Facility Use Policy

For Community Use of School Property and Buildings

General Policy

a. It is the established policy of the Board of

Education to grant first priority to the school

Children in the use of the school buildings and

Grounds for day or evening activities. After the

Needs of the children are fully met, the school-

Connected groups are given first consideration.

b. The other uses of the buildings and grounds shall be

Limited to public meetings at which educational,

Patriotic, civic, musical, or social development

Takes place and which are intended to promote the

General welfare.

c. Facilities may be rented to other groups as

Authorized by Wis. Statute.

d. The activity conducted in the buildings or on the

Grounds shall not be harmful, nor cause undue wear

Upon the property. No alcoholic beverages/controlled

Substance may be disposed of or consumed on school

Property.Tobacco use is not allowed in school buildings or on school property.

Political Groups

School facilities may be used by a political party but only

Upon approval of the board.

Schedule of Feesfor All Grantsburg School Buildings

All facilities are free to school-concerned groups and for

Groups of cultural or civic nature when no admission fee is

Charged, no offering taken, and no additional janitorial

Services are necessary. If janitorial services are necessary,

as determined by the administration, arrangements must be made

with the custodian of the building involved.

All Grantsburg School Buildings

a. Auditorium. $75.00 per day in addition to custodian


b. Kitchen (includes the commons). $50.00 for non—school groups serving ameal. At least one school cook must be hired tosupervise use of kitchen equipment. Janitor service, ifrequired, will be extra.

c. Classrooms. $10.00/day or time plus janitorial

service, if required.

d. Commons area only (without the kitchen) $25.00/day or

time plus janitorial service, if required.

E. Library. $25.00/day or time plus janitorial service,
if required.

Fees may be altered by the board for groups over 350.

Facilities will be free to youth organizations, such as

Scouts, but school cooks and custodians must be hired and paid for by the organization.

Use of Equipment

School equipment shall not be for use off the school

premises. This includes chairs, tables, and kitchen

utensils, etc. Audio—visual equipment must be

accompanied by a school employee or a designee of the

administration if taken off the school premises.


The Board of Education shall be the final authority in

determining the use of school facilities. It reserves

the right to reject any, or all, requests for the use of

such facilities. In no case shall the Wisconsin Statutes

or Federal laws be violated.

Athletic Facility Use Policy

The Board of Education, Administration, Staff and Athletic Department recognizes that the school campus and athletic field complex represents a highly valued asset for the development and enrichment of school and civic life for the citizens of the School District of Grantsburg. Cooperation is pledged by the School Board in the promotion of activities that are designed in the best interest of the students and citizens of the community. It must be realized, however that there are criteria and restrictions involved in the use of any portion of the facility. This would include, but not be limited to, rules and regulations, guidelines pertaining to use, scheduling, maintenance, supervision and fees that will be in the best interest of the public. The GrantsburgSchool District does reserve the right to deny the use of any part of the facility based on activities that are detrimental to the purpose of the school, or in contrast to the philosophy of education as set forth by sound practices in regard to areas mentioned earlier.

Classification of Groups:

Class A:School and Student Groups

School sponsored or curriculum based groups. This would include:

School sponsored teams

Classroom related activities

Community Education Classes or sponsored activities

School co-sponsored activities

(ie. County and/or District Contests/Activities)

Parent-Teacher Organizations

(ie. PTA, Booster Clubs, Faculty Organizations)

School Sponsored Clubs

(ie. PASS, AODA, NHS, etc.)

Class B:Non-Profit Youth Groups serving the GrantsburgSchool District Youth

Club Sports


Cross CountryBasketball





Boy Scouts

Girl Scouts


4-H, etc.

Class C:Community Organizations

Church Groups

Charitable Service Organizations

Civic Groups

Service Clubs

Special Interest Groups

Adult athletic groups

Alumni Groups

Class D:Commercial Groups

Business meetings or activities

Private groups

Performance or Presentation Activities

Income Generated Activities

**Any group requesting access not fitting any of the above mentioned classifications shall be given a rating determined by the Building Principal or Activities Director.


  1. The applicant shall obtain a “Request For Facility Use Form” from the Building Principal or Activities Director.
  1. Facility assignment will be prioritized according to the classifications above.
  1. Request Form should be returned to the Building Principal or Activities Director two (2) months prior to the activity.
  1. A meeting with the Building Principal or Activities Director needs to be held prior to the activity.
  1. The Building Principal or Activities Director reserves the right to deny access based on, but not restricted to, a lack of supervision, scheduling concerns, maintenance issues, exploitation of access, historical events regarding the group requesting access, philosophical inequities based on sound educational practice, etc.
  1. Facility assignment will be subject to change based on Class A assigned need for access. (ie. WIAA Tournament Assignment, District Contest, etc.)


1. Organizations sponsoring activities held on the site of the GrantsburgSchool District are responsible for providing competent and adequate supervision at all times while participants are on site. If adequate supervision is not obtained, school district employees will be assigned by the Building Principal or Activities Director at the expense of the organization. This assignment will be for the supervision and maintenance of the facility, not the participants. That supervision is left solely up to the organization. Special supervision for any sponsored activity shall be the responsibility of the organization. (ie. Police protection, parking supervision, etc.)

  1. Organizations sponsoring activities shall assume full responsibility for any unlawful act committed while activity is taking place. This includes the use of tobacco products, intoxicating beverages and/or controlled substances of any kind anywhere on or near the premises, gambling of any kind, vandalism, or disorderly conduct. Vulgar or profane language will also not be tolerated.
  1. Equipment owned by the school district may be used only if special arrangements are made prior to the event and trained personnel are in charge or others who have been approved by the Building Principal or Activities Director. (ie. sound, lighting, computers, specialized equipment, etc) A separate charge may be assigned for the use of school equipment. Damage to or the replacement of equipment will be charged to the sponsoring organization.
  1. Organizations sponsoring activities are liable for personal injury or damage of property. All groups must provide the school district a copy of the information supplied to the participants which includes a waver statement holding the GrantsburgSchool District immune from responsibility for such situations. It is strongly recommended that the sponsoring organization have bodily injury and property damage liability insurance since they are assuming responsibility for loss. A copy of this policy should be on file with the school district.
  1. All motor vehicles must be parked in designated parking areas only.
  1. The use of School District grounds does not include the use of locker rooms, cafeterias, bathrooms, etc. without prearranged agreement provided by the Building Principal or Activities Director.
  1. Outside areas of the school property without special field markings shall be made available for public use. However, organizations prioritized according to the classification assignment above will have preferential access. These assignments will be coordinated with the Activities Director.
  1. Organizations may store equipment on school property only with permission from the Building Principal or Activities Director.
  1. Field markings or equipment (such as painted boundaries, flags, goals, cones, etc.) and their location and permanent nature must be agreed upon by representatives of the maintenance department and Building Principal or Activities Director prior to use.
  1. Sponsoring organizations are solely responsible for cleaning up the location during and after the activity has ceased. The removal of trash, washing of surfaces, including tables, chairs, floors, etc. and securing of lights and doors all fall under the responsibility of the organization. Fees or fines may be administered if this is not done to specified satisfaction.
  1. The Building Principal or Activities Director shall determine any additional fees or fines levied against the organization pertaining to maintenance needs.

12.All school sponsored athletic activities are subject to and must meet WIAA regulations. (ie. practices, contests, “open gyms”, meetings, etc.)


HS MezzanineGymWeight RoomTrackFields

ClassA$0$0 $0 $0 $0

ClassB$0$0 $0 $0 $0

Class C$15$50 N/A $25 $25

Class D$35$70 N/A $50 $50

**Fees may or may not be assigned based upon service, support, cooperative agreement or prearranged circumstances as set up through the School Board or Administration of the GrantsburgSchool District regarding the organization and its facility use.

**The fee set above is for a 2 hour block of time. If the time for access exceeds 2 hours then a fee of base fee X .5 will occur for each hour beyond the base fee.

**Additional fees will be assessed for the use of electricity, lights, public address system use, bathroom/locker room access, etc.

Board Policy

Adopted May 13, 2002

Revised by Board June 26, 2006