Rocky Mountain Oracle Users Group
P.O. Box 10142
Scottsdale, AZ 85271-0142
A regular meeting of the Board of Directors of the above corporation was held on October 18, 2016 6:00 p.m. MDT via a conference call.
I. QUORUM: Tim Gorman called the meeting to order at 6:06pm and a quorum was declared present based on the presence of the following members:
Apurva Panidhar
Art Marshall
Chris Chase
John Jeunnette
Kellyn Pot’Vin-Gorman
Mark James
Sruthi Kumar Annamnidu
Tim Gorman
Ann Horton
Peggy King
Komal Goyal - Absent
John Peterson– Absent
Peggy King, RMOUG Administrative Director will act as the meeting scribe for the Secretary.
The following corporate actions were taken by appropriate motions duly made, seconded, and adopted by the majority vote of the Directors entitled to vote (unless a higher voting approval is stated).
Call to Order6:06 pm MDT
PRESIDENT – Tim Gorman
Bill Schwartzkopf, I attended his wife Terri’s funeral. Peggy King sent a card on behalf of the RMOUG Board. We are also going to make a $100 donation to the Dan Brite Fund, as requested by Schwartzkopf family in her memory.
Just a second request that the Secretary position is still open, if interested please contact Tim Gorman.
SECRETARY – Tim Gorman
Peggy Kinghas posted in a shorter format of the July and August minutes. These were distributed to the Board no modifications to them.
Tim Gorman: Motioned to post the shorter versions July and August Secretary Minutes to website
Kellyn Pot’vin-Gorman: Seconded the motion
Motion Carries: Unanimous approval by the Directors entitled to vote
TREASUER REPORT – John Jeunnette
We have spent a fair amount, a lot more this year on the scholarship fund. Our income is up a little for membership renewals. But not keeping pace with where it should be to meet our expenses. We are getting into the Training Days income and expenses.
Minor concern on investments, when we went this direction our hope was to earn 4 – 5% per year and use that money to fund scholarships. We need to be increasing value about $200 to meet this goal. We may need to ask Jim Toft about this.
Tim Gorman: Motion to accept September Treasurer’s Report.
Mark James: Seconded the motion
Motion Carries: Unanimous approval by the Directors entitled to vote
No major updates, so far we haven’t received applications for the December Stan Yellot Scholarships. And we hae only sort of received two partial application for the December WIT Scholarship. I believe all the paperwork and check has been sent for the September Stan Yellot scholarship. And have the updates for the scholarship framework for the the November meeting for discussion and approval.
In early November will send an email to the receipients, to remind them they do have the option to attend the Training Days 2017 conference. Want to remind them that RMOUG will not cover any travel expenses and please make sure that you will come. So by December we should know who will be attending Training Days 2017.
There is a deadline coming next week for the articles, only have one out of four articles. Will need to redouble efforts to get more article, if you know of anybody who would like to be published send them over to . Next thing will update website pages for Newsletter. Any questions?
TRAINING DAYS– Kellyn Pot’Vin-Gorman
A lot going on for Training Days 2017, closed abstracts and reviews for abstracts. They look very good. I have pulled them all in the spreadsheet, split out by session type, and figured out how much we can have for each one of the sessions and have the cut off points. I am finishing up the max per speaker and starting to pepper in the new speakers. So that it will be a simple process on Monday, invitation going out now, when we meet to fill in the schedule. The scoring is looking good. We received 366 abstracts and 100 fit into the sessions and another 20 for the 2 hour and 30 minute sessions on the first half-day.
The new layout and OTN has a space near stage. Working with Laura Ramsey, we have fours interested parties for hands on sessions. Waiting for final confirmation for the the keynote. Paige is gone from Rock Bottom Brewery, working with Sonia for the volunteer/speaker reception.
PROGRAM DIRECTOR/SIGs – Kellyn Pot’Vin-gorman
The November 3rd event –pushed out on social media.
MARKETING DIRECTOR – Komal Goyal (absent)
SOCIAL MEDIA – Apurva Pandihar
Tried to send report, but email failed. So I resent report and you should have it.
Facebook: not much to update. A little more activity on Facebook this time, more people are viewing our page because the views are increasing by 10 or so daily.
Twitter: the popular links are Training Days 2017 and the RMOUG event calendar. Apurva taking individual events and posting them to Twitter, working to automate that. Apurva is including those twitter handles too, to see if we get more traction on that.
WEB DIRECTOR – Art Marshall
No updates from the SecureVault, waiting on credentials. We have set up daily backup with updraft that will give us two months of daily backups for the website. Are we backing up up too often, we are rolling it off every 2 months and if it gets too full Peggy King will raise a red flag. Art Marshall will check on the status of the migration of the website.
Membership Committee – John Peterson (absent)
Found a Privacy Policy that the IOUG has and we need to review that. The other thing is we need to move ahead on getting our membership rolls up.
Peggy we have active and expired members that get notifications and then inative members. SquareTwo Financial is not renewing reight now will revisit this in January.
SolarWinds and the banner ad keeps going. And we have had a few companies that have renewed. Comcast – Jed Walker will not be renewing their membership. I will work on a list and comments.
Suggested a campaign about who we are, what we do and what the benefits are for their employees. We haven’t gone out and sold RMOUG as an organization that you want to be part of, we should do that. We need to identify and do some research around it and look at the other options out there that don’t have a fee. We need to look at what we need to do to make the organization strong and more valuable to the members and Oracle community.
NEW BUSINESS– Soething new for Training Days, said not for t-shirts for Board and Volunteers. What if we did something cool with t-shirts that we had for sale? Something cool that people would be willing to invest in. There is history that t-shirts did not sell well. What about a raffle we would do, another % going to a charity for something nice. Need to brainstorm and start thinking about this. Like the idea for crowd sourcing using our non-profit status for donation. Let’s get a survey out to the membership and ask for their thoughts and ideas.
The next board meeting will be the 3rdTuesday of November (details to be determined).
Tim Gorman:Motioned to adjourn the meeting at6:51pm.
Mark James:Seconded this motion
Motion Carries: Unanimous approval by the Directors entitled to vote
There will be no further business, as this meeting was duly adjourned.
Secretary Representative