E N T R Y S T A T E M E N T and M A N D A T E
for authors and successors
Undersigned (name):Address:
Date and place of birth:
Mother’s name:
Author role[1]
or predecessor:
I hereby declare that I wish to become a member of, FilmJUSHungarian Society for the Protection of Audio-Visual Authors’ and Producers’ Rights (H-1088 Budapest, Bródy Sándor u. 14. I/1. Hungary,representative: Gyorgy Kabdebo president, hereinafter: FilmJUSSociety).
- I accept the Statutes of FilmJUSSociety (hereinafter: Statutes).
- In accordance with the Statutes of FilmJUS, more exactly with its article 19.1.I hereby declare the following:
Prior to my present requestI (or my predecessor)have created a work / I (or my predecessor) have participated in the creation of the work in a creative way(underline the correct one)which is entitled according to the Distribution Rules of FilmJus Society, and it was aired and broadcasted by a national /regional / local, terrestrial / satellite broadcast television (underline the correct one).
- I hereby declare that I am the director, executive officer or a member/employee with a right of representation of a non independent audiovisual production, broadcasting or cable television organization: yes/ no(underline the correct one).
If so, I fill in the marked position in the organization below:
Name of company:……………………………………………………………………………………………………
Name of position(underline the correct one):
Executive officer / member with a right of representation / employee with a right of representation.
I am aware that onthe basis of the position I fill in which is marked in this point I can not fill in any official position in FilmJUS Society.
- I am aware that according to the Statutes of FilmJUS, in case if I fill in the position described in section 3 while being a member of FilmJUS Society, in case if such a change occurs I am obliged to resign voluntarily in writing from any official position in FilmJUS Society.
- I agree that FilmJUS Society administers my personal data according to sections A and B of the Declaration on the contribution of data management. I agree that as a member of FilmJUS Society, according to section 27.3. of the Statutes of FilmJUS I am obliged to communicate the data and the changes in them – including relevant personal data - necessary to perform the collective management as well asthe deduction of taxes (tax advances) and other common charges established by law. I am aware that in case of default of the above the payment can not happen.
- I agree that as a member of FilmJUS Society, according to section 27.5. of the Statutes of FilmJUS I am obliged to contribute to the administration of the data listed in section 27.3., as well as to their communication to third parties if it is required by law or it is otherwise necessary to perform collective management.
- In regard of the cinematographic works the making of which I have participated in as an author, I entrust FilmJUS Society according to the attached agreement for an indefinite term to carry out collective management regarding the rights and fee claims contained in the agreement within the framework of Act LXXVI of 1999 on Copyright.
The undersigned author (my data are on the first page of this sheet, hereinafter: Mandator) I give mandate to FILMJUS Hungarian Society for the Protection of Audiovisual Authors’ and Producers’ Rights (H-1088 Budapest, Brody Sandor street 14. I/1., hereinafter: FilmJUS) to perform the collective management exclusively without any territorial restriction, according to section IV. of this mandate.
I.Subject of the mandate:
1. The Mandator gives its mandate to FilmJUS regarding the cinematographic works of which the Mandator – in case of a successor his predecessor – is the sole or co-author (hereinafter: Cinematographic works).
2. The Mandator warrants that there is no legal status of him, especially he has not made any agreement on the transfer of rights or on exploitation, the material or territorial scope of which is in conflict with the present mandate.
II. Duration of the mandate:
This mandate is established for an unlimited period. The mandate may be terminated or modified at any time by the unilateral written statementof the Mandator within a thirty-day-period calculated from the date of the statement.The modification and termination of the mandate for any reason does not affect the rights and fee claims which belong under collective right management according to the regulations of law.
III. The content of the mandate:
1.The Mandator gives an exclusive mandatory to FilmJUS without any territorial regulations to perform collective right management within the framework of Act LXXVI of 1999 on Copyright regarding the following rights and fee claims, according to the decision issued by the competent authority which registered FilmJUS as a collective right management society:
a)Authorization of the distribution of Cinematic works by multiplied copies on an analogue or digital carrier, as well as the collection and distribution of the royalties due to this use;
b)Authorization of the communication of Cinematic works to the public, as well as the collection and distribution of the royalties due to this use;
c)The collection and distribution of the royalties due to the public performance of Cinematic works;
2.In the application of section III. 1. b) of the present Mandate, terrestrial or satellite broadcasting of a Cinematic work, communication to the public of an own program by wire or by any other similar device or means, communication to the public of a work in any other way than broadcast or by wire as well as on-demand uses shall be considered „communication to the public” particularly. The simultaneous unaltered retransmission of a work does not belong under the scope of section III. 1. b)
3.FilmJUSdistributes the royalties collected on the basis of the present Mandate according to its prevailing Rules of Distribution between the right holders affected.
4.FilmJUS may use an intermediaryat home or abroad in order to execute the present Mandate.
5.FilmJUSaccepts the Mandate included in the present agreement.
6.The Mandator agrees FilmJUS to deduct the prevailing administration costs defined by the Board of FilmJUS from the royalties collected on the basis of the Mandate as payment.
7.The Mandator agrees to submit the documents to FilmJUS required for the execution of the present Mandate, which FilmJUS uses confidentially and exclusively on behalf of the Mandator, in the necessary extent.
8.Regarding the issues not regulated in the present mandate the regulations of the Civil Code and the Act LXXVI of 1999 on Copyright shall apply.
9.The invalidity of any provision of the present Mandate does not affect the validity of the other provisions, regarding the valid provisions the agreement remains in force and in effect.
10.The present Mandate shall become effective onthe day when it is signed by both parties. In case if the Mandator gave a Mandate to FilmJUS prior to the conclusion of the present agreement to collect royalties, the Mandate given prior to the conclusion of the present agreement is repealed ont he day when it is signed by both parties.
Date and place: ………………………, …..….. (day) …………………..…….. (month) …….…... (year)
Author, Mandator
FilmJUS accepts the above Entry statement and Mandate.
Date and place: Budapest, ……… (day) ……………………….... (month) …………… (year) P.H.
FilmJUS Society
[1]director, director of photography, set designer, costume designeror scriptwriter (more than one can be entered!)