Accounting I


Instructor: Ms. Laura Degnan

Phone: (865) 458-4326 ext. 94061

Location: Room 33, Loudon High School



Accounting I introduces concepts and principles based on a double-entry system of maintaining the electronic and manual financial records for a sole proprietorship, a partnership, and a corporation. It includes analyzing business transactions, journalizing, posting and preparing worksheets and financial statements.


In this course the students will study:

·  Human relations, safety, career development, communications, and leadership skills for a global workplace

·  Various accounting career opportunities

·  Analysis and recording of all financial information for a service and a merchandising business organized as a sole proprietorship, a partnership or a corporation

·  Preparation of end-of-fiscal period documents for a service and a merchandising business organized as a sole proprietorship, a partnership, or a corporation

·  Cash control systems

·  Preparation of payroll records, taxes, and reports

·  Preparation of Federal Income Tax Returns

·  Analysis, calculation, and use of special procedures that occur less frequently in the accounting cycle


Student Handbook

1 ½” Binder

Notebook paper

Pens (blue or black ink)/Pencils with erasers



Any food or drink found in the classroom will be immediately confiscated and thrown away. In addition, before being allowed to continue in this class, all students must pass a Safety Test with a grade of 100. This class follows all guidelines set forth in the official student handbook.

Computer use policy: All students are to read the section in your Student Handbook on Internet Use for details on unacceptable use of the Internet at the school. Each student is assigned a username and password for computer usage. You are NOT to share your password information with any other student or allow a student to use your account. Computers are to be used for assignments only. They are not to be used for emailing, video or audio streaming, social media websites, or gaming. Students caught performing any of these activities will be disciplined according to the Discipline Policy in your Student Handbook along with suspended Internet access assigned at the teacher’s discretion. Students caught viewing pornography and other forms of illegal material on the Internet will be permanently denied access to the Internet and may be removed from this class. Students are not allowed to download anything to the school computers from the Internet or a flash drive.

Attendance: Students are expected to be in class and ready to work before the bell rings. As stated in the student handbook, students who are tardy to first period will not be admitted to class. They will have to first report to the office. Three tardies equals 1 unexcused absence. Students with excessive tardies (more than 3) will be reported to the Office and may result in In-School Suspension. Please see your Student Handbook for the policy regarding excused and unexcused absences.

Make-up Work: Student make-up work must be completed as stated in your Student Handbook (deadline for make-up work=number of days absent+1 day).

Restroom use: Students should use the restroom before entering class. Students will be allowed to use the restroom only in emergencies. Students who develop a pattern of using the restroom everyday during this class will not be allowed to leave class. (A pattern would consist of using the restroom during this class period 3 days out of a week.)

Proper Use and Care of Classroom Equipment: Students are responsible for taking proper care of the equipment in the lab. Anyone who is caught purposefully stealing, defacing, damaging, or destroying classroom tools and equipment will not be allowed to take this class and will be written up for disciplinary action. In addition students and/or their parents may be required to pay for replacement or damages to said tools and equipment.

Computer and Printer Use: Only students who have passed the safety exam at 100% and have the teacher’s permission are allowed to use the computers and printers. This equipment is for the use of Business Technology students ONLY.

Extra Credit Work: There is no extra credit work. Students are expected to complete all assignments on time and at the best of their ability.

Assignment Deadlines: Students must be prepared to turn in or present their work during their assigned class period on the due date for that assignment. For each day an assignment is late, the grade drops by one letter.

Assignment Requirements: All projects and assignments must be neatly written and legible. If the teacher cannot read the handwriting, it will have to be rewritten.

Notebooks: Students will maintain an organized notebook containing each assignment and class notes. Each nine weeks the student will receive a grade for the organization and contents of this notebook.

Progress Reports: Current grades will be sent home in a report every 4 weeks and must be signed and returned to the teacher.

Tests: There will be a 9-week exam and a final exam that counts as 25% of a student’s final grade.


All students and parents now have access to their grades and attendance online through Skyward. Students and parents will use Skyward SIS listed on the school website under the Online Services Category. The school’s office staff will give out unique usernames and passwords to parents and students so that they can individually look at their accounts from any computer that has access to the Internet. Students will also use this account to join the teacher’s Fusion page and turn in and save assignments.

Grading Scale (Tennessee State Standard)

A 93-100

B 85-92

C 75-84

D 70-74

F 69 or below

CHEATING: Students who are caught cheating during a test or classroom assignments will receive an automatic ZERO for the entire test/project/assignment where the cheating occurred and will also serve 1 day in In-School Suspension.


·  Be in the classroom when the bell rings.

·  Finish food and drinks before class.

·  Put away all personal electronics before class.

·  Respect the people, equipment, and furnishings in the classroom.

·  Follow the rules in the student handbook.

Accounting I Syllabus and Discipline Contract

Parents and students must sign and return this form within 2 days of the received date.

Date received: ______

Student Name: ______


I have read this syllabus and discipline plan and understand it. I will honor it while in Ms. Degnan’s room.

Signature: ______

Date: ______

Email address: ______


It is important that we have good lines of communication. The best way to reach me is by email . You can also reach me by phone at 865-458-4326 ext. 94061. I would like to be able to update you on your child’s progress by email or by phone. Please give me your email address and the best telephone number at which to reach you below along with your signature. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at any time.

I have read this syllabus and my child has discussed this syllabus with me. I understand and will support it.

Signature: ______

Date: ______

Email address: ______

Telephone number: ______

Degnan Accounting I Syllabus Spring 2017