Supplementary Information
Active learning framework with iterative clustering for bioimage classification
NatsumaroKutsuna, Takumi Higaki, SachihiroMatsunaga, TomoshiOtsuki,
Masayuki Yamaguchi, Hirofumi FujiiSeiichiroHasezawa
Supplementary Software 1
Supplementary Software 1 | Pseudocode of CARTA algorithm.Core routines of CARTA are shown in List 1–4.
global parameters
N: number of input images
P: population size (number of individuals) in genetic algorithm (GA)
List 1
1functionCARTA(images) do
2 fori← 1 to Ndo
3 vectors[i] ←feature vector extracted from images[i]// Feature Extractor in Fig.1a
4 end for
5 //select features annotated subset of images
6 selector, annotatedVectors, annotatedLabels←iterativeClustering(vectors, images) // List 2
7 display selectorto user
8 //perform supervised learning and cross-validation
9 classifierSub, accuracySub←trainAndValidate(project(selector, annotatedVectors), annotatedLabels) // Lists 7 & 9
10 classifierFull, accuracyFull←trainAndValidate(annotatedVectors, annotatedLabels) // List 7
11 //classify all images
12 ifaccuracyFullaccuracySubthen
13 labels←classify(classifierFull, vectors) // use full set of features, List 8
14 else
15 labels←classify(classifierSub, project(selector, vectors)) // use selected features, Lists 8 & 9
16 end if
17 returnlabels
18 end function
List 2
1function iterativeClustering(vectors, images) do
2 //constant L: criteria to stop the iteration of GA
3 generation← 1
4 annotatedVectors←empty
5 annotatedLabels←empty
6 peakGeneration←1
7 peakFitness←0 //minimum value of fitness value
8 makeFirstGeneration(population) // randomly initialize individuals, List 5
9 peakSelector←featureSelector of population[1]
10 repeat do
11 foreachindividual∊populationdo
12 evaluate(individual, vectors, annotatedVectors, annotatedLabels)// FeatureEvaluator in Fig.1a, List 3
13 endforeach
14 bestIndividual← individual assigned best fitness in population
15 currentFitness← fitness of bestIndividual
16 display currentFitnessfeatureSelector of bestIndividualto user
17 ifcurrentFitnesspeakFitnessthen // better solution found
18 peakFitness←currentFitness
19 peakGeneration←generation
20 peakSelector←featureSelectorof bestIndividual
21 else if(annotatedLabels≠ empty) and (generationpeakGenerationL) or (interrupted by user) then
22 returnpeakSelector, annotatedVectors, annotatedLabels
23 end if
24 newAnnotatedImages, newAnnotatedLabels←acceptAnnotation(peakSelector, vectors, images) // List 4
25 ifnewAnnotatedImages≠emptythen
26 peakFitness←0 // minimum value of fitness value
27 peakGeneration←generation
28 peakSelector←featureSelectorof bestIndividual
29 fori← 1 toNdo
30 ifimages[i] in newAnnotatedImagesthen
31 append vectors[i] to annotatedVectors
32 end if
33 end for
34 append newAnnotatedLabels to annotatedLabels
35 end if
36 population←makeOffsprings(population)// Feature Optimizer in Fig.1a, List 6
37 generation←generation + 1
38 end repeat
39 end function
List 3
1procedureevaluate(individual, vectors, annotatedVectors, annotatedLabels) do// FeatureEvaluator in Fig.1a
2 ifannotatedLabels is empty then // unsupervised situation
3 fitness←1
4 else //semi-supervised situation
5 vectorsInSubspace←project(featureSelectorof individual, vectors) // List 9
6 som←trainself-organizing map (SOM)usingvectorsInSubspace
7 fitness←0
8 foreachclass∊classes of annotatedLabelsdo
9 classVectorsInSubspace←project(featureSelectorofindividual,vectors labeled as class in annotatedVectors) // List 9
10 fori← 1 to number of classVectorsInSubspacedo
11 classPoints[i] ←location of best matching unit (BMU) in som to classVectorsInSubspace[i]
12 // location: f(x) in Q1×Q2defined in equations (1, 2)
13 end for
14 classTree← construct minimum spanning tree (MST)which connectsall classPoints
15 fitness ←fitness + // compacttree yieldshigh fitness
16 end foreach
17 end if
18 fori← 1 to Ndo
19 allLocation[i]←location of BMU in som to vectorsInSubspace[i] // location: f(x) in Q1×Q2
20 end for
21 allTree← construct MST which connects allLocations
22 fitness← // adjust fitness by occupancy of SOM nodes
23 assign fitnessto individual
24end procedure
List 4
1functionacceptAnnotation(featureSelector, vectors, images) do
2 vectorsInSubspace←project(featureSelector, vectors) // List 9
3 som←trainSOMusingvectorsInSubspace
4 for i ←1 to Ndo
5 location←location of BMU in som to vectorsInSubspace[i] // location: f(x) in Q1×Q2
6 assign location to images[i]
7 end for
8 foreachnode∊somdo // display tiled images of SOM
9 location←location ofnode
10 imagesAtXy← get images which assigend to locationfromimages
11 display one of imagesAtXy as the tile of imageat location
12 endforeach
13 ifinputs from user are exist then
14 returnannotated images by user, annotated labels by user
15 else
16 returnempty, empty
17 end if
18end function