Fond du Lac County Master Gardeners Association
Minutes of the June 14, 2011 Meeting
The June meeting of the Fond du Lac County Master Gardeners Association was called to order at 7:30p.m. by President Doug Kindschuh. The business meeting followed an enjoyable tour of the UW Campus Gardens. 27 Master Gardener members were present. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.
The Secretary and Treasurer reports were approved.
New Members: Gail Williams (new member) and Jo Heinkel (past member going through recertification) were present.
Plant Sale: Dolores Braun indicates she has a holding bed at her residence for next year’s plant sale including many hostas.
Day in The Garden: Four Speakers have been booked for 2012. They are:
- Scott Craven, Chair of the Department of Wildlife Ecology Extension, Specialist and Professor of Wildlife Ecology.
- Scott from Stuart’s Landscaping; presentation on latest annuals & perennials
- Milt Wittmann, International orchid judge
- Roy Diblik, Northwinds Perennial Farm
Silent Auction: The Silent Auction committee requests that members watch for sale items that they feel would make good silent auction donations. Our first Silent Auction in 2011 was a success because of the generous contributions of MG volunteers.
WIMGA: Ellen Flynn indicates that the number of grants available is being increased. When applying for a grant please contact Ellen as only one grant for each denomination is considered from each association.
Bus Trip: Shirley Frieler indicates things are “rolling along”. Over 40 seats have been sold; the bus has room for 52 and we would like to fill the bus.
Riverside School: See Bill Behnke for details on the Boy’s & Girls Club event at the Riverside School. Sharon Rasmussen reported that she received a compliment on the MG program at Riverside.
UW Campus Gardens: Janet Tess and Gail Williams volunteered to be project leaders at the Down UnderGarden. Volunteers are still needed for the NorthRainGarden.
Jean Kromm Memorial Garden: It was decided to research the history of the garden to see if it would be possible to make this a MemorialGarden for all Master Gardeners.
Lin Morris suggested adding a bench or sculpture with a plaque. Further discussion was tabled until research is completed.
Fond du Lac Public Library: At the May meeting it was announced that the library had approached the Fond du Lac Master Gardener Association looking for assistance with enhancing the landscaping at their front entrance and MG volunteers were sought.
Volunteers Julie Toshner, Vel Hynek and Alice Dann contacted the library and began the work. The library had $500.00 allocated for the project this year. Two large concrete Urns were purchased, installed and planted in addition to adding new mulch, weeding, pruning, etc. The Urns are at the front entrance of the library and plantings will be changed seasonally. A discussion followed about adding the library to the project list and a commitment made by Vel, Julie and Alice to continue on the project with the library on an ongoing basis. Vel Hynek made a motion to allocate $120.00 annually from MG Funds to do the seasonal plantings. Lin Morris seconded the motion.
Junior Master Gardener Youth Program: Patty Percy requested volunteers to work with her and circulated a volunteer sign-up sheet.
Fond du Lac County Fair: Patty is also in need of volunteers at the Fair. Sharon Rasmussen and Lane Chapman currently make several floral arrangements for display at the Fair. They are looking for volunteers to work with them on the displays this year with the goal of having the new volunteers take over the project next year.
July Meeting: NO meeting in July.
August Meeting: August will be our annual Picnic. Doug Kindschuh suggested the PeonyGardens in Rosendale. He will research and details will follow.
Respectfully submitted,
Alice Dann
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