Department of Linguistics
CAS Computer Replacement Policy (CCRP)
4/14/2015: Reviewed and approved by faculty
8/6/2014: Approved by Department Head
This program is intended to subsidize regular, four year replacement of primary desktop/laptop computers in CAS: to improve record keeping of inventory and licenses; and to lower the cost of computers and desktop support services to the college.
The intent to ensure eligible faculty and staff have primary computers that are not older than four years. If the user received a computer through CCRP within the last four years, they are not eligible for another purchase through CCDRP until four years from the previous date of purchase.
CAS Dean’s Office has established the following eligibility guidelines: To be eligible for CCRP, the user must be:
- Contract type B: Tenure Track Faculty
- Contract types A, F, H: Officers of Administration
- Contract type C: Classified Staff and Career NTTF
- At .50FTE or above in CAS
In addition to these, the user must have
- Not participated in the CCRP in the last 4 years, or
- Primary workstation is older than 4 years
Users who are not eligible:
- Employees of self-support unit such as Institutions and Centers
- Retired faculty or faculty on Tenure Reduction Program (TRP)
- TTF, NTTF, and staff below .50FTE in CAS
- Non-career NTTF/Funding Contingent (Contract Type E)
- GTF’s (Contract Type G)
- Adjunct Faculty (Contract Type D)
When a faculty or staff member’s payroll is split between two or more CAS departments, eligible for computer replacement will be in the department that pays the majority of the FTE.
New faculty with start-up funds for computing equipment will be incorporated into the CCRP four years after their initial purchase.
Purchasing Guidelines
CAS will provide a $700 subsidy for any eligible CCRP machine. The department will provide up to $700 for a CCRP computer. Department faculty will have $1,400 in which to purchase a computer. An expenses above $1,400 will come from the faculty’s individual research account such as ASA monies. Any purchases made outside of the CCRP process will not be reimbursed or subsidized by CASIT.
Custom Computers
This category is for users whose needs are not met by CASIT pre-configured CCRP Shop selections. CASIT can work with individuals and departments to customize computers to suit specific needs. The following guidelines apply:
- Orders must be placed through CASIT
- Custom computers must be either:
- A laptop that will serve as a primary workstations *OR*
- A workstation configured to include a single primary display, keyboard and mouse
- Custom computers must include a 3+ year warranty
- CASIT will only purchase from these authorized vendors:
- Apple
- Dell
CASIT will not subsidize:
- Tablets, iPads or other mobile devices
- Computers built from individually sourced components
Emergency Computer Replacement
Emergency computer replacement is available on a case-by-case basis. A machine is eligible for emergency replacement if the warranty has expired and:
- Critical failure has occurred
- Attempts to repair computer has failed
Scheduling Eligibility Users
CASIT will send the department budget manager an eligibility list. The budget manager verifies or makes corrections to list and returns it to CASIT. Once the list is approved the eligible user will receive an email from CASIT prompting them to schedule their purchase request.
Ordering and Delivery
The user will receive an email order form CASIT when their scheduled order time arrives. After the user completes the order the department budget manager will receive a quote from CASIT. Once the budget manager approves the quote CASIT will:
- Place the order
- Orders typically arrive in 3-4 weeks after CASIT has placed the order
- CASIT can take the user’s purchase and provide a status of the order
Once the order has arrived, CASIT will:
- Perform required inventory procedures
- Install any requested software
- Perform data migration, if requested
- Deliver machine to the user
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