first name and surname

Course: / name or code
Date: / Xx/xx-20xx
Version number: / (<1 for work document, >1 for "completed" report)
Reviewed by: / Name of student
Naval Architecture

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- For all reports!

An abstract of 200-250 words describing efficiently the entire report including the most important results and conclusions. An abstract should be readable independently from the report and should only contain text.

Table of Contents

- If necessary for the document!


- An Introduction (sometimes Background or Introduction and Background) exists in all reports and most informative texts.

Here the context of the report is defined together with the aim of the work/study, and possibly also prerequisites and limitations. The introduction should be the starting point for the rest of the report (note that results should not be included in the introduction).

This document can be used as a starting point when you are writing your reports. On the course website you can also find the Swedish document about writing reports "Att skriva så att de förstår".

We want you to quality assure each other’s work to get feedback and to enhance the learning experience. To support the audit use the checklist available on the course website. Please remember that the student who quality assures your work in this way becomes a little “accomplice” to the quality of the report and its contents. Thus, you should not accept that your name is listed as reviewer on a bad report. A report is not complete before it is audited and quality assured by a named student fellow with help from the Checklist.

You don’t have to follow the headings given in this template. They can serve as an inspiration but you are obviously free to compose your own.

Problem definition

- There is always some type of heading for the problem. In a technical context it can be called Problem Definition, Theory, Hypothesis, or separated into two parts Theory and Method, if it fits better. Headlines shall summarize what follows them, so you could say that there are no standard headers, but one must, as always, think for yourself.

Here you define the problem or the issue that the report investigates and you explain what to do and how to do it. Describe and justify the chosen solution method together with prerequisites, simplifications and assumptions.


- The investigation should be reported under a separate heading, which can be called Analyses or something else that better describes the content of the text.

Here you explain in a clear and methodological manner your models and how these are used to solve your problem or answer your questions. Explanatory figures are basically mandatory. Provide figures with figure numbers and text. Declare all variables and be careful to explain enough so that the calculations can be followed. Give significant equations own numbers. Make the equations to an integral part of the main text in order to simplify for the reader. Make appropriate references to figure, table, and equation numbers, as well as to the sources in the bibliography and any appendices.


- A section (maybe only a few lines sometimes) that ties together the report must always exist. In some cases no separate heading is required. It is common to aggregate discussion and conclusions in a section called precisely Discussion and Conclusions.

Here you make a short summary of the study and report your findings. Reconnect to stated goals and to the purpose of the work. Here is also scope to discuss and validate your results and solution methods.


- Exits in all technical reports and papers.

For references there are in principle two common systems used in technical reports and papers: the author-year method such as Harvard, and the numeric style system were each reference is numbered and each citation corresponds to the numbers.

Harvard method:

In the text you write surname (year) e.g.

... as discussed in Garme (2009) and experimentally verified by Garme & Kuttenkeuler (2005) ...

In the bibliography, which is in alphabetic order (followed by year if it is the same author), type surname and initials for first names, the work’s title, a unique identification so others can find the work, year. The bibliography may look like:


Garme K., Experimentell studie av hur svallvågor och bränsleförbrukning kan påverkas med interceptorer, KTH Marina system, Stockholm 2009.

Garme K., Kuttenkeuler J., Simulations and Full-Scale Trials for a HSC Linked by Wave-Height Measurements, proc. 8th International Conference on Fast Sea Transportation, FAST, Russia 2005.

Numeric style (bracket method)

Sample text:

... as discussed in [3] and experimentally verified by [4] ... (Note: if the same reference is cited again the same number is obviously used)

In the bibliography, which is in numeric order, first type the number followed by a punctuation, then type, as for the Harvard method, surname and initials for first names, the work’s title, a unique identification so others can find the work, year. The bibliography may then look like:

1. …

2. …

3. Garme K., Experimentell studie av hur svallvågor och bränsleförbrukning kan påverkas med interceptorer, KTH Marina system, Stockholm 2009.

4. Garme K., Kuttenkeuler J., Simulations and Full-Scale Trials for a HSC Linked by Wave-Height Measurements, proc. 8th International Conference on Fast Sea Transportation, FAST, Russia 2005.

5. …


- Appendices are used if necessary. E.g. for tabulated data, that perhaps is best described in the report by a graph, but for some readers the exact numbers may be very valuable. Program code or complex calculations may also be wise to place in appendices. Attachments are usually numbered and are also given separate names. See example on the following page.

Note. An attachment is no slop area were you through in things that you think is too hard to present. The attachment should be interpreted and understood by the reader without the need to look for clues in the report. So you have to explain graphs, variables, abbreviations etc. Conversely, the report must also be readable without having to look for details in the appendices.

Appendix 1 – General arrangement and main data

Note! This is a mandatory appendix in the Bacholor thesis course, SD2710 Initial ship design and SD1710 Introduction to Naval Architecture.

Write a short introduction describing the purpose of the ship, intended route, and arrangement of the ship with cargo holds and cargo handling where you are referring with to the general arrangement diagram, Figure 1. In addition, comment important main data and refer to Table 1.

Figure 1.General arrangement. From the journal Significant Ships. Your general arrangement should have this fundamental layout. It should be clear where bulkheads, cargo hold, engine room, tanks for bunker and ballast, crew quarters, cargo handling equipment etc. are located. Note, the graph may be made more clear, perhaps it is best suited on a separate page. It may be drawn with a computer program or by hand.

Table1. Ship main particulars.

Length, over all / LOA / Displacement / 
Length, between perpendiculars / Lpp / Deadweight / DW
Beam, maximum / b / Lightweight / LW
Draught / T / Ballast, loaded ship / BWL
Freeboard / F / Ballast, empty ship / BWT
Height, above weather deck / D / Vertical centre of gravity / KG (VCG)
Height over all / H / Longitudinal centre of gravity / LCG
Block coefficient / CB / Metacentre height at small angles / GM0
Cruising speed / V
Engine output / NCR
Diameter / D
Number of blades / Z
RPM at cruising speed / n
Propeller pitch ratio / P/D
Blade area ratio / AE/A0

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