APA Referencing Guide

These examples follow the rules set out in the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, 6th edition,4th amendment [corr. rev. Ed.].

For further information refer to the manual or the website


Books / In-text Referencing Examples / Reference List Examples
Single author / Direct quote. Includeauthor’s surname, date of publication and page number
(Gawith, 1991,p.14)
The APA manual encourages you to provide a page number when it would help the reader locate the relevant text).
When the author's name is included in the same sentence as the citation e.g.Gawith (1991).
Paraphrasing / citing. Include the author’s surname, date of publication. e.g. Gawith, 1991 / Gawith, G. (1991). Ripping into research: Information
skills for secondary and tertiary students. Auckland,
New Zealand: Longman Paul.
Title is in italics. Capitalise first letters of title and subtitle and common nouns. Indent the second and following lines of the citation by 4 spaces.
Editor / (Emerson, 2005) / Emerson, L. (Ed.). (2005). Writing guidelines for business
students (3rd ed.). Australia: Thomson Learning/Dunmore Press.
2 authors and edition / (Wright & Leahey, 2009).
With 2 to 7 authors use an ampersand before thelast author. / Wright, L.M.,Leahey, M. (2009). Nurses and families: A
guide to family assessment and intervention (5th ed.).
Philadephia: F. A. Davis.
3,4,5 authors / Cite all authors for the first reference
(Lovelock, Patterson, & Walker, 2007)
In subsequent citations use the last name of the first author and et al. (and others)
e.g.Lovelock et al. (2007) / Lovelock, C., Patterson, P., & Walker, R. (2007). Services
marketing:An Asia-Pacific and Australian perspective (4th ed.). French’s Forest, New South Wales: Pearson EducationAustralia.
6 or more authors / First citation
(Rodgers et al., 2002)
In subsequent citations
(Rodgers et al., 2002) / Rodgers, P., Smith, K., Williams, D.,Conway, L.,
Robinson, W., Franks, F., et al. (2002). The way forward
for Australian libraries. Perth: Wombat Press.
Corporate Author / (New Zealand Public Service Association, 1989)
Full name of author not abbreviation should be used. / New Zealand Public Service Association. (1989). Private power or public interest?: Widening the debate on privatisation.Palmerston North, New Zealand: Dunmore Press.
No author / (Learning Rapidfile, 1988)
Use the first significant words in the title (or the whole title if it is short) in place of the author’s name. / Learning Rapidfile. (1998). Torrance, California: Ashton Tate.
Begin with the first significant words in the title when there is no author.
Multiple works by same author / (Rudman, 2002, 2010) / Rudman, R.S. (2002). Human resources management in New
Zealand. Auckland, New Zealand: Prentice Hall.
Rudman, R.S. (2010). New Zealand employment law guide.
Auckland, New Zealand: CCH New Zealand.
Study guide / (School of Business & Computer Technology, 2007) / School of Business and Computer Technology. (2007). NZ Diploma of Business / Bachelor of Commerce: Copies of final examinations. Nelson, New Zealand: Nelson Marlborough Institute of Technology.
Article or Chapter in a book, print version / (Haybron, 2008) / Haybron, D.M. (2008). Philosophy and the science of subjective well-being. In M. E. LarsenR. J. Larsen(Eds.).The science of well-being (pp.17-43). New York, NY: Guilford Press.
Secondary sources / Symer and Chang’s study (as cited in Polit, Beck & Hungler, 2001)
Where possible use original sources of information.
If the information you wish to use is referenced by another author it is a secondary source.
Use the words ‘as cited in’ in your text to indicate a secondary source. / Polit, D.F., Beck, C.T., & Hungler,B.P. (2001). Essentials of nursing research: Methods, appraisal and utilization (5th ed.). Philadephia: Lippincott.
In your reference list the authors and title of the publication you have actually
Print Journals / In-text referencing examples / Reference list examples
Journal Article / (Dyson, 2003) / Dyson, P.A. (2003). The role of nutrition in diabetes.
Nursing Standard,17(51),47-53.
Journal article no author / (“Anorexia nervosa”, 1969)
Enclose words from the title of article in quotation marks. / Anorexia nervosa. (1969). British Medical Journal, 1, 529-530.
Newspaper article / (Gale, 2010) / Gale, H. (2010, September 23). Victory is ours. The Nelson Mail, p.1.
Magazine article / (Biss, 2010) / Biss, R. (2010, October 9). A family business. Listener, 46.
Electronic publications / In-text referencing examples / Reference list example
Full text journal article with DOI (digital object identifier) / (Rhodes, 2010) / Rhodes, M. J. (2010). Information asymmetry and socially
responsible investment. Journal of Business Ethics,
95,145-50. Doi: 10.1007/s10551-009-0343-2
A DOI is a unique identifying number for an article on the Internet. Include a DOI when available at the end of your reference. No further retrieval formation is needed to locate the article.
Full text journal article without DOI / (Hager, 2007) / Hager, M.H. (2007). Therapeutic diet order writing: Current issues and considerations. Topics in Clinical Nutrition, 22, 28-36. Retrieved from

When there is no DOI and the article was retrieved online use the URL for the journal homepage. No retrieval date is required.
Full text journal article from a Library database / (Owler, Morrison, Plester, 2010) / Owler,K., Morrison,R.,Plester, B. (2010).Does fun work? The complexity of promoting fun at work. Journal of Management and Organization,16(3),338.Retrieved from
A retrieval date is not necessary for content that is not likely to be
changed e.g. journal article or book.
Article from Library database (no DOI) / (Smith, 2001, para. 4)
In electronic publications page numbers may not be available. If paragraph numbers are visible use them in place of page numbers e.g.para. 4.
When paragraph and page numbers are not visible cite headings and number the paragraph following.
e.g. (Discussion Section, para.1). / Smith, A. J. (2001). Child development. In B. Strickland (Ed.), TheGale encyclopaedia of psychology. Retrieved from
A retrieval date is not necessary for content that is not likely to be
changed e.g. journal article or book.
Document WWW Corporate author / (Statistics New Zealand, 2010) / Statistics New Zealand, (2010).Comparing the income gap between Australia and New Zealand: A 2025 Taskforce analytical report 2010 update. Retrieved from
Ebook / (Griffiths, Adams, Liberty, 2010, Chpt.1, Summary) / Griffiths, I., Adams, M.,Liberty, J. (2010). Programming C# 4.
[Digital version]. Retrieved from
Multiple pages from same website: / (World Health Organization [WHO], 2011a, Areas of Work section, para. 1).
(WHO, 2011b, Health Promotion Emblem,para. 2) / World Health Organization. (2011a). Areas of work. Retrieved December 8, 2011, from
World Health Organization. (2011b). The Ottawa charter for health promotion. Retrieved December 8, 2011, from
When using information from multiple pages of the same website (i.e. with a different URL), you must provide a separate reference entry for each page. Add suffixes a, b, c etc. to the date, e.g. 2009a, 2009b. Use the alphabetical order of the titles in the reference list to assign the suffixes unless they are part of a series, in which case you would order by Part 1, Part 2.
Government Publications / In-text referencing examples / Reference List entry examples
Acts of Parliament / (Companies Act 1993, s.10).
To cite a subsection of the Act
Companies Act 1985, s10 (1)
To cite a part:
Companies Act 1985, part V / Companies Act of 1993. Retrieved from
Case law / The name of the case, in italics (cases are generally known by the names of the parties involved) and the date.
Little v Angus [1981] / The reference list entry should include the name of the case and the date, volume number of the report series, the source of the information e.g. NZLR (New Zealand Law Reports).
Issue number of the report series and Court e.g. (CA) Court of Appeal.
Little v Angus,[1981] 1 NZLR 126 (CA)
NZ Government information / (Statistics New Zealand, 2010) / Statistics New Zealand. (2010). Estimated resident population of
New Zealand. Retrieved October 5, 2010, from

Only include a retrieval date if the source material may change over time.
Other sources / In-text referencing examples / Reference List entry examples
Personal communication.
Email and discussion lists with no web archive / T. Jones (personal communication, June 21, 2010) / Because they do not provide recoverable data, personal communications are not included in the reference list.
Video recordings / (Light House Trust, 2006) / Light House Trust (Producer). (2006). A town like Alice: a documentary
about madness and incarceration. [DVD]. Napier, N.Z.: Light House Trust.
Television and radio programmes / (Andrews, 2006) / Andrews, G. (Producer). (2006, February 6). Becoming New
Zealand [Radio broadcast]. Wellington, New Zealand: Radio New
Zealand National.
Image from a website
Image from Library database / (McCahon, 1954)
(Pollock, 1942) / McCahon, C. (1954).Manukau[Painting]. Retrieved
Pollock, J. (1942).Male and female [Painting].
Retrieved fromARTstordatabase.
Brochure / (Mental Health Foundation of New Zealand, p.1) / Mental Health Foundation of New Zealand. (2008) Stress and how to
handleit [Brochure]. Author.
Place a description of the contents in brackets following the title [Brochure].
When the author and publisher are the same use the word Author as the name of the publisher.
Review of a book / (Hausman,2007) / Hausman, J. J. (2007, January). Frida Kahlo and Diego Rivera: Their lives and ideas. [Review of the book Frida Kahlo and Diego Rivera: Their lives and ideas, by C. Sabbeth]. Arts and Activities, 140(5),12. Retrieved from
Wikipedia / (Myocardial infarction, para.1) / Myocardial infarction.(n.d.).G:\LLC\Information Services\Referencing\2012 APA Referencing\2012 APA Referencing Table Master June 2012.docxRetrieved October 13, 2010, from

Where source material may be modified Include a retrieval date.
Technical and Research Report / (Bateman, 2007) / Bateman, G. (2007). Exploring the potential of Second Life for education (NMIT BIT project report). Nelson, N.Z.: School of Business and Computer Technology, Nelson Marlborough Institute of Technology.
Conference proceedings / (Morton, 2009) / Morton, J. (Ed.). (2009). Engaging young people in learning: Why does it matter and what can we do?: Conference proceedings. Wellington, N.Z.: NZCER Press.


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