I. Introduction
- Risk-distribution arrangement;
- For compensation of damages / loss;
- Entered into by one party as its B;
- Rather than as an incident to another B transaction
- First Party
- Protects iD a/g loss suffered himself; files claim & receives pmt
- Fire, property, life, health disability
- Third Party
- Protects iD from legal liability to 3rdparty as result of iD’s actions; iR pays 3rd party
- Ex: liability & auto (1st & 3rd)
- Group v. Individual
- Individual most common
- Common HI is group through e’er
- Property / Casualty
- Casualty = liability
- Includes med mal, PL, homeowners, multi-peril, commercial liab / prop, & auto
- Life / Health
- Health: group individual coverage
- Often, individual is cheaper than group
- Stock Companies
- SH owned; may be publicly traded, e.g. can capital by selling more stock (advantage)
- May be pressure to issue dividends
- Mutual
- Owned by PHs / iDs; premiums theoretically lower b/c no dividends issued; iRs get surplus
- Main goal is for company to remain solvent
- Ex: Med Mal in MS
- Loyds of London
- Underwriters take small piece of each risk
- Government
- Ex: Social security, Medicare / Medicaid, flood / crop insurance
- In MS, windpool for southern most 6 counties
- Argument that NOT true insurance, b/c subsidized by gov’t
- Note
- Type doesn’t affect policy interpretation
- In general, protects PH from future loss. How?
- Risk Transfer from comparatively risk averse to less risk averse / risk-neutral parties
- Expected Value: Probability * Magnitude of Loss; risk averse party will pay sum > EV of given risk to transfer
- More likely to insure big ticket items
- Risk Pooling b/c iRs not intrinsically risk-neutral
- By insuring many iDs, can more accurately predict risk involved, cost of insurance
- variance in expected losses
- Larger the pool, less of a risk
- Risk insured must be indep and relatively homogeneous
- Risk Allocation (Diversification)
- iRs classify risk posed by iD & price coverage accordingly; iRs have better info than iD
- Adverse Selection
- High risk of loss more likely to seek insurance than if facing low risk of loss
- Problem if potential PHs have better info
- If charging flat rate, iR must premiums; t/f, lower-risk iDs buy less, which average risk, thereby forcing another in premiums
- Moral Hazard
- Arose at English CL, where could buy insurance on anyone
- iD’s tendency to exercise less care to avoid insured loss than if loss was uninsured
- Methods of Addressing Problems
- Lengthy application / screening process
- Classify iDs by risk & charge accordingly
- Experience rate (how many claims?)
- deductibles, require co-ins & dollar limits so all losses not fully insured
- Exclude unusual risks
- Coverage limits (pre-existing conditions)
- Require insurable interest
- Insurance warranty
- Void b/c of misrep
- Important Questions
- Is policy promoting its f(x)?
- Is policy trying to prevent problems?
- Types
- Affirmative: fact warranted at time policy made
- Promissory: “” at ALL times of coverage
- Breach of Warranty
- CL: strict compliance req
- Why so strict? If boat sank, couldn’t discover why.
- If iD breaches warranty void
- If term is rep, must be material
- Legislative Approach: NO distinction b/t warranties and rep
- E.g. breach voids ONLY if material
- What is material?
- Risk of Loss (majority)
- Whether risk involved in actual loss irrelevant
- Contribute to Loss
- Risk misrep a/b actually contributed to loss
- Fraudulent Misrep (fraud req)
- Today, have exclusions rather than warranties
- Judicial Methods of Mitigating Harsh Effects
- Treat as rep (iR must prove materiality)
- Treat as affirmative (relates to present facts) rather than promissory (future “”)
- Contra proferentem: construe ambiguity a/g drafter (Vlastos)
- Interpret warranty as satisfied if have substantial compliance w/ terms
- Vlastos - effect of a breach of warranty; ambiguity
- Building burned; iR denied coverage as warranty breached b/c janitor not only T; iD argued language was ambiguous
- Rule: warranty’s materiality irrelevant; if fact not as warranted, may void policy
- If term is rep, must be material
- Ambiguity Test: RPP, in context of entire policy, would honestly differ as to meaning
- Determined @ time K made (affirmative)
- Holding: no exclusivity language, t/f warranty was ambiguous; construe in favor of coverage
II. Misrepresentation & Concealment
- iD made false or misleadingstmt;
- E.g. rep must be substantially true
- Intent?
- Maj: irrelevant, unless opinion or future promise (difficult to prove; premiums)
- Min: ALWAYS relevant
- That was material;
- Material?
- Contributed to loss (iDs prefer);
- risk (iRs prefer);
- If disclosed, would iR have deniedcoverage OR premium / coverage?
- Objective or Subjective?
- Maj: RP iR
- Min: particular iR affected
- Some: intentional, but immaterial, reps can void (others: materiality req)
- Some states define by statute
- In discovery, ask a/b industry standards
- That induced justifiable reliance;
- Closely related to materiality, e.g. iRs won’t rely on immaterial reps
- Prevents voiding if iR knew rep was false
- If some collusion, can still void
- iR may have duty to investigate, especially where:
- iD possibly misunderstood Q;
- Agent knows rep is false
- That caused iR damage
- E.g. wouldn’t have issued policy, paid claim
- Common Scenarios
- Failed to disclose relevant info
- Didn’t give full A or A at all
- Rule: iR must prove failure to disclose fact that applicant KNOWS is material
- Neill
- Home w/ previous fire damage damaged a/g; iD had not told iR (susceptible to fire, arson, etc.); iD claimed to not remember Q, but signed K.
- Issue: false stmt alone void coverage? NO, b/c could be clerical error and iD didn’t read K
- Rule: if iD answers truthfully but agent makes misrep, iR can NOT rely UNLESS iD engaged in fraud / collusion w/ agent
- Knowledge imputed to iR absent collusion
- Jury question
- Duty to Read?
- How can iR avoid problems?
- Bring other testimony (expensive)
- Fact of signature NOT dispositive (only probative)
- BP: if had not been intermediary filling out app, would have been material misrep, & SJ granted
- Hypo:
- If app As truthfully, agent records incorrectly, app points out, agent says “not important”
- “Who’s fault is it really?” test applied
- Post Claim Underwriting
- Ex: person dies w/ signif LI policy; iR looks through app to find misrep
- Should there be a rule a/g?
- Most policies don’t result in claims
- If must investigate from outset, insurance costs (still must prove misrep)
- Relates to incontestability clause in HI
- If don’t screen, have adverse selection; rates
- Regs attempt to ensure confidentiality
- TX & Hawaii don’t allow Q a/b whether tested
- PP: don’t want to discourage testing
- Waxse
- Qs to Ask
- Who filed out app?
- Who is to blame?
- Is stmt more iD’s or agents?
- Does app know misrep fraudulent?
- Mackenzie
- Stmton health condition made during app; later becomes false, doesn’t disclose change; policy req “all As continue to be true and complete”
- Issue: duty to disclose change?
- Rule: if while app processing, condition changes so that app not true, in FD, should disclose; otherwise, may void or use defense
- Doesn’t req high level of sophistication
- Concealment b/f delivery is material!
- Min: no duty unless specifically asked (Siedler)
- Answer:
- Misrepresentation After Loss
- Ex: after claim filed, iD lies a/b debts
- Shows justifiable reliance / materiality, e.g. would have done further investigation
- Treated diff, b/c iR didn’t detrimentally rely when entered policy, & may be other exclusion
- Reasonable Inquiry Rule
- Can NOT void coverage if easily discoverable
III. Insurance K Formation & Meaning
- Introduction
- Insurance Ks are Ks of “super-adhesion”
- Take it or leave it; uniform terms
- Why? Reliable loss data from as large of pool possible; accurate across industry
- Ins Service Office (ISO)
- Drafts std polices; use to suggest rates, but accused of price fixing
- Collects / analyzes loss data, gives members info
- Life & HI NOT members (negotiate coverage)
- Advantages
- Easier price comparisons for consumers
- Pricing / coverage limits only variables
- Standardized language precision / clarity; more consistent / predictable
- Other j(x)s persuasive
- Pooling claim data cheaper (economies of scale); premiums
- Disadvantages
- Difficult to buy custom coverage
- Even amendments standardized
- Anti-competitive effect on substance/price
- Discourage innovation
- Principles of Court Interpretation
- Provided by standard forms
- Coverage interpreted broadly
- Exclusions “” narrowly
- Same terms in diff parts interpreted same
- Terms get ordinary, NOT hyper technical meaning (when possible)
- Contra proferentem: ambiguity construed a/g iR (drafter)
- Limited by R expectations?
- Vargas
- Aviation ins only covered accidents w/in U.S. territories; crashed in route to PR; iR denied coverage
- Arguments:
- Δ: flight path more risky; policy clear
- Π: endorsement sought b/c intended to fly that way
- Rule: to refute R expectations, iR must show…
- iD’s expectations UR
- iR’s construction only one that fairly could be made
- Holding: coverage extends to travel “to & from” locations (RP iD)
- Note: flawed analysis, b/c didn’t compare $50 in premium to overall premium paid
- Interpreting Binders
- Binder: provide ins b/f expected policy issue date; coverage during interim period
- WTC Properties
- Coverage on “per occurrence” basis; iD said 2 separate occurrences, e.g. 2 planes; 3 of 4 iR had specimen policy, which did not define occurrence
- Rule:
- If issue binder based on specimen form, terms of that form govern
- Here, “occurrence” ambiguous
- Analysis:
- Defined as “series of similar causes”
- E.g. 9/11 was single occurrence
- If ambiguous, use extrinsic evidence (industry custom not helpful here)
- Held: SJ not proper; need more evidence / jury determination
- Note: NOT obligated to use contra proferentem(iD didn’t want too, b/c brings in extrinsic evidence of intent)
- R Expectations
- When should ct ignore clear policy language?
- “Honoring R expectations of iD”
- “Vehicle of judge made ins”
- Justification?
- iR mislead / misrep policy meaning
- iR can’t deny coverage b/c led on iD
- Unconscionability
- Products liab, e.g. “defective language”
- Atwood
- iD electrician possibly caused death; no coverage for completed operations
- Rule: honor obj R expectations, even if technical provisions would negate such
- Ask: would most iDs pay for?
- Reasoning:
- No notice / no endorsement offered
- 20 yr agent thought was covered, & exclusion buried in N/A provisions
- Note:
- Π loses if had reason to know
- Ct here uses subj test (min)
- Atwater
- Denied coverage b/c no evidence of forcible entry (combating moral hazard)
- Rule: if unequal bargaining power, K construed a/g drafter
- If major exclusions hidden in definition §, iD held only to R knowledge of literal ones
- PP: burden on iR to clearly comm. coverage and exclusions
- Maj: doctrine requires ambiguity
- Sophisticated iDs treated differently?
- Yes: can read policy and better understand than lay person (min)
- No: treating diff removes uniformity in coverage (maj)
- Cts Mandating Coverage
- costs t/f premiums, b/c coverage extended beyond what iR expected
- Kinds of Intermediaries
- Agents: sell ins; most salaried and also rec % of premium; owe duty to both iD and iR
- Exclusive: saleonly one iR’s policies
- Independent: contractor w/ multiple iRs
- Broker: sophisticated iD hires to buy coverage
- E’er / Group Ins
- Some state’s deem e’er agent of HI co.
- H/w, state law may be preempted
- Elmer Tallant -Actual or Apparent Authority
- Agent w/ authority to bind coverage tells iD he’s covered; iR later rejected coverage
- Rule: oral ins K made by agent acting w/in scope of actual / apparent authority valid
- Rule: undisclosed private limitations on agent’s authority do not bind unaware 3rd party
- Rule: if agent reps several iRs, no K engendered b/t iD & particular iR until iR designated by agent
- Held: apparent authority to create agency, t/f iR liable, even though iD unaware of iR’s ID
- Notes:
- iR has claim a/g agent for exceeding apparent authority (indemnification)
- iR should put “agent can’t bind” in policy; require bond or error / omission ins
- iD’s Claims a/g Agent
- N Failure to Procure Coverage
- Agent has duty to use R care
- Failed to explain coverage
- “” procure promised coverage
- “” notify of possible coverage
- Usually need expert to prove breach
- Causation: must show could have gotten SAME coverage promised elsewhere
- Damages: would have gotten coverage but for agent’s breach
- Breach of K to Procure Coverage
- Agent promised but didn’t
- Waiver and Estoppel
- When can agent alter coverage?
- Depends on actions taken / not taken by agent
- Waiver: voluntary relinquishment of known right
- Estoppel: iD changes position b/c of some rep / act by iR (detrimental reliance)
- Roseth – Estoppel
- Cattle transp accident; agent told iD duty to minimize loss; sold hurt cattle for a loss
- Maj Rule: estoppel can NOT be used to get coverage unavailable / non-existent
- Evidence gets stale; fear of fraud
- No incentive to train agent
- Min Rule: can, if misrep and R detrimental reliance b/f or at K’s inception
- iD may not understand fine print
- Trend, even if misrep post policy
- Analysis: selling cattle damages
- If using apparent authority, must show agent implied had authority to alter coverage terms
- Disclaiming Agent’s Authority to Alter Policy
- Some cts: enforce limits on agent’s authority even if iD didn’t read
- Others: refuse to enforce. Why?
- If app authority to bind/ alter K, also has app authority to change limits
- iR cloaking agent w/ such can’t change agency law to relieve liab
- Others: enforce w/r/t coverage, but not claims processing provisions
- Sample Policy: even if > 1 person has II in prop, will NOT pay > than…
- (1) amt = to the II; OR
- (2) applicable policy limit or ins
- Statute: any lawful & substantial econ int in safety or preservation of subj of ins, free from loss, destruction, & pecuniary damages
- NY: PH has “subs int engendered by love & affection” or above interest
- Why require II?
- MH: kill person or burn down house
- Gambling: mainly in old days
- Limits amt collectable to amt of insurable loss or policy limit
- Maj Rule: must have at time of loss
- Don’t want to give incentive to destroy prop
- Tests (satisfying one typically enough):
- Legal or Equitable Interest in Prop
- Ex: fee simple, T, remainderman, but usually NOT an option (Gossett)
- K Rights: secured creditor has int in security
- Ex: deed, title, SI, mechanics lien, etc.
- Legal Liability: iD has for destroying someone else’s prop or for breach of K to procure ins
- Ex: bailee
- Factual Expectancy: expect econ adv if iD prop continues existence (better off); expect econ loss if damaged (worse off)
- Modern test
- NO legal / recognized int req
- Ex: parents by car, child buys ins; child has no legal int, but factual expectancy
- Gossett - iD should NOT profit from loss
- iD told agent were legal owner, listed T.D. as mortgage; assigned all int to T.D; house burned
- Π: pd premiums and got quit claim deed
- Holding: no deed yet, t/f NO II
- Indemnity: may not gain more through proceeds than loss suffered
- Prevents gambling & intentional destruction of prop
- Although made improvements, doesn’t reach entire house value (equitable int)
- Court: Does not matter that they paid premiums
- Profit expectation not enough
- No legal int in continued possession, as owner could kick out anytime
- H/w, do have II in improvements
- Note: even if iR knew lacked II, don’t have to prove not covered; but may be req to reimburse premiums
IV. Fire & Property Insurance
- Understanding Policies
- Know clause providing coverage
- Personal prop defined peril coverage
- Things listed as not covered (diff from exclusions)
- ACC clause b/f exclusions
- Standard Homeowner’s Policy
- Declarations: policy period, coverage, limits, premiums, residence insured
- Section 1 1st Party
- Coverage A: Dwelling
- Coverage B: Other Structures (10% home’s value)
- Coverage C: Personal Property
- Named peril; may req special endorsement (ring)
- Limit of 10% or 1K, whichever >
- Coverage D: Loss of Use
- Section 2 Liability (see infra)
- Agreement:
- Promise to provide coverage
- Definitions
- “Occurrence,” e.g. prop damage or bodily injury
- “iD”
- Property Coverage: kinds and int covered
- Ex: dwelling, other structures, PP, loss of use, debris removal, R repairs, CC theft
- Not Labeled Exclusions: limits on coverage
- Perils Insured A/g
- Main provision for Coverage’s A & B
- Indicates causes of damages NOT covered
- Req direct physical loss to prop; burden then shifts to iR to show exclusion
- Express Limitations on Scope of Coverage
- Open peril v. named peril
- All risk v. specific risk; don’t cover freezing pipes, mold, wear & tear, etc.
- Why? Insuring risks, NOT certainties
- Exclusions
- Act to limit coverage
- If one excluded cause contributes to loss, entire loss excluded
- Ex: law, earth movement, water / flood damage, neglect, war, intentional
- Conditions
- Insurable interest
- Notice and proof of loss
- Loss settlement: ACV or cost to replace
- Coordination of Coverage / Coinsurance: if under insure by 20%, recovery limited
- Other Ins and Service Agreement
- Mortgage Clause: pay bank if iD has loan
- Policy Period: policy applies to loss occurring during period
- Cancellation: if haven’t pd premium, still require notice (material misrep of fact)
- Subrogation: iR can sue neighbor who has BBQ and burns down your house
- Collateral source rule NOT applied
- Types of Policies
- All-risk: cover all-risks of gen sort covered by policy; if risk not excluded, automatic inclusion
- Modern: open peril
- Specific-risk: only cover if risk specified in policy, subject to exclusions
- Modern: named peril
- Policy: covers risk of direct loss to specified prop, caused by any risk not excluded
- “Occurrence”: accident, including continueous / repeated exposure, resulting during policy period in
- “Bodily injury” OR
- “Property damage”
- “Property Damage”: physical injury to OR loss of use of tangible property
- N: Computer hard drive IS tangible
- Perils iD A/g: “direct physical loss to prop”
- If lossprogressive, which policy triggered?
- Policy period where loss discovered / should have been discovered (manifestation)
- Danger: iR writes exclusion once notified
- “” in which damage first occurred
- Danger: trigger early policy w/ lower limit
- All “” any damage actually occurred
- Port Authority of N.Y. and N.J.- wear & tear
- Π files suit for asbestos contamination a/g iRs w/ 1st party policies
- Issue: physical loss or damage?
- Rule: “distinct, demonstrable, & physical alteration of structure”
- If cause unnoticeable to naked eye, higher std, e.g. eliminate f(x) by rendering unsafe
- Holding:
- If asbestos makes structure uninhabitable / unusable, owner has suffered distinct loss
- If in parts of structure, but building not unusable, no such loss suffered
- Economic / utility argument
- PP:
- Loss must be fortuitous, i.e accidental / unexpected
- Ex: purchased w/out K of contamination
- Coverage Requirements
- Damage to covered property
- Caused by covered peril
- Resulting in necessary BI
- Causing covered loss
- Occurring during “restoration period” (don’t get BI coverage forever)
- Sometimes req complete cessation
- Sometimes covered if B shut down by civil authority, even if no damage
- Peril prevents egress / ingress over prop
- May recover lost net profit + continuing XPs (payroll & OH)
- Show what making b/f, and that would have continued post-loss
- Coverage for Lost Earnings – Reade
- Π’s WTC store destroyed; claims restoration period is time to rebuild entire WTC; iR says time to restore operations at other locations
- Issue: period of restoration? Loss of mkt exclusion?
- Holding: time to rebuild / replace WTC store at suitable location
- Resume “R-ly equivalent operations” at “R-ly equivalent location”
- Otherwise, Extended Recovery Period superfluous
- Loss of Mkt Exclusion: econ changes d/t competition, demand shifts, etc.
- NOT bar to loss of ordinary B caused by physical destruction / other covered peril
- Recovery of Damages?
- Lost Π from demand after catastrophe?
- b/c local econ destroyed “”?
- Contingent Business Interruption Coverage
- Covers risk resulting from loss d/t damage of uncovered property (ex: suppliers property)
- Uncovered property typically must be damaged by peril covered under iD’s policy
- Combat MH
- Limit adverse selection
- Avoid catastrophic loss (e.g. correlated covered losses suffered simultaneously by many PHs)
- Avoid mkt segmentation (e.g. coverage duplication by diff kinds of policies)
- If sold on all-risk / open-peril basis, loss typically must be caused by indep / external force, NOT:
- Inherent characteristic of damaged prop; OR
- “” inherent in portion of prop damaged
- Only cover fortuitous losses caused by external peril
- Chute
- iD argued coverage for cracking which occurred naturally in her fire opal
- Rule: iRs not liable for prop destroyed d/t inherent deficiencies / tendencies, unless these become active / destructive by peril insured a/g
- Not type of thing buy ins for (could buy ins / warranty from jeweler)
- Holding: b/c insuring a/g fortuitous & extraneous events, can’t interpret ultra-literally
- Policy not warranty a/g loss wholly from inherent susceptibility to dissolution
- Would req express language indicating “auto deterioration alone” covered
- Rosen - actual covered, imminent not
- Policy covered only “actual collapse;” iD said interpret to include “imminent”
- Rule:where policy language clear, can NOT rewrite to conform w/ PP or iD’s expectations
- Held: unambiguous, t/f imminent not covered
- PP present, but tort liab will counteract
- N: why require “actual”?
- Avoid IL coverage (wear & tear; failure to maintain)
- iR guarding a/g MH (state of disrepair)
- N: importance of language
- Insure a/g “Risk of loss involving collapse” imminent covered
- “Direct physical loss” or “Loss caused by collapse” NOT
- Test: how broad / ambiguous lang?
- Excluding based on cause of loss (“perils iD a/g”); t/f, two Qs often arise…
- What actually happened?
- What if covered loss has > 1 cause, and some causes covered / excluded?
- Efficient Proximate Cause Rule
- If EPC covered iD covered
- Test: most dominate, important, or significant
- FiT not required
- Possible jury Q (good for iD)
- Use where ACC clause absent (gap filer)
- Bongen
- iD’s house destroyed by mudslide caused by construction co’s N; coverage denied b/c earth movement excluded peril; iD said N covered
- Rule: apply EPC ONLY where parties have not freely K-ed around it
- Held: may expressly deny coverage if damage caused by both covered & excluded risk
- Dissent: not consistent w/ R expectations
- “Earth movement caused by nature”
- Causation Provisions
- Concurrent Causation: no coverage, regardless of sequence of perils or whether excluded peril merely “indirect” cause of loss
- Ensuing Losses: covered if caused by iD peril & not o/w excluded, even if ensuing iD peril itself caused by uninsured peril
- Ex: wear & tear causing fire
- ACC clause in sample is in exclusion §, so arguably only applies to exclusions (EPC)
- Liristis - mold damage v. damage by mold
- Fire in home; water from fire fighting caused damage to roof, leaked mold.
- iR: policy exclusion for mold
- iD: loss not caused by mold, but was mold
- Analysis:
- Purpose of exclusion?
- Exclusion appearing in series?
- Held: mold damage caused by covered peril covered, losses caused by mold excluded
- Recover losses from mold damage caused by fire & water used (removal and repair)
- iD must prove causal connection
- Why exclude coverage?
- Some mold extrinsic (damp area)
- Ct likely used PP to find some coverage
- Likely bad rule, b/c will costs, & plain language says mold not covered
- Causation in Auto Ins
- Collision ins covers losses from collision, & excludes certain causes (fire, theft, windstorm)
- Comprehensive covers loss other than collision
- N: in MS, can NOT argue ambiguity or PP, b/c all policies approved by Ins.