for companies interested in the provision of

A Managed Print Service with On–Island Support and Maintenance


Guernsey Electricity Limited (GEL)is seeking expressions of interest from potential suppliers capable of providing a Managed Print Service with on-island technical support and maintenancein Guernsey.

You are requested to complete this pre-qualification questionnaire (PQQ) to assist GEL to decide which suppliers to short list to invite to tender.

The PQQ is structured so that the GEL obtains information on the supplier’s experience, ability, suitability and history. Also an outline understanding of how the requirement will be provided, by whom and the relationships between the various parties. GEL reserves the right to select the short list to tender based on evaluation of the responses and information made available to it. Its decision will be final. If not all questions are answered fully, the PQQ will be marked accordingly which will affect your ability to be shortlisted.

This is a standard PQQ - please answer every question. If a question is considered by GEL not to be applicable to the subject of the procurement it has been marked NOT REQUIRED or N/R. Should a response to a question not be applicable then mark N/A (not applicable) and if you do not know the answer to a question then mark N/K (not known).

All questions must be answered in English and all dates in the form of day/month/year.

In order to simplify this process, you do not need to provide supporting documentation such as accounts, certificates etc at this stage. However, you may be asked to provide these documents at a later dateat which point GEL reserves the right to exclude you from participating further should these documents not support statements made previously.You may also be asked to clarify your response or provide more detail.

Any material change in the information provided in this PQQ whilst it is being evaluated must be notified to GEL at the time it becomes known.

You mustsubmit any queries and return your completedPQQvia email to by the deadline. Late submissions will be discarded.

Tel –UK 01481 241945

Submission deadline - / Time and Date:1200hrs 10thDecember 2015

Following evaluation of PQQ responses, potential suppliers will be shortlisted and issued with an invitation to tender.


Managed Print Service Outline Scope

GELemploys approximately 200 staff across 6business areason a large fragmented site and the majority of them are computer users. The requirement is for a supplier to provide a managed print solution to those users taking into account the organisation, departmental and users needs.

The current print set upconsists of:

  • 13 multi functional devices (MFDs)
  • 2 Stand-alone photocopiers
  • 13 Desktop printers
  • 2 Wide format A0 printers
  • 1 Wide format A0 printer with A0 scanner
  • 2 High volume printers

The print solution is expected to rationalise the number of existing printers by replacing and consolidating them with, where appropriate, new networked machines but also employing existing devices appropriate to the specific departmental need. This may include single and dual sourced devices based on the requirements of the users.

The estate currently consists of varied makes and models including desktop ink jet, laser and multi-function devices. The expected benefit of the managed print solution will be to significantly lower costs by reducing the day to day running of the devices and removing administrative overheads whilst introducing a secure pull print solution. Access to a helpdesk facility is required to field and manage calls from users experiencing print problems. An on island same day break fix facility is expected as is the capability to set up machines to automatically order consumables for delivery to site.

GEL require a managed print service with flexible payment options that may include leasing and ‘pay per click’ to account for variations in volume. GEL are keen to explore pull printing across the network via card or pintype services as part of the solution.It is expected that users will be able to print from the nearest device anywhere on site not be limited to local printers.

The contract will be awarded for a period of 3 years with the option of extending on a yearly basis to a maximum of 5 years. The supplier is expected to be in a position to provide the managed service during Q1 2016.

The successful supplier will need to understand the specific requirements of Guernsey Electricity Limited and be adaptable to them.

Following shortlisting of suppliers who have engaged with this pre-qualification process, tender documents will be issued.


1.No information contained in this PQQ or in any communication made between the GEL and any Potential Supplier in connection with this PQQ shall be relied upon as constituting a contract, agreement or representation that any contract shall be offered in accordance with this PQQ.

2.GEL reserves the right to change without notice the basis of, or the procedures for, the competitive tendering process or to terminate the process at any time. Under no circumstances shall GEL incur any liability in respect of this PQQ or any supporting documentation.

3.GEL reserves the right stop this tender process at any time, or not to award a contract at its conclusion if, in their opinion, there are reasonable grounds for taking such action. GEL will not be held liable for any costs associated with this process, and for the avoidance of doubt potential bidders should note that the cost risk of tendering lies solely with the bidder.

4.Direct or indirect canvassing of any GEL Employee, Director or Shareholder, States Minister, Deputy, public sector employee or agent by any Potential Supplier concerning this requirement, or any attempt to procure information from any GEL Employee, Director or Shareholder, States Minister, Deputy, public sector employee or agent concerning this PQQ (except in strict accordance with the terms of this PQQ) may result in the disqualification of the Potential Supplier from consideration for this requirement.

5.The information will be of specific interest to a range of Potential Suppliers that wish to deliver the requirement outlined in this PQQ.

6.The Bailiwick of Guernsey is not a member state of the European Union and as such the EU procurement directives have not been implemented in the Bailiwick and neither do the UK Public Contract Regulations 2006 extend to the Bailiwick. However, GEL seeks to follow, in an island economy and market context, good practice in public procurement and many of the elements of this contract award process will be familiar to those Potential Suppliers who compete under regulated contract award processes in the UK and Europe. The details of this particular contract award process will be set out in the documents issued in connection with this process.

7.With regards to the assessment of tender returns further on in the procurement process, please note that GEL mayconsider holistic benefits (including, but not limited to social, environmental and economic aspects) that may accrue for the islands from a potentialsupplier’s bid.

8.The laws of Guernsey apply to this contract award process.


1.1 / Name of the organisation in whose name the tender would be submitted:
1.2 / Contact name for enquiries about this PQQ:
1.3 / Contact position (Job Title):
1.4 / Address:
1.5 / Telephone number(s):
1.6 / Fax number:
1.7 / E-mail address:
1.8 / Website address (if any):
1.9 / Company Registration number (if this applies):
1.10 / Date of Registration:
1.11 / Registered address if different from above:
1.12 / Is your organisation: / (Please tick one)
i) a public limited company?
ii) a limited company?
iii) a partnership
iv) a sole trader
v) other (please specify)
1.13 / Companies House Registration number of parent company (if this applies)
1.14 / What are the main business activities of your organisation? (100 words maximum)
1.15 / How many staff do you employ in your organisation and how many are employed (if applicable) in the division involved in the subject of this PQQ?
1.16 / Are you acting as the lead organisation for a consortium?
1.17 / If members of your consortium or sub-contractors are likely to deliver a significant (over 50%) proportion of the contract, give their company name(s) and address(s). / Yes / No
1.18 / If members of your consortium or sub-contractors are likely to deliver a significant (over 50%) proportion of the contract, give their company name(s) and address(s).
2 / What was your turnover in the last three years?
2.1 / Has your organisation met the terms of its banking facilities and loan agreements (if any) during the past year? / £………… for yr ended __/__/__
£………… for yr ended __/__/__
£………… for yr ended __/__/__
2.2 / If “No” what were the reasons, and what has been done to put things right? / Yes / No
2.3 / Has your organisation met all its obligations to pay its creditors (including sub-contractors) and staff during the past year?
2.4 / If “No” please explain why not: / Yes / No
2.5 / What is the name and branch of your bankers (who could provide a reference)?
2.6 / If asked, would you be able to provide at least one of the following? / Name:
2.7 / A copy of your most recent audited accounts (for the last two years if this applies).
A / A certificate from your auditors endorsing your organisation’s turnover, profit and loss and impact of a project of this nature and value on your business. / Yes / No
B / A statement of your turnover, profit & loss account and cash flow for the most recent year of trading. / Yes / No
C / A statement of your cash flow forecast for the current year and a bank letter outlining the current cash and credit position. / Yes / No
D / A summary of your current order book including an indication of the monetary value and the timescale of these contracts. / Yes / No
E / A summary of your current order book including an indication of the monetary value and the timescale of these contracts. / Yes / No
3 / Please provide details of your current insurance cover: please clarify whether cover is i) for each and every single claim (S) or ii) in the aggregate (A).
The States minimum suggested levels are provided:
3.1 / Employer’s Liability: £10m is an acceptable minimum. This cover should be "any one claim" without an aggregate.
3.2 / Public Liability:£5m is the accepted minimum (note the trend is now towards £10m). The word "products" is included here as this usually forms part of the Public Liability cover offered by suppliers. Please note the limit of indemnity for public liability is for any one claim but for products is "any one claim" and "in the aggregate". / £ S / A
3.3 / Professional Indemnity:£2m is the accepted minimum. Usually this is any one claim and in the aggregate. IMPORTANT - there is usually a requirement for cover to be held for 12 years after completion of the contract (these policies will be annual contracts - not a 12 year policy). / £ S / A
3.4 / Other (please provide details): / £ S / A
3.5 / Summary of any claims made against you in the past five years.
3.6 / Do you have any claims currently being made against your insurance
3.7 / Do you have any claims currently being made against your insurance
4 / Does your organisation hold a recognised quality management certification for example BS/EN/ISO 9000 or equivalent?
4.1 / If not, does your organisation have a quality management system?
4.2 / If you do not have quality certification or a quality management system, please explain why: / Yes / No
4.3 / If you do not have quality certification or a quality management system, please explain why:
5 / Does your organisation have a written health and safety at work policy?
5.1 / If “No” please explain why: / Yes / No
5.2 / Has your organisation been the subject of any Health & Safety investigations in the last 5 years?
5.3 / If ‘Yes’, please give brief details: / Yes / No
5.4 / If ‘Yes’, please give brief details:
6 / Does your organisation have an environmental management policy?
6.1 / Does your organisation have an environmental management policy? / Yes / No
6.2 / Is your organisation able to demonstrate that it is preparing to comply or already complies with the Modern Slavery Act 2015 / Yes / No
7 / Do any of the following apply to your organisation, or to (any of) the director(s) / partners / proprietor(s)?
7.1 / Is in a state of bankruptcy, insolvency, compulsory winding up, receivership, composition with creditors, or subject to relevant proceedings
7.2 / Has been convicted of a criminal offence related to business or professional conduct / Yes / No
7.3 / Has committed an act of grave misconduct in the course of business / Yes / No
7.4 / Has not fulfilled obligations related to payment of social security contributions / Yes / No
7.5 / Has not fulfilled obligations related to payment of taxes / Yes / No
7.6 / Is guilty of serious misrepresentation in supplying information / Yes / No
7.7 / Is not in possession of relevant licences or membership of an appropriate organisation where required by law / Yes / No
7.8 / If the answer to any of these is “Yes” please give brief details below, including what has been done to put things right. / Yes / No


8.1 / Please provide details of up to three recent contracts that are relevant/ comparable to GEL’s requirement. Note GEL may contact these references directly if necessary.
Each reference contract must include the supply of goods or services of a similar nature to those outlined in the introduction and scope of services.
If you cannot provide three references, please explain why.
A / Reference 1 / Customer organisation:
Customer contact name:
Contacts phone no.
Contract reference and brief description(100 works max).
Value of contract
Date contract was completed
B / Reference 2 / Customer organisation:
Customer contact name:
Contacts phone no.
Contract reference and brief description(100 works max).
Value of contract
Date contract was completed
C / Reference 3 / Customer organisation:
Customer contact name:
Contacts phone no.
Contract reference and brief description (100 works max).
Value of contract
Date contract was completed
8.2. / If you are unable to supply 3 references, please explain why (100 words max)
8.3 / How many other similar contracts in addition to the three above have been undertaken in the past three years?
8.4. / Have you had any contracts terminated in the last three years? / Yes / No
8.5 / If “Yes”, please give details:
8.6 / Outline details of largest single contract which you have undertaken during the last five years.
8.7 / Where applicable please give details of the main subcontractors used in the contracts listed in response to the questions above.
9.1 / Are you able to deliver a service as described in the background to requirements and adhere to the indicated timescales?If not please provide reasons why. / Yes / No
9.2 / Indicate the elements of work that you are likely to sub-contract and if available the name of the company to whom it is proposed the work will be subcontracted.
9.3 / Are you able to deliver a normal business hours or 24/7 help desk service to end users? How would this be provided from call logging to response on site?
9.4 / Are you able to provide flexible payment plans such as leasing equipment and payments based on amount of ink used or pages printed used?
9.5 / Do you provide an asset management service including disposal at end of life, security of data on disposals and replacement of devices?
9.6 / Are you able to offer an initial audit to ensure an accurate yet flexible strategy of managing existing and replacement of devices?
9.7 / Are you able to provide a range of new devices that are large and small and suited to the end users needs?
9.8 / Would you be prepared to buy out any existing agreements that may exist and run on until expiry??
I confirm that the information contained in this PQQ is accurate and true. I understand that the information will be used in the evaluation process to assess my organisations suitability to be invited to tender for the requirement. Insertion of a name below will constitute an electronic signature for the purposes of the process for which this document is utilised.
Position (Job Title):
Telephone Number:
E mail address

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