Position Title: / Community Representative (THRIVE Community Reference Group)Representing: / insert community group represented
THRIVE is an alliance of health and social services operating in the Hume region, situated in north east Victoria. This includes the municipalities of Greater City of Shepparton, Wodonga, Wangaratta, Benalla, and the Shires of Moira, Murrindindi, Strathbogie, Towong, Alpine, and Indigo. The member agencies include local councils, community services, health, aged care, mental health, education services, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities, ethnic councils, spiritual and interfaith groups.
For a list of current member agencies see the THRIVE website:
THRIVEworks towards creating:
- A community that keeps itself well and healthy
- A client who has a seamless journey
- A responsive service system which has better outcomes
- Capable organisations with good relationships & high level of influence
THRIVE understands that consumer engagement and consultation is critical to quality service provision.
THRIVE Community Reference Group
THRIVE member agencies are committed to respectful and meaningful engagement of the (ATSI & CALD) LGBTI communityto inform high quality of appropriate services in North EastVictoria. Although some member agencies have existing Community Advisory Groups, these do not always represent the specific needs and interests of the (ATSI & CALD) LGBTI community. In order to provide an effective mechanism for bringing the voices of the (ATSI & CALD) LGBTI community in the Hume region to the health and social service providers in the region theTHRIVECommunity Reference Group has been established. THRIVE intends that the Reference Group have effective links and communication with existing Community Advisory Groups across the Hume region as well as providing a mechanism for communicating with and responding to (ATSI & CALD) LGBTI people and the (ATSI & CALD) LGBTI communities in the Hume region.
The key purpose of the LGBTI Community Reference Group is to:
- Provide THRIVE members/participant agencies with advice on priority action areas for (ATSI & CALD) LGBTI people and their carers in the delivery of services from a client/consumer, carer and community perspective.
- Provide input and direction in relation to the integration of LGBTI people, their carers and community views and experiences into all levels of health and social service operations, planning and policy development.
- Assist THRIVE member/participant agencies in appropriate communications with the (ATSI & CALD) LGBTI communities in the Hume region.
Key Result Areas
- Ability to bring a representative view as a community member, consumer or carer to the THRIVEReference Group
- Contribute to discussions and be able to discuss views and experiences in a clear/open way
- Ability to work with people of diverse backgrounds and experiences
- Ability to work with representatives of THRIVE member agencies to ensure appropriate consumer input and outcomes that reflect the community’s needs
- Ability to develop an understanding of, and working within, a committee structure
- Commitment to maintaining confidentiality regarding sensitive information and organisational matters discussed within the Community Reference Group
- Ability to provide a client/consumer, carer or community perspective that is reflective of collective views and experiences rather than focusing on personal/individual issues.
- The position will be supported by the THRIVE CRG facilitator/secretariat.
- A mentor will be assigned to each new member of the Community Reference Group
- The THRIVE CRG facilitator/secretariat will provide assistance and support to the Community Representative through orientation, mentoring and ongoing as required.
Time Required
Community Representative will be required to:
- Be available for at least 2 hours to attend three meetings per year
- Contribute to communications or projects according to personal interest
- Allow approx. 1 hour prior to a meeting for reading and review of documents, as required
Term of Appointment
Community Representative membership of the THRIVE Community Reference Group is a two (2) year appointment. A six-month probationary period will apply, followed by a brief review by the THRIVE sponsor.
- Advise THRIVEmember agencies on (CALD & ATSI) LGBTI client/consumer, carer and community views and matters of community interest or concern, so they are recognised and reflected in service delivery, planning and policy development
- Provide input into planning and monitoring the implementation and effectiveness of (CALD & ATSI) LGBTI specific strategies and programs in the area.
- Facilitate two-way communication between (CALD & ATSI) LGBTI clients/consumers, carers, community groups and THRIVEmember agencies
- Provide advice and assist in the development of strategies to enhance (CALD & ATSI) LGBTI consumer and community participation
- Act as a conduit between the members of the (CALD & ATSI) LGBTI community which they represent and THRIVEmember agencies
- Harness community support for (CALD & ATSI) LGBTI initiatives/programs in Hume region
Additional appointment requirements:
- Provide contact details for the purpose of communications
- Completion of a Confidentiality Form
- Attendance at an introduction and orientation
Approved: / THRIVE Coordinator
Date: / October 2016