


MCA1010 –Fundamentals of Computer and IT

1) Explain the working of Bus connection.

2) Write a note on: Robotics and Voice Recognition

3) Describe the construction of CD-ROM.

4) Explain SR and JK flip flop.

5) Explain different stages in Software Testing.

6) What is OSI reference model? Briefly explain various network types.

MCA1020 –Programming in C

1) What are the commonly used input/output functions in C?

2) What is the difference between function declaration and function definition? Write a recursive function to find sum of even numbers from 2 to 10.

3) How can you use pointers as function arguments? Illustrate it with an example.

4) What is a structure? How does a structure differ from an array? How is a structure type pointer variable declared?

5) Explain about the linked list. Write a C program to implement a stack of characters using linked list.

6) What is a command line argument and what is its use? Explain.

MCA1030 - Foundation of Mathematics

1. Define Tautology and Contradiction. Draw the truth tables of Conjunction, disjunction and Bi-conditional statements.

2. If find dy/dx.

3. Find the Taylors expansion of f(x) = Sin x at x = 0.

4. Show that the length of the curve y = log secx between the points x = 0 and x = is log(2+√3).

5. Find the values for x, y, z that satisfy the matrix relationship

6. State and prove De Moivre’s Theorem

MCA1040 – System Analysis and Design

1) What do you mean by system’s state of equilibrium? Also illustrate the process of stabilising system.

2) Explain the concept of Planning and Design in system development life cycle.

3) Explain the concept of waterfall development methodology. Also discuss the advantages and disadvantages of this methodology.

4) List the various normal forms. Explain second normal form and third normal form with examples.

5) Explain the concept of inheritance and polymorphism with example.

6) What is e-commerce? Discuss some applications of e-commerce.





MCA 2010– Operating System

1. Explain with diagram all possible states a process visits during the course of its execution.

2. Discuss Inter-process Communication. What is critical-section problem? Explain.

3. Explain demand paging in virtual memory system.

4. Draw a block diagram of an I/O structure in a medium scale processor and explain its working.

5. Explain Network Operating System (NOS) architecture in detail.

6. Discuss the need for security and protection in computer systems. Write a note on computer worm and computer virus.

MCA 2020– Advanced Data Structure

1. What is a data structure? Discuss briefly on types of data structures.

3. Discuss the process of Infix to postfix conversion. Also explain Postfix evaluation.

4. Explain the different types of traversal on binary tree.

5. Explain Breadth-first and depth-first search algorithm.

6. Explain the meaning of dynamic storage management. Also explain the concept of storage release.

MCA 2030– Object Oriented Programming- C++

1. Write a program that accepts a 3x3 matrix from the user and finds the transpose of it.

2. Explain Brief about class and objects. Also explain friend functions and friend classes.

3. Implement a class stack which simulates the operations of the stack allowing LIFO operations. Also implement push and pop operations for the stack.

4. Explain the concept of virtual function. Discuss the role of polymorphism in OOPS.

5. How are static members declared within a template class? Explain with an example.

6. Name and describe the STL components. Also describe the two basic exception handling models.

MCA 2040 - Communication Skills

1. Explain the process of communication.

2. What are the prosodic features of speech?

3. What do you mean by the barriers to effective listening?

4. What are the key elements to be included in a resume?

5. Differentiate between ‘extensive reading’ and ‘intensive reading’.

MCA 2050– Computer Architecture

1. What are the different stages of evolution of Computer Architecture? Explain in detail.

2. What are the components of Instruction Set architecture? Discuss in brief.

3. Explain the different types of addressing modes.

4. What is meant by direct mapping? Discuss the various types of mapping?

5. Explain the hardware architecture of parallel processing.

6. Discuss scalable and multithreaded architectures. Define RAID. Also explain the levels of RAID.





MCA3010 –Financial Management and Accounting

1. Explain the process involved in accounting. What are the objectives of accounting?

2. Briefly explain the role of management accounting. Also describe the functions of management accounting.

3. What is fund flow analysis? What are the objectives of analysing flow of fund?

4. What is cash flow statement and how is the cash flow statement subdivided?

5. What are the merits of budgets?

6. Describe the essential features of budgetary control.

MCA3020 – Advanced Database Management System

1. Discuss the classification of DBMS based on location of database.

2. Explain with examples different SQL commands used for creating and deleting relations. Write a short note on ACID properties of transaction model.

3. Define functional dependency. Give examples. Also Explain 1st, 2nd and 3rd normal Forms.

4. Explain the various heuristics involved in query optimization. Also explain the various algorithms for executing query operations.

5. Describe the most important classes of parallel machines.

6. How is two phase locking method used to ensure serializability? Illustrate.

7. Explain the concept of database recovery management. Discuss the different levels of backup used for recovering data.

8. What are the different types of partitioning techniques? Describe in detail.

9. Discuss the concept of Type Hierarchies and Inheritance with example. Also illustrate multiple inheritances.

10. Explain the functions and components of DDBMS.

11. Differentiate between RDBMS, OODBMS and ORDBMS.

12. What is active database? Explain what are the active rules for oracle?

MCA3030 – Linux Operating System

1. Brief about the shells of Linux operating system.

2. Explain briefly about GNOME desktop.

3. Write note on the following:

a) Encryption

b) Signatures

4. What is directory? Discuss different directories of Linux File system.

5. Explain the various database applications used in Linux.

6. What are the uses of digital signatures? How can it be generated?

MCA3040 – Technical Writing

1. What are the indicators of Excellence in Technical Communication?

2. What’s Audience Analysis? Explain its significance in Technical Communication

3. Explain the preparatory stage in SME Interviews. Also explain the structure of Object and Mechanism process.

4. Explain the role of a technical editor. Differentiate between Micro and Macro editing.

5. Explain the various phases involved in System Development Life Cycle (SDLC).

6. Briefly explain the major ethical issues in Technical Communication.

MCA3050 –Advanced Computer Networks

1. Explain FDM and TDM with example.

2. Define B-ISDN and explain its services.

3. What is symmetric key cryptography? Describe one symmetric key algorithm.

4. Explain RSA technique with an example.

5. Describe some queue management algorithms.

6. What is packet filtering? What are the advantages of packet filtering? Also explain various types of proxy.





MCA4010 – Microprocessor

1. What is a computer? Explain the block diagram of a general purpose digital computer.(2+8)

2. Explain the instruction format of an assembler.

3. Explain the functions of various blocks of 8259A.

4. Explain the interfacing of keyboard with 8086.

5. Discuss on important configurations of 8086 microprocessor.

6. Draw and explain the block diagram of 8051 microcontroller.

MCA4020 – Probability and Statistics

1. A box contains 20 fuses of which 5 are defective. If 2 fuses are chosen together at random, what is the probability that both the fuses are defective?

2. A coin is tossed until ahead appears. What is the expectation of the number of tosses required?

3. Calculate simple and Weighted arithmetic mean price tonnes of coal purchase by an industry for the half year

4. If the probability that an individual suffers a bad reaction from injection of a given serum is 0.001, find the probability that out of 2000 individuals (a) exactly 3, (b) more than 2, individuals will suffer from a bad reaction.

5. Construct Fisher’s Ideal Index number from the following data showing that it satisfies time reversal and factor reversal tests.

6. Explain about the sampling distributions of a static and its standard error.





MC0081 – . (DOT) Net Technologies

1. Describe the following with respect to creating Web Forms in .Net environment:

a. Web Form Life Cycle

b. Creating a Web Form

Write programs with corresponding output screens to demonstrate the above concepts.

2. Describe the following with respect to State Management in ASP.Net:

a. Cookies in ASP.NET

b. Session State

c. Application State

3. Describe the following with respect to Web Services in .Net:

a. Writing and Testing a Web Service

b. Implementing a Web Service Client

4. Describe the following with respect to Web site deployment in ASP.Net:

a. Creating Application Pools (IIS 6.0)

b. Deploying ASP.NET Applications

Practical Questions

5. Write a program in C# language to perform the following operations:

a. Basic arithmetic operations

b. Finding greatest of n numbers

Write separate programs for each of the above points.

6. Describe the steps involved in creating classes and objects with the help of a program in C#.

MC0082 –Theory of Computer Science

1. Define the concept of equivalence relation. Give atleast two examples of equivalence


2. Prove by Mathematical Induction that

3. Prove that a graph G is connected if and only if it has a spanning tree.

4. Prove that a  b(modm) is an equivalence relation.

5. Explain the concept of a Transition graph.

6. Explain the steps of conversion of Mealy machine into Moore machine

MC0083 – Object Oriented Analysis & Design using UML

1. Explain the following Object Oriented Concepts with suitable examples for each:

a. Objects

b. Encapsulation and information hiding

c. Polymorphism

2. Explain the following Object Oriented Methodologies:

a. Rumbaugh et al.’s Object Modeling Technique

b. The Booch Methodology

3. Describe the following UML notations:

a. Diagram Elements (Graphs, Drawing paths …)

b. Model Management

c. General Extension Mechanisms

4. What are the various classes in class stereotypes of software development process? Explain in detail.

5. Describe the goals and scope of UML with suitable examples.

6. What are the two ways of communicating with subsystem? Explain

MC0084 – Software Project Management & Quality Assurance

Book ID: B0958

1. What is project management? Explain various activities involved in project management.

2. Describe the following with respect to Estimation and Budgeting of Projects:

a. Software Cost Estimation and Methods

b. COCOMO model and its variations

3. What is project scheduling? Explain different techniques for project scheduling.

Book ID: B0959

4. Explain the Mathematics in software development? Explain its preliminaries also

5. What is debugging? Explain the basic steps in debugging?

6. What is a fish bone diagram? How is it helpful to the project management?

MC0085 – Advanced Operating Systems (Distributed Systems)

1. What is a message passing system? Discuss the desirable features of a message passing system.

2. Discuss the implementation of RPC Mechanism in detail.

3. Discuss the following with respect to Distributed Shared Memory:

a. Memory Coherence (Consistency) Models

b. Memory Consistency models

c. Implementing Sequential Consistency

d. Centralized – Server Algorithm

4. Explain the following with respect to Resource Management in Distributed Systems:

a. Task assignment Approach

b. Load – Balancing Approach

c. Load – Sharing Approach

5. Explain the following with respect to Distributed File Systems:

a. The Key Challenges of Distributed Systems

b. Client’s Perspective: File Services

c. File Access Semantics

d. Server’s Perspective Implementation

e. Stateful Versus Stateless Servers

6. Describe the Clock Synchronization Algorithms and Distributed Algorithms in the context of Synchronization.





MC0086 – Digital Image Processing

1. Explain the process of formation of image in human eye.

2. Explain different linear methods for noise cleaning?

3. Which are the two quantitative approaches used for the evaluation of image features? Explain.

4. Explain with diagram Digital image restoration model.

5. Discuss Orthogonal Gradient Generation for first order derivative edge detection.

6. Explain about the Region Splitting and merging with example.

MC0087 – Internetworking with TCP/IP

1. What is fragmentation? Explain its significance

2. Briefly discuss the functions of transport layer

3. What is CIDR? Explain.

4. What is congestion? Mention few algorithms to overcome congestion

5. Explain the following with respect to Transport Protocols:

a. User Datagram Protocol (UDP)

b. Transmission Control Protocol (TCP)

6. With diagram explain the components of a VoIP networking system.

MC0088 – Data Mining

1. What is operational intelligence?

2. What is Business Intelligence? Explain the components of BI architecture.

3. Differentiate between database management systems (DBMS) and data mining.

4. What is Neural Network? Explain in detail.

5. What is partition algorithm? Explain with the help of suitable example.

6. Describe the following with respect to Web Mining:

a. Categories of Web Mining

b. Applications of Web Mining


