Foothills Comic Con
Exhibitor Policies & Procedures
Thank you for your interest in setting up as a vendor or artist, hereinafter called the “Exhibitor”,at the 2018 Foothills Comic Con.
Each booth is 10’ X 10’ pipe and draped areas. All Exhibitors will pay only for the booth. Tables, chairs, tablecloths, and electricity are available for an additional fee.
Exhibitors receive 2 badges for the 1st booth purchased and 2 additional badges for each additional booth purchased. Additional Exhibitor badges can be purchased for a fee of $10 each. Exhibitor badges are for Exhibitors only and are not to be resold. Reselling badges is a violation of the terms of this agreement.
The Artist Alley is the area of the show designed for established and upcoming artists. Artist spaces are 10’ X 10’. Tables, chairs, tablecloths and power are available for an additional fee. These spaces are reserved for aspiring artists who are selling/promoting their own personal work.
Any Exhibitor wishing to be promoted on our website and social media, please create a photo of your artwork or product at least 500 px in size along with a brief bio/description (1 paragraph) and website link to . We will be more than happy to add your image, pending approval and payment has been received, to promote you or your business.
Our Exhibition Room Hours will be:
Saturday, October 13, 2018
Show hours: 10:00 am – 6:30 pm
Exhibition Room set-up:
Friday, October 12, 2018 - TBD
Saturday, October 13, 2018 – 6:00 am – 9:30 am
Exhibitors will need to check in at the loading/unloading door on the north side of the building prior to setting up. NOTE: The loading/unloading overhead door and man doors on the west side of the building will be closed during the hours of the show. Any Exhibitor needing to leave the building for any reason will need to
Assignment of space will be by show management. We will try to accommodate as many special requests as possible but cannot guarantee where you will be located.
For any questions, contact or call Alaine Kowal at 403-422-1180.
- EXHIBITOR BADGES - Exhibitor badges issued by the Foothills Comic Con must be worn at all times during the show, including move-in and move-out. Purchasing or procuring more badges than required for the purpose of resale is strictly prohibited. Exhibitors found to be reselling badges risk being removed from the show without a refund and will not be allowed to exhibit at future shows of the Foothills Comic Con.
- EXHIBITOR BOOTHS - Booths must remain intact and manned throughout the hours of the convention and may not be dismantled prior to the closing of the convention. Foothills Comic Con will not be held responsible for any issues arising from an unmanned booth.
- EARLY BREAKDOWN – EARLY BREAKDOWN OF ANY BOOTH AT THE FOOTHILLS COMIC CON IS NOT ALLOWED. The loading/unloading area will not be open for breakdown prior to the close of the exhibition room. If you break down your space prior to the end of the show, you will be banned from setting up at future shows. Attendees have paid for the ability to shop with vendors and artists and expect them to be set up during show hours. The show’s management takes this very seriously. It is unfair to attendees, the show, and other vendors to break down early. If you cannot stay until the end of the show, please do not set up.
- AISLES - All exhibitors must have all belongings removed from any open aisle prior to the start of the event.
- FLOOR MARKING – ONLY Painter’s tape is allowed on the floor. The foothills Comic Con shall bear no responsibility for damages or staining to any floor area that is caused by an Exhibitor. All charges for cleanup will be charged back to the Exhibitor responsible. Tape is not allowed on any venue walls at any times.
- CHOICE OF PLACEMENT - The Foothills Comic Con reserves the right to place Exhibitors at their sole discretion dependent on availability and floor plan requirements. Past placement at an event does not guarantee the same location at future events.
- ELECTRICAL COMPLIANCE - All use of electrical items must be in compliance with venue and Fire Marshall Rules and Regulations. Use of electrical outlets is restricted to Exhibitors who have purchased electrical outlets through the Foothills Comic Con. Unauthorized use of electrical outlets is not allowed.
- NATURE OF EXHIBITS - All exhibits must be in good taste and be family friendly and non-discriminatory in nature, keeping in the theme and nature of the event. Should any exhibit or display be found to not fall within these guidelines, The Foothills Comic Con reserves the right to remove the Exhibitor from the show or event with no prior notice or warning and without refund, and the Exhibitor may be banned from attending all future events.
- ADULT MERCHANDISE - Exhibitors must not at any point sell or openly display any adult oriented material to minors. All adult oriented material must be held under the table or if displayed it must be covered so minors cannot see and/or access the material. All adult material depicting nudity of any sort must be covered. Adult videos and magazines are not allowed to be openly displayed at any time. Adult material shall be classified as all material depicting nudity, sexuality, or conduct that would normally be considered to be pornographic under Provincial and Federal law. The Foothills Comic Con reserves the right to make the final determination on what constitutes adult material.
- LIABILITY AND SECURITY – Exhibitors must comply with all local, provincial, and federal laws, and will not hold management liable for any breaches, losses, or damage to themselves or their property. All Exhibitors agree to hold blameless Foothills Comic Con, Foothills Fetal Alcohol Society and all Foothills Fetal Alcohol Society staff members, volunteers, and workers against any loss, damage, theft, expenses, claims or actions arising from any personal or property damage, loss, or theft due to said Exhibitor’s participation in Foothills Comic Con. In addition, all Exhibitors acknowledge that neither Foothills Comic Con nor Foothills Fetal Alcohol Society will provide or maintain insurance coverage for vendors/artists persons or property. It is each vendor’s/artist’s sole responsibility to obtain insurance covering loss.
- SALES - All merchandise bought or sold at the Foothills Comic Con is done strictly between Exhibitors and attendees/buyers. Foothills Comic Con is not party to or responsible in any way for any transactions made between said parties
- NO WEAPONS VENDORS ALLOWED. THIS INCLUDES SWORDS, KNIVES, OTHER SHARP ITEMS, TASERS, LASERS, ETC. Anyone who attempts to sell weapons at the show will be asked to remove the items from their booth. Repeat offenders will be asked to leave the show immediately and no refund will be given.
- No bootleg DVD’s or CD’s. Anyone selling unauthorized merchandise that infringes upon copyright or licensing agreements will be asked to leave the show. No refunds will be given if you break this rule and are asked to leave.
- FIRE CODES - Exhibitor displays must meet all Provincial and Federal fire codes and will be subject to Fire Marshal inspection prior to the opening of the event. No portion of a display, product, boxes, packing materials, etc. shall obstruct any aisle or doorway. No fire extinguishers, hose cabinets, fire exits, and/or fire alarms shall be blocked or covered at any time during the event.
- SMOKING POLICY – The Crescent Point Regional Field House’s smoking policy states – “Smoking is not permitted in the facility or within 20 metres of the facility.
- Exhibitors agree to abide by all rules and regulations put in place by the venue at which they are exhibiting. The exhibitor agrees and understands that the venue shall have final determination in regards to regulatory infringements in regards to their set rules and regulations.
- No outside food vendors are allowed. The Crescent Point Regional Field House and Foothills Comic Con have an exclusive on food sales.
- Nudity is NOT allowed in the Crescent Point Regional Field House under any circumstances.
- No Bingo, Lottery type gaming (or gambling of any sort) is allowed.
- GST is the responsibility of the vendor/artist to collect according to all provincial and federal laws.
- Any damage caused to the building or its furnishings by anExhibitor are the sole responsibility of the Exhibitor.
- PAYMENT – All payments must be received within 30 days of securing space at the applicable event. Payments not received within 30 days may revert the reserved space back to the open pool.
- REFUNDS AND CANCELLATIONS - Should an Exhibitor have to cancel their booth with over 30 days notice, a refund will be given – minus a $30 cancellation fee. Exhibitors that cancel less than 30 days from the event, no refund will be given unless the booth is rented to another Exhibitor, in which case a refund will be given – minus a $30 cancellation fee.
- Abandoned property: Any property not removed from the Crescent Point Regional Field House that has not been claimed within forty-eight (48) hours following the end of the event will be considered abandoned by the Exhibitor.
- Foothills Comic Con reserves the right to change, amend, and add to the rules and regulations of the show at anytime. In the event that new rules are added that prevent you from selling your core product, you will be notified and refunded in full.
- The Foothills Comic Con reserves the right to remove any Exhibitor who disregards and/or breaches any policy as written in this document without refund. The Foothills Comic Con also reserves the right to remove any Exhibitor that disregards any venue rules, or city, provincial, or federal laws without warning and without refund and may not be allowed to return in the future.
If you would like to become a sponsor or advertise at the 2018 Foothills Comic Con, please contact Alaine Kowal at 403-422-1180 or .