Food Bank of Delaware

Board of Director Meeting


June 25, 2012

Present: Scott Sukeena, Patricia Beebe, Nancy Cotugna, Julie Miro Wenger, Patrick Kelly,

Margaret England, Noreen Poole, TJ Roe, Amar Shah, Sue Snider,Julia Wheeler, Tarrie


Absent:Paul Raymond, George Reissig

Staff: Iskeisha Stuckey, Sanjay Malik, Larry Haas

The meeting was called to order by Nancy Cotugna at 4:04pm.

Approval of Minutes

The first order of business was to review the minutes of the last Board Annual Meeting meeting held April 23, 2012. Nancy Cotugna asked for a motion to accept the minutes as written. Tarrie Milleraccepted the motion, and Margaret England seconded the motion. All voted in favor to accept the minutes.

April Financials

Sanjay reviewed the May Financials. We are at 92% fiscal year. Summary of Significant donations include: JP Morgan Chase Foundation, $1,430; Delaware Community Foundation, $4,000; Church World Service, Inc, $1,521.75; God’s Grace Christian Fellowship, $2,000; The Hompe Foundation, $5,000; SocketLabs, $5,000; Food Bank of NJ, $11,017.


Tim Hunter, Executive Chef presented information about the culinary department. His presentation discussed The Culinary School, its mission, placement and internships, statistics of student graduates, success stories, catering, catered events, summer nutrition program, Kid C.H.E.F., and after-school nutrition.

Capital Campaign

Patricia discussed income statements on the capital campaign. This statement showed all of the money that has been raised to date ($1.6million) and $300K in pledges. Patricia stated that the building should start in Milford and suggest that we use endowment fund (1 million) if need to finish. The capital campaign will not stop but, we will be able to get started with the building process. The architects are completed with the design and the contractors will put out a bid in August and start building in September (if decided to use the endowment fund). The building should take 8 to 9 months to complete. All were in favor to start building in Milford using the endowment money if needed. The organization still plans to approach potential donors. Patricia will discuss in more detail with Scott Sukeena Wednesday due to his absence.

Committee Appointment

This subject has been tabled till next board meeting in July.

Program Report

Patricia Beebe presented her program report. She briefly discussed Food Bank of Delaware updates such as trip to Legislative Hall, and told the board that, the state was unable to give the Food Bank of Delaware any money for Capital Campaign. The Bond Bill Committee voted 6 for and 6 against for giving $800K. Since there was no majority ask failed. Julie Miro Wenger initiated a meeting with Melissa Kenny of ShopRite and Pat met with the two of them. As a result of this meeting ShopRite and the Food Bank of Delaware will rebuild the relationship and start a rescue food program. Our summer feeding program is now making 4,500 meals a week. Bank of American is paying for 12 billboards to go up around Delaware for 4 weeks. We received a mobile pantry vehicle from Feeding America. Thanks to Julia Wheeler we received $150,000 from Dupont (first time offer).

Committee Reports

Finance Committee – Patrick had nothing to report.

Advancement Committee – Julie discussed the meeting with Pat and Melissa Kenny of Shoprite.

Governance Committee – No new updates.

Strategic Planning Committee – George Reissig was absent. No other committee member had any updates.

Time Tracking

Iskeisha was asked to send out update tracker information to the board. She said she would also send out everyone’s total to them and collect any outstanding totals.

With no further business the meeting adjourned at 5:07pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Iskeisha Stuckey

Executive Assistant