Instructions: replace all highlighted text with details from your event.
A healthy body begins here:talk to your GP.
Following on from the success of the men’s health event <EVENT NAME> at <LOCATIONon <DATE there are many important health messages that should not be ignored.
Good health is important for a happy and fulfilling life. However, with work and family responsibilities, men often overlook their own health. Yet, given shorter life expectancies and greater health risks, the need for men to be more aware of health issues is vital.
Male sexual and reproductive health is of particular importance. The normal functioning of the male reproductive system plays a key role in many areas of general health and well-being. Knowing more about your body, how it works, and what diseases can affect it is the first step towards a healthier life.
Men’s health is often compared to women’s health, with men having a lower life expectancy than women. Statistics show that in all areas of health including obesity, drug and alcohol addiction, skin and lung cancer, high blood pressure and cholesterol, men have problems ata higher rate than women. For men, sexual health, including health of the prostate, is also something to think about.
It is well known that the number of older people in the population is steadily increasing. As men age, reproductive health disorders also become more common and can impact on quality of life and relationships. Reproductive health, such as erectile dysfunction, may also be a sign of other more serious health conditions such as diabetes or heart disease. Erectile dysfunction is a common problem affecting one in five men over the age of 40 in Australia.
For your health and wellbeing consider lifestyle changes including regular physical activity, healthy eating, limit alcohol intake and quit smoking. Being healthy sends positive messages to your family and friends.
In your body everything is connected. A problem here can cause a symptom there. So if you feel that something is not quite right, or not working the way it should, talk to your doctor. If you don’t have a doctor, ask around–your friends or family or even someone at work–for a recommendation.
For more information on men’s health:
Andrology Australia Ph: 1300 303 878
beyondblue Ph: 1300 22 4636
MensLine Australia Ph: 1300 78 99 78