Prayer of the Faithful


Invitation to Prayer:

My brothers and sisters,

as we prepare during this Lent for the Easter feasts,
let us pray that God will transform us into the image of his Son

and reveal his glory and love to those in need.

[Let us pray especially for those preparing for Baptism,

Confirmation and Full Communion.]

Collect Prayer:

Ever-faithful God,

who were well pleased with Abraham's obedience

and accepted the sacrifice of your Son,

receive our sacrifice of praise

and the prayers we offer for the needs of the world.

Through Christ our Lord.


Blessed are you, God of eternal light,
for your always hear our prayers for all people;
let your glory shine upon us,
that our lives may reflect your goodness
and our works give you honour.
Through Christ our Lord.

Prayer of the Faithful

Second Sunday of Lent - February 25, 2018

Deacon or Reader:

1.For the Church, called to listen and proclaim God’s transforming Word;

for God’s holy and priestly people and the bishops, priests and deacons

who serve them;

and for the parishioners and clergy of St Francis de Sales, Smiths Falls

and Blessed Sacrament, Lombardy.

We pray to the Lord.

2.For all Christians who employ this Lenten Season to renew themselves

through self-denial and works of holiness;

for the spiritual journey of all young people,

especially those preparing for Baptism, Confirmation and the Eucharist.

We pray to the Lord.

3. For all who hunger and thirst for justice and peace;

for those who are tested by trials, distress or persecution;

for Christian hostages throughout the world;

and for a greater respect for all life.

We pray to the Lord.

4. For peace in the world;

for countries and lives torn apart by ambition, jealousy and war;

and for the development of the peoples in Third World countries.

We pray to the Lord.

5. For the sick, the unemployed and the hungry;

for those recovering or undergoing treatment;

and for the safety of all students.

We pray to the Lord.

6. For the spiritual and physical well-being of all parishioners;

for those who have died, especially:

and for all who are mourning.

We pray to the Lord.

Prayer of the Faithful

Second Sunday of Lent - February 25, 2018

1.Deacon:Let us pray for the Church, called to listen and proclaim God’s transforming Word:

Reader:For all bishops, priests and deacons;

for all God’s holy and priestly people;

and for the parishioners and clergy of St Francis de Sales, Smiths Falls

and Blessed Sacrament, Lombardy.

We pray to the Lord.

2.Deacon:Let us pray for all Christians who employ this Lenten Season to renew themselves

through self-denial and works of holiness:

Reader:For the spiritual journey of all young people;

for those preparing for Baptism, Confirmation and the Eucharist;

and for the development of the peoples in Third World countries.

We pray to the Lord.

3. Deacon:Let us pray for those who are tested by trials, distress or persecution:

Reader:For Christian hostages throughout the world;

for peace in the world;

and for countries and lives torn apart by ambition, jealousy and war;

We pray to the Lord.

4. Deacon:Let us pray for the sick, the unemployed, and the hungry:

Reader:For those recovering or undergoing treatment;

for a greater respect for all life;

and for the safety of all students.

We pray to the Lord.

5. Deacon:Let us pray for the spiritual and physical well-being of all parishioners:

Reader:For those who have died recently:

and for all who are mourning.

We pray to the Lord.