FOCCUS Inventory Overview

Dear Engaged Couple,

Congratulations on your upcoming marriage! I will be facilitating your FOCCUS follow-up sessions. After I receive the enclosed completed Contact Sheet, I will create a FOCCUS Inventory for you to take online. You should receive your password and login information via e-mail from FOCCUS Inc. Please take a moment to read the information below before completing the Inventory.

FOCCUS stands for "Facilitating Open Couple Communication, Understanding, and Study." It's not a test, just an Inventory where you answer "Agree, Disagree, or Uncertain" to under 200 statements. The exact number of statements depends on whether you are an interfaith couple (meaning one of you is not Catholic), whether you are cohabiting (meaning you live together), and whether one or both of you has been previously married and/or are bringing children into the marriage. It takes most couples no more than an hour to complete. You can save your session and complete it later if you need to take a break in the middle of responding; however, please give the Inventory your full attention to avoid mistaken responses.

You won't be able to print anything out when you are done. I will receive a report to guide our follow-up discussions. The results indicate what areas of your relationship the two of you have discussed and worked through and what areas you might benefit from further communication. It doesn't determine whether or not you're "allowed" to get married, and there are no "right or wrong" answers; however, there are "preferred answers," and these help guide the follow-up discussions that I will facilitate.

** When responding to the Inventory, please go with your immediate, gut-instinct, honest response.

**The items are not intended for reflection or discussion between the two of you while taking the Inventory, but as soon as you've both completed it separately, feel free to begin sharing your thoughts and feelings with one another.

** Please keep in mind that answering "Uncertain" to a number of statements makes it more difficult to identify the most important items for our follow-up conversations. So, please only answer "Uncertain" if you really don't know.

Our follow-up sessions are confidential, and I only share information with the priest for whom I write a letter for your marriage file at the conclusion of our sessions. I'm not a therapist, as my graduate degree is in theology and spiritual direction; however, I'm more than willing to provide you with a referral for therapy at any point, if that's something the two of you desire or need.

Please note my appointment policy: I understand that wedding planning is a busy time. I only have a limited number of appointments each week, and I plan my family life around our sessions. Please have the courtesy of calling my cell at least 24 hours in advance if you need to cancel an appointment. I cannot guarantee that we will be able to reschedule in a timely manner.

I'm delighted to be journeying with you as you prepare for marriage, and I look forward to meeting you!If you have any questions, please feel free to call or e-mail me at any time.

Bright Blessings,

Dr. Liz Carr
