Alverno College Emergency Guide
For Faculty, Staff, Students and Guests of Alverno College
This Emergency Guideis intended to help the members of the Alverno community respond to emergencies. This guide, together with common sense, should help minimize problems and reduce property damage. If you have any questions, contact Security at 382-6911.
If you have special needs (either temporarily or permanently) and may require assistance in the event of an emergency, contact Human Resources (if an employee) or the Student Accessibility Coordinator (if a student).
Bomb Threat
Definition - A threatening message stating that an explosive device is in a campus building or nearby area.
- Remain calm. Do not put the caller on hold and do not attempt to transfer the call.
- Signal a co-worker or someone nearby to call 9-911. Tell 9-911 the location (building, room number and directions) of the bomb threat.
- Pay close attention to the caller and his/her words and speech
a)Does the caller have any distinguishing voice characteristics such as an accent, stuttering, mispronunciation?
b)Is the caller angry, excited, irrational or agitated?
c)Is the caller a man or woman, young, middle-aged, old?
d)If you have caller ID, note the phone number of the caller.
e)Listen for background noises (traffic, train whistle, music, radio, TV, children, etc).
- Question the caller as much as possible to determine the following:
a)bomb location
b)detonation time
c)what the bomb looks like
d)why the bomb was set
- Call Security 382-6911 immediately.
- The Incident Response Team will determine a plan of action. A decision on whether or not to evacuate will be based on all available information received.
- If an evacuation is necessary, instruct everyone to take lunches, purses, personal packages (they could be mistaken for concealed explosives) and EXIT the building.
- Meet in the designated area so that a headcount can be taken to ensure everyone was able to exit safely. Wait for instructions.
- If a written message is received, keep track of who found it, who touched it, who else was present, where and when it was found and how it was delivered.
Disturbance/Disruptive Person(s)
If any person becomes disruptive or if a disturbance occurs in your area, call Security (382-6911) immediately and remain where you are until contacted by Security. Give them your
- Name and location
- Nature of the situation and description of those involved
Emergency Information
This includes any immediate threat to life and/or property that requires immediate response from police or medical personnel. Some examples: crimes in progress, fire or a serious injury or illness, breathing difficulty, chemical or blood exposure, a suicidal crisis or imminent danger of harming oneself or others.
- Call the Ambulance/Rescue Squad (911 / 9-911 from an on-campus phone)
- Stay on line. Give them your name and location of the emergency (building, address, room number and phone number you are using), answer questions and provide pertinent information.
- Call Security at 382-6911 (emergency number only).
- Stay with the victim until help arrives.
For an EMERGENCY situation or a COMMON INJURY
- Call Security 382-6911 (emergency number only) as the first responder. They are trained in CPR, First Aid and in using the Automated External Defibrillators (AED).
- If you need to contact Security and it is not an emergency, call the Information Desk at 382-6000. Press O for Operator.
For SUSPICIOUS Activity or CRIMINAL Activity – Call 382-6911 and report the following information
- Where is it happening?Vehicle description and license plate number. Direction of travel if known.
- What is the person doing? How many people are involved? Has anyone been injured?
- Physical and clothing description of those involved. Are weapons involved?
- Leave your name and contact information for additional follow-up if necessary by Security.
Automated External Defibrillators (AED) walk you through their usage as they are activated, and an alarm sounds when a unit is opened. To reduce exposure to blood-borne pathogens, Security and Housekeeping have been trained to properly clean up and dispose of bodily fluids. Do not attempt to do this yourself. AED’s are located in the following areas:
Austin Hall Lobby / Christopher Hall Lobby / Clare / Corona LobbyCommons Hallway / Elizabeth Hall Child Care / Gym Corridor
External Lock Down and Shelter in Place
External Lock DownandShelter in Place procedures are implemented in response to unsafe conditions either inside or outside of campus buildings.
- Unsafe conditions may involve a hostile intruder(s) being observed on campus and attempting, threatening or actively causing death or serious bodily injury to a person(s).
- If you hear or see an intruder, call 9-911 immediately and Campus Safety and Security 382-6911
External Lock Down– There is an external threat and Alverno takes immediate action to lock the outside doors. The goal is to contain people in the building until the threat is removed. Building Coordinators or Plant Operations staff will be at external doors to get members of the Alverno community safely in the building and to discourage individuals leaving the building. / Shelter in Place– There is an internal threat and Alverno takes immediate action to lock each door within the College. The goal is to protect the College community from a hostile intruder who is already on the premises.Procedures
- You will be informed (via PA system, Blackboard Connect, text message, computer pop-ups, Building Coordinators) whether this is an External Lock Down (lock external doors) or a Shelter in Place (lock all doors within the College).
- For an External Lock Down, business will continue as usual.
- For a Shelter in Place, do the following:
a)Call 911 when it is safe to do so.
b)Determine the most reasonable way to protect your own life.
c)Hide in an area out of the active shooter’s view.
d)Lock and barricade all doors leading into your area (office, classroom, public area). When possible, move items to block the entrance to the room or use interior (storage room, office) rooms for safety. Do not sound the fire alarm.
e)Close blinds/curtains and turn off all lights and/or audio equipment.
f)Stay away from doors and windows.
g)Sit or lie down on the floor, remain quiet, be calm.
h)Leave the safe area only when notified by Safety and Security, Plant Operations Personnel and/or local Police Officers. Do not exit your safe area if the fire alarms ring (unless there is obvious danger from smoke and/or fire in your location). The hostile intruder(s) may use the alarms to increase the number of victims.
i)Obey all commands issued when emergency personnel arrive. This may include keeping your hands in the air, being handcuffed or being questioned. All procedures are done to ensure the safety of all persons involved.
Take Action – As a last resort and only when your life is in imminent danger act with physical aggression, throw items at the active shooter and attempt to incapacitate the active shooter.
Evacuation Procedures (when safe to do so, or as a best option)
- Have an escape route and plan in mind. Exit the building, moving to a distance and area of safety. If exiting prior to emergency personnel response, use parked cars, buildings, obstructions, etc., for cover from weapon fire. Do not exit in a straight line.
- Leave your belongings behind.
- Keep your hands visible.
- Follow all directions given by emergency personnel.
- Exit the building, moving to a distance and area of safety.
Unsafe Area Procedures
If you find yourself unable to reach a safe area, decide your course of action on what you believe will provide you the safest course of action.
- You can try to hide, but make sure it is a well-hidden space.
- If you think you can safely make it out of the building by running, do so. If you decide to run, do not run in a straight line. Attempt to keep objects between you and the hostile intruder(s).
- If the hostile intruder(s) are causing death or serious physical injury to others and you are unable to run or hide, you may choose to play dead if other victims are around you
- Your last option, if you are caught in an open area in a building, may be to fight back. This is dangerous and should only be considered as a last resort.
- If you are caught by the intruder(s), obey all commands, and do not look the intruder in the eyes.
Fire / Building Evacuation
Definition - A fire or another emergency (e.g. chemical spill, flooding, gas leak) that prompts an evacuation.
Know what to do in case of fire. Know the location of
- Fire extinguishers
- Fire alarms
- Fire exit
If you discover a fire or another reason for evacuating the building
- Pull the fire alarm.
- Call 9-911 and give them the location, building name, room number and directions to the site.
- Call Security 382-6911.
If the fire alarm is sounded
- Close the doors.
- Use the nearest exit or alternate safe route, assisting others whenever possible. Do not use elevators for exiting.
- Proceed to the designated meeting area for your building.
a)Students – Instructors will notify students of the location of the designated evacuation area and account for students in the class.
a)Staff and Faculty – Supervisors will determine the location of the designated evacuation area and account for employees.
b)Other Staff and Faculty – Go to the designated area assigned to your building.
c)Other students and guests – Go to the nearest evacuation area.
- Wait for the “All Clear” when it is safe to enter the building.
- RC labs - place red tag on hallway door handleif evacuating due to a chemical spill. Tag is located inside of the door.
- Move to an enclosed stairwell if you are unable to exit the building. Tell others to notify Security or the fire department of your location.
Map to Evacuation Sites
Weather Emergency
Winter Weather Conditions – If weather conditions are poor and classes are held, exercise discretion regarding your safety in traveling to campus. Don’t take risks that may endanger yourself or others. Students not in class can make arrangements regarding homework with their instructors. Students not in class can make arrangements regarding homework with their instructors. If classes are cancelled, please link to MOODLE for a message from your faculty about assignments or make-up arrangements and watch for information from your faculty via email or posted on MOODLE about assignments or makeup arrangements. Closings will be announced in the following ways:
The following stations carry announcements if the College cancels classes or closes.
TV Stations - Channel 4 (WTMJ), Channel 6 (WITI), Channel 12 (WISN), Channel 58 (WDJT), Channel 41.1 (WBME)
Radio Stations - WOKY (920 AM), WSSP (1250 AM), WTMJ (620AM), WISN (1130 AM), WXSS (103.7FM), WMYX (99.1FM), WLWK (94.5FM), WKKV (100.7 FM), WRIT (95.7 FM) WRNW (97.3 FM), WMIL (106.1 FM), WLWK (94.5FM)
Tornado Watch- conditions are right for a tornado to form, but funnel clouds have not been spotted.
- Be alert. Listen (radio/tv/outdoor siren) and watch (outdoor weather indications) for changing weather situations.
Tornado Warning – A tornado has been sighted and/or the Milwaukee siren is sounded. This continuous sounding of emergency sirens signals that severe weather or tornado is approaching.
- When the Milwaukee sirens sound, it is everyone’s responsibility to go to the basement or tunnel area. Stay away from windows or areas with a lot of glass.
- During regular business hours, the Building Coordinators will assist with communication and evacuation. All departments and classrooms will be informed of the warning.
- During evenings and weekend hours, Security will alert everyone on campus to go to the basement or tunnel area.
- Remain in the shelter areas until the tornado warning has been canceled and the “All Clear” is issued.
Severe Weather Shelters
Alexia Hall Basement / Corona Hall BasementAustin Hall Sub-basement / Elizabeth Hall Restrooms
Alphonsa Hall Basement / Founders Hall Basement
Christopher Hall Basement
The general Alverno address is: 3400 South 43rd Street
Addresses of Alverno Buildings
Athletic and Fitness Center (AF) / 3441 S 39th St / Alphonsa Hall/Gym (AL) / 3441 S 39th StAustin Hall (AU) / 3390 S 43rd St / Christopher Hall (CH) / 4100 W Morgan Ave
Clare/Corona Hall (CL, CO) / 3333 S 39th St / Elizabeth Hall (EL) / 3251 S 39th St
Founders Hall (FO) / 3401 S 39th St / Pitman Theatre (PT) / 3431 S 39th St.
Power House (PH) / 3252 S 41st St / Sister Joel Read Conf. Center (RC) / 3400 S 43rd St.
Safety and Security Staffwork with the Alverno community to provide a safe environment including 24 hour security, respondingto incidents on campusand educating the community about safety issues.
Building Coordinators consist of full time staff trained to assist with communication and evacuation of a particular assigned area during a drill or actual emergency.
The Safety and Risk Committee is responsible for reviewing Incident Reports, communicating security concerns to the College community and recommending improvements to provide a safe campus.
Human Resources / Sharon Wilcox / 382-6438Plant Operations / John Marks / 382-6360
Residence Life / Vicki Schreiber / 382-6116
Security / Michelle Engl / 382-6037
Risk Officer / Virginia Wagner / 382-6117
The Incident Response Team is responsible for developing and revising the Emergency Operations Plan and coordinating Alverno’s response to an emergency or a crisis situation. Members of the team are:
Incident Response Team / Back-UpChair: Risk Officer / Virginia Wagner / 6117 / Vicki Schreiber / 6116
Chair: Human Resources / Sharon Wilcox / 6127 / Kris Tominsek / 6422
Academic Services / Marlene Neises / 6017 / Pat Hartmann / 6072
Communications / Saj Thachenkary / 6169 / Kelly Fay / 6166
Counseling and Health Services / Meg Pledl / 6119 / Mary Reese / 6319
Event and Space Coordination / Jessica Wegner / 6039 / Denise Traub / 6350
Finance and Management Services / Jim Oppermann / 6129 / Alissa Karl / 6128
Plant Operations / John Marks / 6360 / Theresa Enk / 6436
President’s Office / Jill Desmond / 6067 / Joan Walter / 6064
Residence Life / Vicki Schreiber / 6116 / Kristen Davis / 6387
Safety & Security / Michelle Engl / 6037 / Jason Pilarski / 6158/6198
Technology Services / Jim Hilby / 6327 / Anita Eikens / 6343
Telecommunications / Cindy Kreuzer / 6541 / Anita Eikens / 6343
Emergency Procedures, Incident Response Team, June 20141