All originators want to know how to meet Realtors. This is the complete guide to implementing the direct response marketing program that will have Realtors requesting information from you! By using the template letters designed in this program along with the Gift of Knowledge Interviews from Loan Toolbox, you will be on your way to meeting Realtors!
All you need to get started is some white paper, a printer and a copying machine!
Step 1
Download the template and make the appropriate correction for your fax number.
Step 2
Print out the flyers and map out the Real Estate Offices you want to bring them to.
Step 3
Have either yourself or your assistant deliver the flyers to the agent’s office. Be sure to put them into the agent’s mailboxes. Some offices may not allow you to do this, but if at all possible you want to be the one placing the flyers in the mailbox. Here is a sample script for you to follow:
“Hi my name is ______, I have an offer for a free real estate sales techniques audio CD and would like to place these in you agents boxes for anyone who may be interested in getting this free educational CD. May I place these in your agent’s boxes?”
If you are questioned what exactly this is, we use the following:
“A top real estate agent has authorized the release of an interview with her concerning the latest business building techniques. I have a limited quantity that we are going to release and that is why we have these response flyers”
Step 4
You should start seeing 4-8 faxes per 100 flyers that you deliver. These typically begin arriving the 1st week after you make your drops, although some agents don’t check their boxes very often so don’t be surprised to see some trickle end at later dates. Once you receive the faxes use the following script to set up your appointments. I have 2 for you to use, one for you to make the calls and one if you have an assistant
Script for the originator
“Hi ______, my name is ______and I received your request for the FREE audio CD. I wanted to let you know that I will be in your area on __(day of the week) and ___(day of the week)___ between ___(time)___ and ___(time)___ which day would be good for me to bring your CD and meet you?”
By the way, since you were one of the first to respond I have reserved an additional copy of this CD for another agent you may feel would like this? It will come as a gift from you, do you have anyone that you think will like this as well?
You want to set up a face to face meeting so that you can conduct the high trust interview.
Script for the assistant
“Hi ______my name is ______and I am calling from Mr./Mrs. ______office and we received your request for the free CD and I wanted to let you know that Mr/Mrs ______will be in your area on ______and ______between ____ and _____ which of these times would be best for Mr/Mrs ______to bring you the CD and meet with you briefly?
By the way, since you were one of the first to respond Mr/Mrs has reserved an additional copy of this CD for another agent you may feel would like this? It will come as a gift from you; do you have anyone that you think will like this as well?
Step 5
Send an email out to the agent to confirm the appointment and also add them to your Platinum Plus account.
Print out any business boosters that address the other concerns your agent listed on the response form. This is very important to bring with you to the interview.
Step 6
Meet with your agent and conduct a brief high trust interview. See LTB
*Be sure to set up a follow up call with your agent
Some agents you will want to keep, others you will not. Don’t get discouraged keep fishing!
The Originators Guide To Meeting Realtors By Having Them Contact You!