session begins at 6:00 pm

Members of the community may observe general session proceedings

Open Forum (when the community can speak up) is from 7:00-7:30 pm (see note below)

General Session will resume at 7:30 pm and continue until business concludes.

Executive Session will begin after General Session has concluded.

Executive Session is closed to the community – Doors will beclosed during Executive Session

Property Management Contacts: DURING BUSINESS HOURS - (949) 581-4988; Fax (949) 581-9785. For all property-related matters, contact our new Property Manager, Mark Harrison,or email** . For any matters related to billing, accounting, escrow or general calls, please direct your calls to a Customer Service Manager.

AFTER HOURS EMERGENCIES - (949) 581-4988andselect option #5 –

Or you may call the on-call service directly at (949) 855-7672.