Principal: Simon Lewis

Deputy Principal: Samantha Ryan

Address: Unit 5 Shamrock Business Park

Graiguecullen, Carlow Town

Phone: 059-9179453

Mobile: 087-3128166



Maths: 1st/2nd Class Group

Renaming set of lessons (6 lessons)

Learning Objective:

Children will be able to add any two numbers within 199

Lesson Layout:


Whole Class Activities:

Mondays: Targetboard – (highest number is 20)

Wednesday: Dice Game – children roll two dice and add the numbers together. Each time they answer a correct answer, they score one point. A record of scores will be kept.


1. Recognition of numbers to 99

Show children numbers to 99 and see if they can say them. Ask them what 1 more, 1 less, 10 more, 10 less are using a 100-square.

2. Introducing the Transition Board for addition without renaming.

We will show children how to use the transition board without renaming. Once they get fluent with this they can move onto pictorial representation then symbolic.

3. Revision of Place Value:

Recognise numbers to 99, what each digit is “worth”, etc. – playing cards with 1-9 digits. Pick up two and read the number. Say what the “ten’s number” is worth and the units number. Make the number using Dienne’s Blocks.

4. Renaming

Play the “bankers’ game” where children roll a dice and collect units and write down their score each time. When they break ten, they need to swap ten units for a ten block.

5. Looking at the Numbers and renaming them

We’re going to look at some two digit numbers and rename them, e.g. 23 is 1 ten and 13 units. We’ll use Dienne’s blocks.

6. Introducing renaming on a transition board

We will show children how to use the transition board with renaming. Once they get fluent with this they can move onto pictorial representation then symbolic.

7. Practice of addition with renaming

Practice number problems using numbers, images, stories. Children to make up their own addition stories for each other to solve.

8. Moving it up to 100s.

As children are only going up to 199, we can show how swapping 10 tens is the same as 1 one hundred. Play similar games (bankers) to practice. Next show transition board and work with addition there.

8. Consolidation

Child must teach me how to add with renaming. Oral language exercise.


Each day will end with a number puzzle with the whole class relating to addition (

or with a relection on what was learned that day.

Think of one thing you learned today in your group.