Fontana Unified School District


Today’s Date: Site/Dept.: Categorical Programs

Mail To: Fontana Unified School District Purchase Order No.:

Attn: Categorical Programs

P.O. Box 5090 Invoice #

Fontana, CA 92334-5090


Consultant Name Address City State Zip

As per written agreement, payment is requested for consultant services.

Description of Consultant Services: Supplemental Educational Services (SES) Tutoring

Date(s) services were rendered:

This claim is for: partial payment ($ )

final payment ($ )

The following certification must be completed by individual consultants – consultant firms should disregard it.

I certify that I am , I am not (check one) drawing pay as a retired member of the California State Teachers’ Retirement System (STRS), or Public Employees Retirement System (PERS). If an employee of a federal, state, or local government agency; I certify that all services for which payment is now being claimed were rendered at times other than my regular assigned workday for that agency.

Signature of Consultant Social Security No./ Tax I.D. No.


I hereby certify that the above-named consultant has performed services as claimed and is entitled to payment in the amount of $______.

Signature-Principal/Administrator Date

Consultant Request for Payment Form

Rev. 9/20/2007