Fontmell Magna Neighbourhood Plan
Project Meeting No.8 –18th July 2016, Village Hall, Fontmell Magna.
Present:Dick Stainer, Acting Chair
Michael Humphreys, Acting Secretary
Chris BellersBarbara Humphreys Roy King John Knight Hannah Lister Emma Reeman Caroline Rhodes Ken Rhodes Nadine Robson Sven Thomas
Apologies:Michael HobbsLorna McCurrach Robert McCurrach Barry Roberts
Laura Scott WalbyAnna Way
Jo Witherden
Notes of the Meeting:
1.Welcome and Introductions
Dick Stainer, acting chair, welcomed the attendees and particularly Roy King, a new member who will join the Infrastructure focus group. The meeting would focus on the questionnaire results analysis and the call for sites process.
2.Notes of the Last Meeting
Notes of the meeting No.7 held on 6th June 2016 were adopted as an accurate record withoutamendment.
3.Matters Arising
A Call for Sites advert was placed in the Blackmore Vale Magazine at a cost of £85.20.
4.Review of Actions from the Last Meeting
Update on actions from the last meeting:
Ref / Status / Action / Owner07.01 / Ongoing / Expenditure – early notice is needed of any expenditure likely to be incurred. Separate application is needed to obtain further financial support from the Parish Council / All,
07.02 / Complete / Quintin Bull notified of withdrawal from the working group. / MHu
07.03 / Open / First draft reportson community questionnaire survey results received from Focus Groups; further work needed, see item 6. / LSW, MHo, BH, HL
07.04 / Complete / Focus Groups provided 2-3 points of highlights from the questionnaire results by Monday 13th June. / LSW, MHo, BH, HL
07.05 / Complete / Gossip Tree article has been published providing some initial feedback on the questionnaire results. / CB, MHu
07.06 / Complete / Community Questionnaire survey results have been placed in the parish website. / MHu
07.07 / Complete / Call for Sites letter issued to 30 Landowners. / MHu
07.08 / Complete / Call for Sites advert placed in Blackmore Vale Magazine. / BH
07.09 / Complete / Call for Sites communication event was held on 12th July in the School Hall. / LSW
5.Declaration of Personal Interests
6.Community QuestionnaireResults – Focus Group Reports
First draft reports received from Housing, Environment and Employment focus groups. Comments included:
-Housing - the conclusions focussed on the Village; policies for the wider parish are needed.
-Housing - the strong support for Out of Village development needs to be highlighted.
-Environment – conclusions from the data need to be identified.
Focus Groups are asked to update their reports, using the template provided by Jo Witherden, to identify:
-What are the main findings from the questionnaire consultation?
-How should these findings shape policies for the Neighbourhood Plan?
-What further activities/work are needed to develop policies?
Focus Groups are asked to report back to the Working Group on these findings for the meeting on 22nd August.
7.Call for Sites
30 letters have been issued to landowners inviting submission of sites that could be developed for housing, environment or recreational use. To date 15 expressions of interest have been received
A communication/information meeting for landowners was held on 12th July, where the process and issues were discussed. Approximately 29 people attend the event which included a presentation and Q&A session. The event was well presented and appreciated by the attendees. The slide deck used has been placed on the Parish website along with the submission form for landowners to submit their sites. The closing date for submissions is set at 26th July.
Sites that come forward will be assessed by the Housing Focus Group following a methodology based on the approach adopted for SHLAA sites. Laura has suggested arranging a surgery evening for more detailed discussions with landowners.
The Village Fete event on 9th July was used to provide an information/communication stall on the Neighbourhood Plan. A display of housing styles was presented where attendees could indicate their preferences; John to provide a report on the findings.
8.Project Plan
Local Green Spaces
-site assessments are being carried out by the Environment FG (focus group);
-existing green space landowners have been notified that their sites (IOWA) will continue to be designated as protected areas.
Vision & Objectives Setting
- Focus Groups are asked to draft some suggestions on a vision statement for the Neighbourhood Plan and some objectives in relation to their respective areas of focus – Housing, Environment, Employment, Infrastructure.
-guidance notes and examples provided by Jo will be circulated.
Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA)
- guidance needed from Jo on what is required here.
Placecheck event
-guidance needed from Jo on the purpose of this activity and what it entails.
Site Assessment Day
- Dick to discuss with Laura arrangements for a Site Assessment day in August.
-Concern over the process and possible cost of an environmental impact assessment; if an EIA is required for a site perhaps the landowner could meet the cost involved.
10.Next Steps
Summary of actions to take forward:
Ref / Status / Action / Owner07.01 / Open / Expenditure – early notice is needed of any expenditure likely to be incurred. Separate application is needed to obtain further financial support from the Parish Council / All,
07.03 / Open / Draft reports on community questionnaire survey results to be updated by Focus Groups, using template provided by Jo. Final reports to be provided for next meeting on 22nd August. / LSW, MHo, BH, HL
08.01 / Open / Call for Sites – Housing FG to arrange surgery evenings if required. / LSW
08.02 / Open / Housing styles – John to provide a report on the informal survey at the Village Fete. / JK
08.03 / Open / Vision & Objectives Setting – FGs to provide some suggestions on a vision statement for the Neighbourhood Plan and some objectives in relation to their respective areas of focus – Housing, Environment, Employment, Infrastructure. / LSW, MHo, BH, HL
08.04 / Open / Strategic Environmental Assessment – Jo to provide guidance on what’s required. / JoW
08.05 / Open / Placecheck Event – Jo to provide guidance on its purpose and what it entails. / JoW
08.06 / Open / Site Assessment Day – Dick to discuss with Laura and arrange a day in August. / DS, LSW
10.Next Meeting
The next meeting will be held on Monday 22nd August 2016 at 7.00pm in the Village Hall.
MH/20th July 2016